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Everything posted by Vector

  1. so can we just close the thread and ban him for 2 weeks? i mean there is literally no reason for this to be a +1 -1 thing.
  2. Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History
  3. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Pootis bird Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:140714988 Rules Broken: Massive disrespect/Racism Ban Type: Server Ban Evidence: Guy was chimping the fuck out, and i called for admin twice and dark dragon tried to, but after 30 minutes of no response from admins, he left. so here is his chat logs. Xeno Gamers - Player Information
  4. Vector

    Age Requirement

    you guys have a rule in the MOTD on tf2 trade servers that says respect little kids, but you contradict yourselves saying no immature voices but are now contradicting yourselves again by saying you should give "dah little kids a chance" when they aren't given a chance to prove their maturity. I personally don't care either way but there are some cool squeakers that wanted to get into xg but are too young to get in. dude fuck off. you're a co-leader. fucking deal with it. yo make demos or screenshot shit whenever he gets on at the same time as you. if he targets you so often that should be ezpz
  5. Vector

    School Shootings Suck

    I do so love this gaming community talking about games and our servers man what's your favorite video game guys?
  6. You guys are thinking about this too hard and are putting too much thought into the what ifs and what could happen instead of the logical solutions, i see literally no reason for a mod to not being able to perm if they can just type 999999999999999999999 and tell others to perm. if they fuck up, they fuck up but it's a 2 second fix. this goes the same for admins. Also there's no reason to add another rank, especially since we already have regular user xG member xG Paid Mod xG Mod xG Paid Admin xG Admin xG Division Manager xG Division Leader xG Community Leader
  7. Vector


    @Hidingmaster @Kbraszzzz @metalslug53 @Chrono @Snackbar @Owl
  8. Vector


    No matter what anyone else says or does is gonna change. I have gave my piece and others gave theirs. I had a long ass response to Chrono about how ludicrous half of what he says sounds but realized it's not getting any where and that i can discuss that in teamspeak with him and snackbar and is now not even about matsi I request this thread to be closed and then a decision to be made on Matsi or not. This is not about Chrono or snackbar.
  9. Vector


    how was the shit posting csgo thread instigation? How was him harassing cristo instigation? How was his Moderator submission instigation? How was his attitude complaining in shoutbox after his moderator thread was closed instigation? uh no? At least not my own the fact he said brought up outdated rules for an incredibly qualified mod. You also seem to not mention thjat the "shit posted post" was also filled with information that contradicts his post. you act as if EVERYONE took part of that thread. I have no idea what you're talking about. Also, you can't just close and open threads without discussing with the other higher ups. You have been told about this before. Neither should the others but you seem to do it anyway. I'm not sure if he did insult you or not but if he did he shouldn't of but that doesn't mean it gives you the right to do whatever you want. unrelated. to the thread. you can discuss snakebar's staff in the staff forum. it's not needed here. you are right we got that wrong but that doesn't mean we should allow it by any means. What makes the community look like if people know that someone has sexual activity with an animal? In a realistic environment how would that look on xG? again would you want to be represented with someone who condones zoophilia and again NO ONE IS SAYING ANYTHING ABOUT A PERMANENT BAN BECAUSE WE DON'T DECIDE THE PUNISHMENT OF THAT MAGNUM this was posted in a member protest because i didn't know whether to post in ban request or member protest because it fits in both categories.. please read the thread. again, closing the thread thing is a higher up thing that should be discussed by everyone as snackbar, hidingmaster, scootaloo, kbrazz all didn't closed it and seemed fine. Also the companion thread was to just get a tally on what people think of the decision as we do with every thread with decision. +1 and -1 are what help xG communicate and give each other opinion. you have no reason to delete the thread or posts that relate to the topic. You may delete posts that are nothing but instigation but you cannot delete posts that actively talk about each point each individual has made. You do not have the power to judge
  10. Vector


