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Everything posted by Audible_Savage

  1. Division: Garry's Mod In-Game Name: Audible_Savage Steam ID: 0:1:28643 Banned: No Previously in xG: Yes Active on Teamspeak: Yes Age: 17 Further Information: Pic is Unrelated..... this is not spam i'm SRS Gaiz!!!
  2. Since the last time I talked to all you beautiful people. Charrax had some unkind things to say regarding my administration status apart of GG. being as belligerent and Ignorant as he normally is he forgot who paid for his server and built his sites. Effective Immediately GG no longer has any of the following Minecraft servers Gmod server Teamspeak 3 Server Clan website. In basics GG as a whole is no longer functioning. In the exception of their steam group, they have nothing. I hope you (xG) can forgive me for standing up for an individual who hurt you so much. I have quit GG and am now an independent gamer. I'm pretty sure there are others within gg who feel the same as my self and are not aware of the things charrax did to xG, so please do not punish them for their leader's thick-headed stupidity. -Audible_Savage PS: if you are confused at this point please come talk to me rather than get rumors from other people. I fart around on xG's teamspeak a-lot and you can also add me on steam Audible_Savage <3
  3. Just a side note. I don't want to make this a slug fest against Charrax. this was about trying to repair an xg/gg relationship and allow each other's players to flow freely between servers. Charrax has already been dealt with by you guys by being banned from your servers. He had talent as a Gmod coder and a server admin. when he felt offended he took action. Just not as a GG member. he helped found GG and he helped make it grow, all of GG's community appreciates that side of him. what I myself and I am sure many others do not agree with is how he wishes to make GG a form of destroying xG. gg isn't a weapon, its a community of friends and the same I hope is with xG. This is about playing games and not causing this stupid drama like a bunch of ten year old girls on the playground.
  4. I'm sad to see that GG and xG are having some relationship issues. and I'm hoping to clear up some things. First of all GG is not run on a dictator status. Charrax is NOT the leader of GG and currently carries little to no power within the community. 2. we have just now found out what charrax was doing regarding the xG:Gmod FTP and we are dealing with him now. 3. GG currently has NO servers and is not hurting xG in attempt to recruit new members/players. GG attacking xG's servers would have NO benefit for GG's Community. 4. GG members who were previous xG members were leaving out of form of protest. that protest is over and has been over for a long time. GG as a clan/Community do not wish to harm xG's servers/community/members. 5. GG members including myself and Derp continue to play on xG's servers and refrain from trolling/cheating/arguing/or advertising GG. we wish only to play with the friends that we had in our past. and enjoy the environment that xg has to offer. 6. GG does not wish to continue this back and forth battle between Silence and Charrax and we will deal with our side of the problem as long as our members are not banned/Punished for something one of our members did off the book. On a personal note: I like xG's members and I like the servers, and I'd like to thank you for giving me the ability to log over 500 hours on xG's Jailbreak server. I have made good friends while playing with xG and I wouldn't like to be banned just because two people are in a scuffle over an item I am not concerned about. a note to silence: if at all possible I would like to speak with you personally regarding the situation. I do not like to speak through rumors and bias opinions. if you need to contact me please do so.
  5. I quote this "the money went nowhere because nobody clicked on the ads in the first place" you don't get free money from the ads in gmod, you have to click on them. regarding the coding. charrax was actively adding and changing player load outs, and rules to attempt to make the game more enjoyable. I believe that the information you provided was incorrect and inappropriate no-one asked for large changes, and if changes were requested either charrax said no and explained why, or he made an attempt said added nothing much needed changing, we asked for things, but it was only to make the game for regulars more interesting/ easier. the ddos attacks did NOT come from charrax, I was with him the entire day, and we were both discussing about how some ass hat is going to blame it on us and we'll end up banned on the servers -.- I believe this was just bad timing. another note, bronies were NEVER B.O.S. they would only be banned if they started problems with other players regarding their "brony" life. let it be known that I have no malicious intention to hurt/ damage the playing experience on xG, and if anyone from this recent bandwagon attempts to do so, there will be VERY harsh repercussions.
