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Everything posted by Crabman

  1. I like crabs. I like every crab. I just want to hug them all but I can't. Can't hug every crab. So anyways I am a crab lover and I like to crab-walk *sniffle* sorry just thinking about crabs again. And I think of all crabs that don't have homes. I think I should have them. -Crabman 2012
  2. Crabman


    no more tree go bang bang. :'( #CaptureCrab2012 bye mang
  3. Crabman

    Mac Vs. Pc

    I do much prefer the editing software for Mac, Final Cut Pro mainly, but Macs are very expensive and editing software is the only thing I like about them. I own a HP desktop, it's my baby.
  4. Crabman

    COD or Halo?

    Fallout. But between Halo and Call of Duty, every Halo before Reach
  5. A: 8 M: 8 Cool guy Wardens when needed Fairly Active D: +1
  6. A: 9 M: 8 Has been active for a long time. Not mean. Calls warden. Can't think of anything negative about him. D: +1 Was probably told by a group of people to apply for waiting so long.
  7. I have 4 (very godamn) long clips which contain proof of the CT ban request reason. I will probably trim them tomorrow but if you want to check 'em out now feel free. clip0043.dem clip0043_2.dem clip0043_3.dem clip0043_4.dem I do have too much spare time xD *edit* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mliUJH2PiFU ^proof of the freekills. The forth wasn't recorded, I was rebelling and stacked on somebody, he killed the person I had stacked on. 2 - 3 + 10 = 9 btw
  8. You've used "THEIR" instead of "THERE". You've used "to" instead of "too". You've used "tryied" instead of "tried". You use capitals in the middle of sentences. You missed quite a few commas. Most sentences are too short. Diagnosis: Minor-major autism. Recommendation: Learn English.
  9. Loller and McNeo pressuring people to change their opinion. -1, shouldn't be a rule but a warden should be more willing to pardon a running T.
  10. Crabman

    December 21, 2012

    Personally I think, nope. The Mayans didn't live in a time with computers and space shuttles so how people that live in a time with computers and space shuttles believe this crap? I don't know... I don't know. In the end, I don't think #WorldBeEndingYo
  11. Here's a recording of it. clip0040.dem If you don't want to watch it, here's a description. I started a little late, but first the round starts. He attempts to give chat orders. Kills people (3, but see 2) for not following them. I explain to him that he just mass freekilled. I soon join CT to prevent this from happening again (Ginger Force does too). *You can only see 2 deaths but there are a few witnesses of another*
  12. Crabman

    2 derp CTs

    The 'IGot$$$' mass freekilled last night and I believe he was ct banned. I +1 a temp ban or perm if this problem still hasn't been dealt with
  13. A: 8 M: 8 I play Minigames with him sometimes Is on jailbreak a lot Hasn't broken any rules (I know of) Seems like he knows the rules D: +1
  14. Saw you on TTT one day, sounded like you were having fun, but anyways farewell.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id=Vi4qvkDZ0AI;list=UUH9AuysvU_VAmjBW_84vVzw A video I made on how to convert clips to be used in css. (HLDJ, not HLSS)
  16. A: ? M: 7 Haven't seen you on in a week or more. Seems like he knows the rules. I read somewhere that you recently mass freekilled. D: +0
  17. A: 9 M: 5 I don't believe you are allowed to use your mic. Do spam chat sometimes. Seems to know the rules. D: -0
  18. A: ? M: 6/7 Not sure when he's usually on because I rarely see him on. Today he opened cells on Canyon dam, on a warday, when the warden said leave when cells open, so I left once he opened them, then killed me for chasing after him. D: +0
  19. Gotta get back, Crabman's missing you.
  20. A: 7 M: 8 Sometimes see him when he's on He can warden successfully Knows Motd Very calm D: +1
  21. N is for no, I can't do my abcs.
  22. Step 1 Create a fantasy story depicting what will become of the earth once I harness it Step 2 Collect all German scientists and put them in cages Step 3 Force all of my German scientists to make ocean water into fresh water Step 4 Start a rally promoting my new found invention, blame problems on Asians, put them in syrup camps Step 5 Get elected into canadian power by a mass majority and get ability to make my own laws Step 6 Ally with England and America Step 7 Invade all of Japan, North Korea, Vietnam, China and the Philippians.