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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Audible_Savage

  1. ok now i'm confused? is someone in our mc server files f'ing with them?
  2. WHO DONE IT? WHO DONE IT? obviously microsoft. i didn't even know it happened, micro asked me who did it
  3. dont fucking blame me for this shit you cunt. I havent touched the server for a week. WHO DONE IT?
  4. super you done goofed edit: nobody ever officially talked about getting rid of mcmmo
  5. so mc2 is down because i logged in and towny had some sort of emotional melt down and went into safemode. basically freezing every player in their place not allowing them to move/teleport home/ do anything. so i stopped the server in hopes that micro/super would see that and come look here. gaiz towny brokeded. u fix nao pls, ty.... in other news a panda escaped from the local meth lab.... @@Microsoft @@SuperMaddud
  6. Audible_Savage


    Just a note from the Div masterb8r We are currently trying to turn mc1 into a mega-awesome server with all kinds of features. we're leaving the whitelist down so people can view spawn. we are also looking for creative people to help us.. contact me for details :) - audibru
  7. is this in the morning or evening? if morning, it's a no-go. also any time after about 11:00PM EST. Evening 8pm est. sounds good. I'm a go for now, but that may change. I'll make sure and post if something goes wrong.
  8. Is this in the morning is this in the morning or evening? if morning, it's a no-go. also any time after about 11:00PM EST.
  9. +1 because we need more minorities in the clan M: 9/10 A 9/10 ChinaChina: A+
  10. laptops sometime have this problem. usually it's a hardware/software herpderp. if its a desktop just open it up and unplug everything from the disc drive and only plug it back in when you need it :)
  11. I'll play if needed, but I'm not good, and i need to know in advance if i'm going in, so i can practice :) **Edit** i can also record the sessions if need be. again, just let me know.
  12. I blame supermad. he isnt here right now, so i can do that...
  13. **CONFIRMED** stay tuned for details.
  14. Does this mean I don't have to donate to win Half Life 3? you have to donate to compete to win a possible half life three equivalent.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftCaLm2EOJ4
  16. To be quite honest I'm very sick of all this. all the butthurt kiddies that got demoted for whatever reason, or applied for mod and didn't get it are ganging up on Darkwolf. every time a little thing happens you pick at him like vultures on carrion. this is stupid, immature, and it's causing drama on the clan that we do not need. every time Darkwolf free kills me, or does something on accident, he apologizes to me for what he did wrong either via steam or in Teamspeak, and I get on with my life. dark is probably the best thing that CSS has right now, he is active, honest, and is a real leader/teamplayer. I disagree with this protest. -1 or whatever.
  17. +1 "insert any valid reason which is valid here" A 7/10 M 9/10
  18. When: August 24 2013 (Saturday) What time: TBA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event: players will be given a plot and two hours to build their best creation, which will then be judged by a moderator or admin. all contestants will win prizes! first second and third place winners will win GAMES!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to enter: In order to win games or score first second or third you must donate at least 5 dollars to the minecraft division. If you do not plan on winning games you will not have to donate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prizes: 1st place: Payday 2 and 10 diamond blocks 2nd place: sleeping dogs and 10 diamond blocks 3rd place: Half Life 2 and 5 diamond blocks (you can swap game if you come first, if you dont want payday 2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- everyone else will win 1 diamond block for entering the contest Rules: 1 entry per person you must donate in order to win a copy of sleeping dogs or payday 2 (at least 5 dollars) entries must be appropriate for the occasion and may not be offensive (swastikas or genitalia) all entries must be finished in two hours. you may team up, but only one of you may get the prize. We must have earned at least 50 dollars minimum in order to give away the first place prize. if not first place will also receive a copy of sleeping dogs All builds must be ORIGIONAL (pixel art of minecraft items is an exception)