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Everything posted by Vector

  1. Spamming and just lenny posting on tf2 is annoying when 80% of the community does it. Lenny should be fucking banned on the servers @Bello Please make this happen. You said you "remember someone named vexx who was a massive douche" but in your chat logs you knew he was staff and you knew who he was, also i'm pretty sure flinging shit at someone who hardly knows you isn't joking around. You are making a second awful impression.
  2. Looks like you really did change huh? I mean lenny facing and sh*t talking someone for no reason? Lol wow.
  3. #MakeMinectaftGreatAgain #OverusedMemes
  4. Eh, why not? Tbh he humiliated himself and has been banned for a long ass time. Plus if he fucks up again then just reban him, i'm sure he won't do something that retarded again, at least i hope he doesn't and like hexx said the fact he's still interested should be indicated that he has matured a bit. Anyway +1
  5. I'll take his powers then. but seriously, why not just talk it out? I'm sure you were a great admin that's just going through some shit. Nothing will be healed if you don't talk it out, you should have a neutral party with you and with that, then maybe your problems can be resolved. But if you do wish to step-down, then that's up to you. Hope you have fun on the servers again.
  6. Vector


    0 M:5 A:8.5 To be honest he has improved from what he used to be, however not enough to warrant being a member, he still gets into arguments and still trys to instigate people on the servers, not as often as he used to, but it's here and there. Others are also correct in which he can't handle criticism well and when confronted with less than ideal situations, he doesn't deal with them in a mature manner. Incidents include NSFW sprays in which he was constantly told to change or not spray. However, as i mentioned before, he has improved (at least in my view) and he should be praised for that. Good luck on the rest of the app.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GwjfUFyY6M
  8. Congrats @Vixen. i know you will be considered one of the best mods/admins ever. You will do these servers well. Have fun man.
  9. People who think space jam is cringe are kids who should not exist. 4-5 year old me thought that was greatest shit known to man and it still is to this day. Undermeme is shit Lisa >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dog shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Undermeme Anyway these two are perfect and if you disagree, please delete your account thanks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIscwRupdaM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUkuxAfC328
  10. Xeno Gamers You were banned for massing and @Snackbar banned you You massed the day after christmas :'(
  11. Vector

    Changes Are Coming!

    I told you guys i would make xG great again. I mean look at all these amazing members coming back. Anyway, welcome back Aegean, you were always a super nice dude. Having you back might not make xG what it used to be but it sure as hell will improve on what's going on now.
  12. Just because i don't have powers doesn't mean i cannot tell you what you're doing wrong. If you "don't care about getting demoted" then you don't care for your job and you should just step down.
    1. Vector


      I tried to help you out but obviously you're not mature enough to accept help. Good to know.
  13. Are you volunteering? Because nobody can see your little thing.
  14. it was removed because the elevator was really glitchy, it was really small (as in the models were so small that the tf2 characters were larger) it was also just so cramped. removed because Lavender town, again so small, where one player on the other team can snipe the other team. had it but people didn't really like it. idk i liked it but people just thought it was sniper heaven. not really a good trade map because it's not, it's an objective map and it's so incredibly small, i could just imagine people getting their shit rocked in spawn. had it, another objective map where one team starts at the top and the other starts at the bottom, it could be a trade map but idk. we had donkey kong, and pacman on an old objective server we had.
  15. If you guys want your opinion heard then please be respectful about it @Egossi you got upset at caleb for being immature admin. What you are doing right now is not mature and is fairly hypocritical. I'm not just targeting ego. Many people in this thread are just being immature and doesn't make anything helpful. If someone wishes to stay in xG and makes a mistake in creating a goodbye thread why are you people so against it, and if you have a problem with that said person why not make a member protest because that will ultimately determine whether or not she is capable of being a member. It's just another petty bullshit argument thread. cmon guys, you were all making such good progress.
  16. #VectorForCL
  17. +1 M:10 A:8 Vixen is the absolute best choice to have admin in a long while. He is perhaps the most unbias, nicest, and understanding person i have met on the forums despite dealing with shitty people everyday. I assure you, if he gets moderator he will eventually become one of the best admins xG has known. I have been trying to get this guys ass into xG for a long time and now that he finally has joined i can honestly say that it loosk great for xG Good luck vixen, do these servers proud.
  18. A:9 M:2 No, the guy is a real jerk, is really loud and from what i see seems to be a trouble maker most of the time. You say you don't let trolling slurs and shit get by, but you were muting for saying faggot multiple times after Vexx warned you, then you complained. I honestly can't see someone +1ing you if you have played with him -1
  19. Be very cautious because a lot of the time Kickstart games don't live up to the hype, fail miserably, or are just scams. This isn't to say all or this particular kickstarter is any of that but there have been promises made and where it wasn't fulfiled. So just be cautiously optimistic and feel free to donate but like I said, be very very catious. This is for anyone Also I was never a big shadow of the colossus fan however was very impressed with what they did, but isn't that studio that made SOC making a spiritual successor or something similar for the ps4?
  20. Let's get some old school shit in here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da560iHuvDc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nwuqwvyHrI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsNsVitKzVc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MideUBejXLA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xhna4B_j2Fs
  21. Sad to see you go. Never had a real problem with you. You're a good kid, hope you have fun wherever you go.