    what? What did we discuss? What did we agree too what? "you said to keep him out of your division and we agreed" What? oh that sounds familiar. but we did? he said he was warned multiple times, so either he is lying or you are. and multiple times before that. again sounds familiar. so you talked to HIM but not the OTHER side? you can make this about LITERALLY ANY THING ANYBODY DOES EVER on the site and forums. "stop telling people what they do is wrong and or are not comfortable with" what? you just contradicted yourself in the sentence before. uh? again he said he was warned multiple times? Did you even read the thread? there was a completely other child pornography incident. Not the one you're thinking of.
  11. Vector


    i like other's thought you were like doing some weird kinky sh*t, and given the history it made sense. and the fact that it says you drink with know hands is weird as hell. what? i asked in shoutbox a number of times that varied throughout the year. but since there is no archive we can't determine. whether or not it's true. so there's that. I don'\t get why it was taken out. it helps clear up so much sh*t
  12. Vector


    regardless of what started it, is absolutely irrelevant you still do the act and you told us. You even go back to saying it was for your job. Which doesn't seem at all likely in these sort of contexts. "learn grammar" this really helps your case a lot brah. fair enough on your end, i never heard of the drink nor have i actually attempted to find a drink named blow job. But that doesn't change the other countless bullsh*t. i asked you like 4 times what that was and you never told me or anyone till now, i first heard it was a soda, then i heard it was alcohol now it's whip cream. Make up your damn mind. and non-membership first off no one is saying he should or shouldn't be permed. im putting this up for the higher ups to come with a conclusion on what to do with a punishment. Also saying something "we should run around perming more people then juist matsi for s*hit like this" Why don't you bring this up then? What about are these people doing? if doing nothing instead of talking to higher ups is what you do then something needs to change. but im reading it but in what context does he say did you? he asked can you? he never said DID you. But that's a discussion of speach than you can argue all day about. We aren't talking about just obscenities though. People keep forgetting of the other sh*t he does and just focus on obscenities which are only a small portion of it.
  13. Vector


    That doesn't mean he can get off scott free without consequence. it's pretty sh*tty Then that's why after multiple repeat offenders continue need to be punished. that's fine but like i said it's up to the higher up's discretion and subjective opinion on what to do. I also really want @Matsi to give his input because it isn't fair to him that this discussion goes on without his own input.
  14. Vector


    Also i forgot to mention of an instance where @Matsi harrassed @Cristo on teamspeak, proceeded to follow him around in multiple channels, spamming a sound board and after being banned by cristo (who kicked him twice and told him to knock it off) proceeded to yell and just act like an A*s in shoutbox. People who were there at the time can give a better perspective @Cristo @Tsuchikure (i think) if any others remember the instance please post thank you.
  15. Vector


    Then you need to question their logic, i am giving my own account of why this member protest is up, there are many other people in this thread with different opinions. This isn't just about me and what i feel it's what i think xG can benefit. it's also not just "talking about blowjobs" it's about how detailed he goes into it why? what reason? they aren't trying to disprove your point. they are a response to them and why said things are hard to happen. does an internet gaming community have to be just LOL 9/11 LOL RAPE LOL MEMES? and there was a discussion about this already and there were many people who have a problem with it. it's some where on the forums. and i'm surprised none of the higher ups said anything, infact some took part in it. I even voiced my displeasure in shout-box about it. No, i don't think we are just some "proper group" but when there is a problem and multiple people are offended by it then YES we HAVE to look at it in a more professional manner. i can say anything with the intent of it just being funny and it would offend some people but i use my better judgement and respect for others to cool it down.
  16. Vector


