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Everything posted by Vector

  1. first of all you don't get tagged unless you have a history of trading with scammers, the reason for this because no one knows every scammer in the world. My brokering service hasn't come about so i didn't have a rep thread making it so i was a new broker which in turn would make it seem that i bought the unusual off of kart and didn't broker for him. Also keep in mind, i know of his scammer tag and it been awhile ago, but i don't give a shit about my tag as long as i'm helping a friend. if i got marked i wouldn't really care because there are other methods of trading. However i should of been a bit more catious i should admit however, that's not the point of the thread. The thread is to clear up any doubts about my integrity of trading and to put a stop to kart calling me a scammer to random people here in xG and in game, because it's gotten to the point that this rumor has spread to other people not even being a part of xG.
  2. KEEP THIS THREAD CIVILIZED THANK YOU. Alright so there are rumors going around saying that i scammed @Kart. This is completely false and before you press judgement, let me tell you the story. There was an update in which Unusual Taunts came out. these were going for a lot of money at the time (as a lot of unusuals do but most went for a lot more because of hype). Kart came into the server (Trade Gaming History) very excited telling everyone that he unboxed an unusual Conga (The MOST valuable taunt and saught after taunt) after awhile he was using the taunt and it was fun. He then asked me to broker it for him. (this was around the time i was getting my brokering service off the ground.) bro·ker ˈbrōkər/ noun 1. a person who buys and sells goods or assets for others. synonyms: dealer, agent; More verb 1. arrange or negotiate (a settlement, deal, or plan). "fighting continued despite attempts to broker a ceasefire" synonyms: arrange, organize, orchestrate, work out, settle, clinch, bring about he asked if i could broker it for him. Seeing as he was a good friend i obviously said yes. We agreed to a settlement of half and half because the selling of an unusual with no price and nothing else of info would be hard to sell. (which he refutes to this day). (inventory of the unusual in my backpack: Eazy-V's Backpack - backpack.tf So very soon later i was able to sell it for 9 buds and i took half (4.5 buds) and gave the rest to kart which he then became upset with him saying he didn't agree to the terms and said he didn't expect me to take so much even though we agreed to half (today he told everyone i scammed him and proceeded to back track and said he didn't think i would take ANYTHING: http://puu.sh/i4t7d/0a0ec9ff83.png) after that we went back and forth and then he proceeded to tell me that he needed to give his friend a portion of the profit since he gave his friend gave him the key he then proceeded to give the other friend 2 buds, he knows this friend in real life so the trust between them is there (which would be later been proved as false in the evidence that will provided later in this thread). after a bunch of insults between both parts and fights on the server. Eventually kart and i rekindled our friendship and the topic was dropped. Later a month later, kart proceeded to talk to the server again and teamspeak about the same situation. I'm told from another user that Kart did not infact unbox the unusual but was actually brokering for a friend. (proof he never unboxed it: History - backpack.tf This all made sense because he would have an incredibly hard time selling it as he is a marked scammer: SteamRep » Kartereno [banned] | 76561198045307014 | STEAM_0:0:42520643 and is banned on all of the major trading websites. Backpack.tf: Kartereno's Profile - backpack.tf tf2outpost.com: TF2 Outpost / User / Kartereno bazaar.tf: Kartereno's Profile - Bazaar.tf So he would need another player to sell it for him. which would mean that others on trade servers wouldn't associate themselves with him. So he lied about owning the original unusual and never mentioned this third party, the actual victim who lost out of multiple buds which i feel sorry for him and hope he and kart made up after this since they are friends. So after awhile i didn't pay attention to it because it was delt with again. Until today he decides to talk to Mega robin, orangejuice, penguin, where for some reason my name came up and he proceeded to tell these three (who don't care for tf2 at all nor tf2 drama) about how i am a scammer for some reason. Upset obviously i decided to make this thread with the blessing of penguin. Thank you for reading, it's 1 am and i might of missed something, i will update if i forget something. Please do take this thread seriously, you may give your input if you care enough but please keep it civil, i make this thread because it effects my trading reputation if someone goes around calling me a scammer, and this heavily effects my brokering service. which i made a rep thread and actually brokered many unusuals for a good ammount of current and former xG members. rep thread: Vector's Rep Thread! i forgot to mention he also talked about it into shout box as i have little opportunity to defend my self on servers because of my ban. kart's profile: Steam Community :: Kartereno