  6. wait i thought you were banned for constant rule breaking and being a continued nuisance... nice try kid, but you're the autistic one here. GG was created peacefully and does not wish to have any confrontations with xG. but trying to start some kind of rivalry between the two clans is retarded. so GG no RE
  7. Uganda CALLS!!! FOR I RIDE!!!! *yes*
  8. so after I heard that the darkrp server is going away forevers and the jb server is still in dis-repair I have decided to sell all my belongings to a yugoslavian lady who promised to bring me my grandgreatuncle's money back from uganda where he was a prince. <3 everyone who I ever came in contact to on xG. I might float about the mc server or whatever.. we'll see.
  9. Ok, so i found a video earlier today of someone using music that I created for xG for fun. while this is normally fine with me, I read the description of the video and I copy and paste "The maker of the remix is audio savage. He made it in like 2 minutes so it's not the best, he's still working ont but if you head over to XenoGamers, show him some love." WITH THAT SAID, you not only dissed my work, but also did NOT provide a link to the original mix on top of all that you did NOT ask permission from me to use said music. I respectfully request that you remove the video from your page or edit out the song. thanks -Audible_Savage (not "audio") http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvVliOerZ7A @@IAmLegend
  10. +1 for Unbanning, unless I see proof that he "threatened to kill himself" I don't believe that forumbanning someone that has been in xG for this long and treating him like this. if there is no proof, then this is Immature and Inappropriate. if it is true however, we should not remove him from the community, we should support him and show him that xG cares.
  11. Division: Minecraft In-Game Name: Audible_savage (hcm123) Banned: No Previously in xG: yes Active on Teamspeak: yes Age: 17 Further Information: I left before because I thought I could get off the drug whenever I wanted, then I started having withdrawls..... I also enjoy long walks on the beach, pina colatas and getting caught in the rain....
  12. :);):(:mad::confused::cool::D:censored::ROFLMAO:
  14. To my previous xG comrades, I want this to be known as a forward that I do not write this with any ease, I carry a very heavy heart regarding this situation. this is the end of my journey as an Xeno Gamers clan member. In recent months it has become apperant to me that xG is not as good as a clan as it used to be. all of the people that I joined xG for have left now, and even though some of the people that were around when I first joined are still here, I was never as good of a friend with them as I was with others. I will still be stinking up the place, especially around JB, but I will not be contributing to the Dayz div anymore nor will i be offering my server hosting. and to Abraham, NO this isn't all because of you, but I honestly liked you a lot better when you weren't mod. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho-IG0NeDQE
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdcPsXt8oCc&feature=youtu.be DUBSTEP REMIX!!!
  16. why can't we do stuff like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzr2dGo0duY&list=FLNen_K5m3PFG6RCt171CdaA&index=1
  17. agreed. although I think programming a quiz for the server would be expensive. how about buying access to the !guard command? maybe make it like 3,000 credits one time payment? it would bring donations to the server for kids that do not want to wait, and it would make it so that people cannot simply just !guard and mass free kill when they just join the server for no reason.
  18. disqualified = Ip banned.... jk i meant that they would not be eligible for the position. :)
  19. ok, so my first idea went down the drain, so I did some thinking (which is quite rare.) age restrictions and maturity restrictions on paid mod and admin applications. (please note that this has nothing to do with the current pm's on css:jb *cough* abraham *un-cough*) Require an age restriction (I like 15 or 16) enforced by photo id if their age is questionable. If they would fail to meet this requirement, then they would be automatically disqualified. the second tier of PM/PA testing would be a maturity test. this would Include both a test of their responses to stressful situations, and an evaluation of previous actions/reactions as a standard member of xG. the third tier of the test requires a referral program. at least three ACTIVE people on the xG:JB server would have to write a short and to the point paragraph on why they think the individual is worthy of paid mod. let me know what yall think :)
  20. I like the Idead, but at the same time I don't. determining where the warden must be in order to "be with T's" is on the fence. you could say that "you must be in the same room" ;however, if they all went into isolation you wouldn't be in the same room. i'm not voting on this :)