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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Audible_Savage

  1. he quit for some reason :/ didn't make any sense
  2. +1 if he only wears tags in minecraft. a: 8/10 M: 6/10
  3. so yea.... i was wondering if he is dead, dead, missing, dead, or missing..
  4. done. i was testing mcmmo levels, and wondering how they would respond if they were very high levels. i lowered them back to their proper place.
  5. LOL uhm. i fixed them? you communist pig? I was testing mcmmo and i told you about this before??
  6. Love you Big boy. (no pedo/gay/homo/black) anyway. I'll see you later when you come back to realize that xg is YOUR ONLY FUTURE!!!! anyways good luck being away for like 15 minutes
  7. Audible_Savage

    our ads

    you know that ads are based on what you search on the internet right???
  8. +1 Reason: Insert any valid reason here <-- this includes but is not limited to all valid reasons to let him in the clan. M 9/10.0 A 8.7533/10
  9. gonna leave it at 0 for now. needs to be more active :) M 7/10 A 2/10
  10. Audible_Savage


    +1 for an arma 2 wasteland server
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4coi65CT1G4
  12. Flambe GG 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgEsH6Ue3No send this to charrax tell him i love him <3
  13. for those of you who tldr your own birth certificate -They're shitting on me as an attempt at getting back at myself for fucking them over :) - They call them steam calls now you can talk to your friends WITHOUT teamspeak :) - you ask for forgiveness and shit on xG kids in the same post? you're an asshat -Fuzz's picture sums up your "improvement" once i left... GG kids
  14. yeh when he read the thread he was actually angry at me for saying this, because he believes it to be untrue. he got mad at me when I posted an apology on here. maybe we have more in common BB.
  15. and I hope you also know that nobody talks about GG anymore except to make fun of it? maybe you guys are doing better after I left. good for you; however, it was not BECAUSE I left. this is the load of bollocks that charrax feeds GG members every day "you guys didnt leave because of me" bla bla bla. charrax was demoted for Insubordination and Loopholing + some other stuff. It aint cool. you gave charrax FTP and didn't i do this same thing a few months ago which resulted in my kick from GG? oh yes I remember. I asked for GG members to be unbanned form xG servers and them to be pardoned for shit charrax did... which is what you are doing now... I'm going to go ahead and +1 for any GG member; however, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- any GG leadership should remain banned and /or Harassed while on xG's servers, specifically the ones in leadership before /during my leave. -1 GFYS
  16. -1 you need to mature a little dude. you've already been Perm-banned from minecraft for greifing....
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsBPhyfMAL8 sousei has earned a new nickname
  18. lol sousei <3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1b2OVCn5xI0
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGvDtc2Ye04