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Everything posted by Vector

  1. Because i have been in xG for over 2 years and been through so many divisions. I want to keep the group going even though i dislike so many people. There are still people here who are genuinely good people.
  2. I'm not even trying to argue. here No? I asked who he was because i didn't know who he was. Can someone please explain? did you even read what i wrote to him? saying that his -1 is valid and that he is probably a great member? I can't believe that every word that i type or comes out of my mouth people always seem to deem it's disrespectful.
  3. did you read MY post? all i said was who r u. how is that disrespectful? You're seriously grasping at straws. I'm talking about my own posts, the fact that it's been pretty much delt with and then you go ahead and say b-b-but u guis are disruspcutfulll is ludacris. I was wondering who he was on the servers cause i don't recall ever seeing him, maybe he goes by a different name in game, maybe he does other things, but i don't see his steam account which makes it more difficult. Jesus christ is it really this hard for some people?
  4. it's disrespectful to ask who he is? are you fucking 5?
  5. That's not the point, the fact he is active isn't what's in question, it's just I have never seem him before. I'm not denying he was active but we play on different servers as i'm usually on TGH
  6. Officer Vector is on the case everyone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPp4qb-phrA
  7. God, quit being such a baby, your vouch is fine, and the -1 is justified, we were just asking who you were because me personally, i have never seen you before. Just stay in xG and don't leave because someone doesn't agree with your opinion. I'm sure you're a good member but the problem is, i never seen you before. Your -1 is valid don't take what everyone says on the internet so seriously.
  8. Maybe you should tell us your ingame name before dicking around for no reason? i'm pretty sure i'm active on tgh.
  9. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Eazy-v Steam ID: nah Position: Juice Box Boy Information: I am applying for Admin. We need less shitty admins/mods tf2 admin juice box boy get fucked.
  10. Why do kids always act like such little basterds. Can you not calmly ask for an explanation instead of insulting the moderator or the GROUP of individuals who felt he was deserving of a promotion. Also the person who banned you was kypari so your anger is misplaced making you look even more dumb. also dont complain about me being a meany poo to you And im the super hero vector, defending gaming communites from shit heads.
  11. I was demoted for doing my job well stop this oppression
  12. You can actually feel the irony of this post move through your skin.
  13. Give me the link to the payday 2 hotline miami mod
    1. Kart


  14. Vector


    Is JBRG a high lander team? because if not, then double clanning isn't allowed.
  15. You will not intimidate me you capitalist pig!
  16. He doesn't support communism? what a faggot -1
  17. it's been over a month close @kbraszzz @Rejects
  18. Vector


    I'm just saying the others made a good point about them animoo characters. lol
  19. Vector


    oh boy, the nsfw argument is back