  3. @Legend = biggest cheater @grant = biggest fucking retard @Bleed = the greatest underdog who never lives up to the hype @Vector = the worst pilot since the Japanese @Cristo = the pack mule @Chrono = biggest asshat in any situation Feel free to comment below on future rankings.
  4. Thats great and all but from what i remember you record all of your sessions (at least from what i remember in css.) I hope you report the abusers to higher up staff and something gets done about. Saying something like other people abuse donator and hardly get punished for it is like just pouting and witnessing something happening. And if they do abuse a lot and dont get punished, then you report the higher ups for showing obvious bias to the cls. You might already do this, but this isnt just directed towards you. Just people who do this. Im sure you do your best to catch them all but if the dms and dls dont do anything then you gotta come clean with the cls. Now he should have called an admin regardless of his intentions if he feels its too hard to break, however i still hold that any sotsort of spawn camping is bbreakable if the teams really work togetheR instead of just suck and die. We also have always taken donator abuse very seriously, all the way from paid mods having only a couple chances before being demoted if they had multiple offenses. This is one of thithose cases which he is let off with just a 12 hour ban which i agree with @Ohstopyou. just wait out the ban because by time ohstopyou sees this is when there is only like a few hours left and im sure you wont do this again. Next time if you arent sure of the rules, call an admin. Have fun.
  5. it's a 12 hour ban. go play something else.
  6. The fact the demo goes on for so long indicates you have doubt in your mind. Having any sort of doubt means the individual in question shouldn't be banned. If you record the demo and then show it to a higher up, they can get his steam id and perm him through source bans. Also his profile indicates his been on the server for a while, having over 1000 kills Xeno Gamers - Player Information next time give the demo to someone else before perming.
  7. if you don't have any proof of him hacking you don't ban them. this demo shows nothing at all and he should be unbanned. @anytf2memberwithforumpowers unban this guy.
  8. this passes for hacking these days?
  9. more than that rejects Valve weapons (with the exception of the Medigun) previously had the following effects attached: Dmg taken from fire reduced Speed boost when active +15% damage done +150% clip size +15% faster firing speed On hit: +15 health 100% critical hit vs burning players +50 max health on wearer On Kill: 5 seconds of 100% critical hit chance On Hit: 30% chance to slow target Fire retardant
  10. uh no. i read the chat logs and it didn't go like that at all. You and moosty's harrassment towards the players who are trying to play the game was not a "joke" passive aggressive attitutdes toward them because they play the game together is no reason to be a jerk to them. There is the friendly command which moosty (and other admins/mods) should enforce because we have had this problem in the past. Them being insulted over playing the game by multiple DMs and others on the server is no excuse at all to be a part of it. The fact you are lying is now making you look even worse.
  11. *kill another player who was dominating him.
  12. @Rejects just used the valve sniper rifle to kick another player on TGH the other day so staff can abuse it just as much as any other lol.
  13. apparently he was harassing other for killing him in a game and proceeds to BM them. i would strongly recommend you people -1 him.
  14. Cant kill me so easily my good sir.
  15. why don't you use @Stickz beautiful plugin he so graciously made for you guys to combatant this problem? But the tf2 div doesn't want it because they are rock hard for their dank lenny face maymays.
  16. who ever told you it was a dumbed down version is an idiot. get bloodborne. more replayability
  17. both you casual. they're both amazing in their own right.
  18. The puppet masters are here to stay
  19. true true. but the song is fucking rad man. can't doubt that
  20. So when are the goodbye threads going up ;)? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YW10ixUhMcI
  21. Vector

    Toxicity Reform

    uh? so you mean not talking to the indivdual about what's going on, about what happened recently, about any thing of the sort? i haven't even done anything recently, so i'm being punished for no reason? are we being serious? also how is calling people toxic going to look? are you not looking to instigate anything? kind of pathetic really
  22. i swear i read this same thread not long ago...
  23. "they shouldn't be unbanned because they were mean to me" Jesus christ grow up.
  24. make it so that they can't build teleporters near the milk tank area. Any where else is fine.