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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Audible_Savage

  1. I'll Take, PM on the forums. My Buy Price is $7
  2. I need a few things. 1. Full Facebook name 2. her probably E-mail 3. Her facebook Password. 4. Search Warrant Affidavit - Issued by the NSA or the DHS 5. An Ice Cream Cone
  3. OK TO EVERYONE THAT WANTS IN, I Believe that we will do the recording on the 19th of october, if not we'll do it when we can have as many actors as possible...
  4. Anyone interested in acting for a MC video the div is doing? will be based in prison there may or may not be rape It will be funny shenanigans (you must have a mic and a MC account)
  5. soundsgood GG closingthread.etcetc
  6. Mi am fully aware of the capabilities of backtback 5. I use it to stress test servers at my it position in highschool. I also use it to retrieve lost passwords for student computers. As a side note, I do not DOS on any level, anyways Quit being a script kiddie and pretending that you're the master of t3h H4x0rZ not all of us use backtrack for evil.
  7. Do you really want to go down this path right now? because unlike you I don't use software for malicious purposes, and I haven't forgotten what you have done in the past to certain individuals. on a rather more Important note, this doesn't belong on this thread, it's unrelated, it's uncalled for, and It's disrespectful to another member.
  8. +1 Cool Guy 5 more min good league player. good warden good detective good minecrafter good good
  9. I set it up, but i never set up the protection, It wasn't ready yet and i usually do protections last when i build.
  10. Laptop rig: Lenovo y510p Processor: Intel Core i7-4700MQ @ 2.40 Ghz Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 750M RAM: 8.00 Gigabytes HDD: 1 TB OS: windows 8 Lenovo Y510p | High-Performance 15.6" Multimedia Laptop from Lenovo | Lenovo US
  11. at least I don't get offended when people make fun of my dead game :)
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4goUqiOL44
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9-NIPazwgc
  14. sorry what? I can't hear you over the sound of you crying about a WEEK LONG BAN.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tykzAyISnNk
  16. thanks for not using my name XD
  17. thanks for the info We'll look into it. I'm unavailable at the time to try and fix it, but i'll get on it ASAP
  18. Thanks for letting me know, I'm not sure who did this, but I'm pretty sure the server is still whitelisted?
  19. that game where you get ready for a hurricane instead of arguing an invalid viewpoint on a forum.
  20. : a personality disorder characterized especially by an exaggerated sense of self-importance, persistent need for admiration, lack of empathy for others, excessive pride in achievements, and snobbish, disdainful, or patronizing attitudes - Merriam Webster. Your Move - <3 Audible
  21. we both respectfully asked for the thread to be closed. Is it just out of spite that you would bring up GG because i deleted your DarkRP files on purpose? :) <3 Audible. P.S. Ragequit = leaving a clan where the leader is a narcissistic asshat, but yea i get what you're saying.. :)
  22. Requesting to close this thread Reason: Case resolved & Ban period is almost completed. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest @@serbiansnaga