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Posts posted by Gkoo

  1. We always need cows in our lives. (insert cow catch phrase here)


    Activity: 7/10

    He is active, but has short bursts of non-activityness. But when he is on, he is full in.


    Maturity: 9/10

    So far I have not seen any trouble come from him. Never a rule breaker. Knows how to work jb. Still need to hear his voice though.


    Decision: +1

  2. I'm sorry to disagree. But if this rule is put into place. Then basically the only time a guard could search on his own is if he saw a prisoner and lost an opportunity to kill him. So saying that guards are no longer able to search in the beginning of the round, for example; the climb teleport in avalanche, or the dodgeball area with a pistol in vip of vipinthemix. Or if the warden is playing a game with 5 prisoners and there are 6 alive, they know for sure someone will come in and kill them if they wait for the warden to say yes.

    All I am saying is that this will significantly change the game as where it is very easy to rebel and get away with it.




    edit: Haha. Bad grammer. I'm sorry, deal with it.

  3. It's technically right for you to warn him to go back. But I would like it if they were just killed. It seems so much funner as a Prisoner to run to open the cells and hoping you would make it before you die.

  4. Take off "#YOLOswag" now.




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