    Giving out your deatailed private information on a sexual nature is disrespectful to people to who don't want to hear something so gross. Who is he telling it to? What was the reason for the comment? There is no reason other than to ignite disgust. It's not the people who are disgusted fault because nothing was done, I wanted something to be done but nothing happened. Snackbar and the higher ups were discussing it and You know xG it takes forever to get something down on rules, conduct, etc. It usually takes someone to take the wheel and to make members of xG recognize this problem and to get down to business on what to do. There is more than enough proof to justify such an act especially if he has been warned from multiple higher ups. It's up to the higher ups to determine whether it's enough proof or not. it's completely subjective. It's NOT just furry stuff, You keep saying it's FURRY stuff. It's just sexual nature that is disgusting where in that sentince did i say it was animal things at all? What? No it's not Okay, there is no reason for this shit to be here. This is a SFW website and it would defer traffic away from the website if some random just see's oh blow jobs and cum on the front page. because many of the instances are in shoutbox. and since there are no archives anymore it's harder for people to help them out. uh? we ban people for DDOS threats all the time? That is "banning people for something they said" As is disrespect i don't see your logic on that one. Making multiple ban protests doesn't make you a good member. It's by the User's discretion whether or not it's serious enough to warrant a ban request. Now does he get rule breakers yes? Is does that make the member? No, it's their attitude and their history around people and how much they are enjoyable to be around. Matsi has demonstrated none of this. It's not just vulgar language though it's also his immature acts that no one seems to be understanding or commenting on. only barm has.
  17. Vector


    it's not just a single instance but it's one. Saying you stroke a dog should be no where near the community? Trying to say it's only one instance is complete ignorance and that it's a pattern. We have given him more than once chance and it's not just ONE instance. That's completely ridiculous. Really? Because saying something disrespectful can also get you get kicked out. but since it's a combination of a few things then yes it would totally warrent a member protest We have a number of furries in this group that are perfectly fine. They understand that many aren't comfrotable for the things they like but that doesn't stop them for liking shit. The fact they have the control, just like everyone one with a fetish is one thing. What are you talking about? many thought it was disgusting and many people were outraged, including my self that nothing of it came about? Do you really think that we thought something so disgusting was funny? That is incredibly offensive. What about rabid who brought it up? What about my comment about disgusting it was? We just thought it was "funny?" you mean him giving extensive and very detailed blow job histories? How can you think that's okay and doesn't hold merrit? Are you kidding me? many people in the shout box were very uneasy about and didn't find it comfortable. and i have complained about to people all the time but decided to put it in one single member protest and many have complained about before. The suggestive nature of the avatar is obvious but no one did anything so now we have a formal complaint. uh what? if there is evidence of misconduct that would leave people to believe that he is disliked than that more than warrants a member protest/ban request. just using the excuse "U JUST DUN LIEK HIM" Is completely dumb, there has to be reason for the dislike and of misconduct which has been provided. this is the most ignorant comment you made. all of these acts and disgusting comments have NO place in a gaming community? We have told him multiple times to knock it off and continues to make these sort of remarks, I have many furry friends and acting as if i only make this thread is because he's just a furry is incredibly ignorant and so judging people for feeling so uncomfortable for his comments is actually disgusting.
  18. Vector


    tagging @Matsi so he can defend himself.
  19. Vector


    Member's Name: Matsi Member's Steam ID: go look for it. Information: Matsi has time an again demonstrated an immature and absolutely disgusting comments that range from giving blow jobs to stroking dogs. I demand something happen because these comments including his attitude need to have something be done to them. But i see the same sh*t and it feels like he can get away with it. Stroking dogs: He back peddles saying that he was talking about his job however in this context rabid is talking about having sex with animals and in this context matsi is actually talking about stroking a dog. In no way was his salon in the conversation and it's obvious what he means by this statement. Many people found this disgusting (myself including) and are upset nothing was done about it. Next is just from today: He's talking about his encounters in giving a blow job. What the f*ck? Why would anyone want to know this? Why would this come up? Why would you tell a bunch of 16 year old kids this? Keep in mind he has done this ON servers talking about his fantasies and fetishes and i had personally had to tell him to knock it off. His actual avatar: Matsi That wolf looks like it's drinking semen. I literally cannot understand and everytime i look at it, i feel a sick turning in my stomach making this member protest even more hard. Attitude: Important Steam Expoit. That whole thread is just matsi belittling people for being concerned about a steam exploit and didn't want to get scared. Regardless if it's credible or not it's still best to be cautious especially with the countless amount of bots out there. There are also countless times in the past where matsi has caused stupid shit to happen however some are from years ago and while i would love to add them it wouldn't be very fair. such as There is also always a smart A*s comment from matsi on shoutbox that's always there but since there is no shoutbox archive i can't go and get them.