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Everything posted by Vector

  1. Not gonna give a +1 or -1. All i'm gonna say is that you gotta let shit go matsi, recognize the faults you made so it can make you a better person. I'm sure you can be a great staff member, your problem is you take stuff incredibly seriously and when confronted with criticism or anything similar you proceed to blow a gasket as this is evident with recent events in the TF2 div. I'm afraid if something goes south in the CSGO div then you will fall back in the same problem you had with TF2. I haven't seen him on CSGO so i'm not gonna vouch i just hope he understands the people -1's point of view. Good luck with the thread.
  2. But he wasn't wrong, Vexx was completely in the right here and you antagonized the situation by saying your going to go to another spray that can be classified just as inappropriate. He WARNED you to stop something that was against the rules, you THREATENED to report him if you were punished. That is the difference. It would be the same in the reverse situation, if Vexx had the inappropriate spray and you said change the spray or i will report you to the forums, that is a warning. I'm sorry if you don't understand the difference. It's up to the discretion of the admin nothing is completely cut and dry and i personally believe that the anime picture is fine because it isn't as explicit as the pony one.
  3. Mods have every excuse to WARN people of negative activity. Vexx was doing his job because he didn't think your spray was appropriate. You THREATENED him with a report if he didn't allow you to post something he thinks was against the rules. xG has rules and regulations on how to stop people from breaking rules but also give them a chance to stop what they are doing. Your logic is that people should be punished before given the opportunity to fix their mistake. If they continue after their warning thus a kick is warranted. First of all my name is Vector, second, you made a community forum post to give the COMMUNITY their input on whether what vexx did was wrong or not. I have every right to give my opinion on the subject at hand you have zero right telling anyone who can and who cannot post. So you threatened him? You threatened an admin who felt your spray was inappropriate? If anything you should of been punished for doing such a thing. You confirmed what i said before, you threatened a staff member. So after other mods said what he did was correct you continued to be difficult? I seriously have no idea how you can think you are in the right.
  4. It also doesn't give you the right to disrespect and threaten a staff member. If you're gonna make an abuse thread go ahead and do it. Don't use it as a threat. I am so done with this thread. it was nice knowing you all.
  5. Vector

    I'm Sorry

    It's never too late to recognize the problems you and we have. It makes us better people. You're a good guy i'm sure, you just need to control your anger, and if you do that you can go back to having fun with many others and not alienate them. I'm sure @SnowyMinion can forgive you if you just say you apologize, not just to her but to xG as a hole. It would be very mature on your part.
  6. Vector

    I'm Sorry

    If you go on harassing members and insulting the servers, why are you still here? You have every chance to leave, and if you do not like it, then i'm sorry, it seems to be working very well for people. I'm sorry your experience with the clan was negative but that doesn't give you the right to do anything like this of the sort. If you continue this path of hypocrisy and anger then you will be permanent banned. If you wish to stay, that's fine and everyone will move forward. If you stop right now and apologize many people, including my self will applaud you for it. xG doesn't want to perm players as their goal is to have a fun community, by but if they see people sh**ing it up, they will take action.
  7. Vector

    I'm Sorry

    You sure are sorry alright.
  8. you are literally towlie 2.0 congrats kiddo. @Forest
  9. oh wow, i didn't think @Warriorsfury was serious. Gratz homie @Vexx @BananaShoes gratz
  10. this is going into the cringe thread.
  11. We did it @Forest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04854XqcfCY
  12. The donation rule is retarded.
  13. Vexx is a piece of shit +1
  14. Why the fuck is this thread still open? Jesus Christ. @Bleed @Scootaloo @Lithium @kbraszzz @Owl @Chrono
  15. Darkwolf6052 - Mmo His ban protest