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Posts posted by Gkoo

  1. I agree with Forest. That will help deal with situations that may occur, if they do occur.

    I want to make sure that the Staff Motd would only be used if there is an argument of the rules in game. Then it would be used as a fall back motd. What are your opinions of that?

  2. I brang it up because I used to be an Admin in CS:CZ Jailbreak and it worked out well. Our staff should have a general idea of when a day is played out well. Not trying to slay everyone for anything. Only slay when it interferes with the day or other players.

    Now you must understand that the staff will not be nit-picky on each subject.


    I agree with this thread. +1 for simplicity.

  3. I'm not kidding, this is happening to me all the time. I get randomly disconnected from all servers while I'm still running my servers... I still have internet up but teamspeak and steam poop out.


    When did it start happening?

  4. Hello,

    Occasionally on Counter Strike: Source the [xG] Jailbreak server is not responding for me. The server is not down, as there are members playing it at the moment. All other servers work for me except for for this Jailbreak server.




    (Please note: This problem is different than the other thread.)

  5. This is very harsh as he has been an active member of this clan. You might have your reasons that I am too new to understand, but no matter the reason, there should be warnings to this. Duckii Jr was banned at a random moment without a warning. He has done nothing recently that entitled him to this Permanent Ban. Permanent. That's like serving two life terms with no bail.

    All I'm saying is that you give him one warning. If he messes up, then go ahead ban him. But just give that warning before.


    +1 for the unban.

  6. Hello,

    So recently, my Steam and my Teamspeak would both go out of connection. Like as if I was disconnected from the internet. Steams says: Lost connection to server. And Teamspeak says: Connection lost.

    It's very random and I am still able to access the internet while they are "down".


    Anyone know the problem?




    (Please note: This problem is different than the other thread.)

  7. 68747470733a2f2f696d67312e78656e6f67616d652e72732f696d706f727465642f323031322f30392f33312e706e67


    You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers!


    To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans!


    Want to get Moderator?

    There are a few ways to earn admin!

    1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field.

    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!

    3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!


    For a server list, click here.


    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, clickStaff Roster




    -Free Palestine


    @@serbiansnaga @@Duckii @Brian Update to that member status for Cows here.

  8. Update your posts to proper vouch.

    Activity: ~/10

    Maturity: ~/10

    Decision: +1/-1

    (Explain why here. Including what the player should improve.)



    Activity: 8/10

    Maturity: 8/10

    Decision: +1

    (I've seen you very active on Teamspeak, very good trait. In game you are respectable and know how the game works. You'd be a great part of this community again.)