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  1. Informative
    Sousei reacted to PapiChulo in Great Job   
    I thought you left? But how can you judge a whole community based on a flawed leader no one in the community sees or agrees with? lol
  2. Informative
    Sousei reacted to Brian in Great Job   
    Not only did you manage to piss off one of the largest map/model makers in TF2, but now you're in even deeper shit, because he has a ton of connections.
    You have no respect for anybody anymore. I already blacklisted all xG servers.
    Congrats. Now we'll never see another ported map from TF2, and you'll be on a lot of people's shitlist. Including mine.
  3. Agree
    Sousei got a reaction from Brian in That League Match   
    ew its league of losers.
  4. Dislike
    Sousei got a reaction from abkarch in Ratings   
    if it makes you feel better, I gave you a positive rating.
  5. Agree
    Sousei reacted to Brian in Ban suggestion (Just hear me out)   
    Bias never shrinks as the ranks increase. The opposite proves so. Many of the admins and mods have gotten to a higher stature by appealing to the other mods and admins. You can never truly get rid of bias.
    Bans should not be permanent, otherwise, we risk losing a majority of our community. Many people who often freekill, or even hack have been able to rejoin, due to an overwhelming sense of community. You are arguing for more of a police state. Granted, it could work, but would limit members. Most of the fun of an admin is competition. Appeals exist for a reason. You knew you screwed up, and you want to appeal for this. It's simple, and I do not comprehend why there is even a glimmer of a thought as to keep permanent bans permanent, given most are freekilling.
    You are asking for a change of structure and the way the clan runs, from the same leader who can barely keep the integrity of the clan itself in shape as it stands. In theory it could work, but you would lose players, require a major overhaul and look at people's bans. You would need to re-ban other players, some even vital to making the experience the best possible.
  6. Winner
    Sousei got a reaction from tree in Ban suggestion (Just hear me out)   
    Personally, I think perm-bans shouldn't even be warranted unless they hacked/ddos'd the server. Correct me if I'm wrong but, if you look at all the latest perm bans it's due to mass killing. It just comes to a line of judgment where people see it not as a fair punishment and a bit of biased judgments.
    For me, being banned even for a week is a lot. Which I would figure a month ban would be justified rather then a perm ban. I think it would reduce all the headache if you actually give bans where they can change themselves rather then a life punishment and then complaining 3 days later. But rules are rules I guess.
  7. Agree
    Sousei reacted to Gawd in Ban suggestion (Just hear me out)   
    I've already posted this in a different thread, but as a topic that I feel needs attention I am going to copy/paste what I wrote as well as add on a few things.
    With the amount of people making arguments about bans I wanted to provide my personal input and what I think makes sense.
    I think that we should keep perm bans PERM if they were banned for a legitimate reason and only unban if they were actually WRONGLY banned. But, seeing as this is xG we love to keep giving people second chances such as when people mass freekill (including members lately). But why do you think they do this? They do it because they know that they will be easily unbanned.
    Now honestly, if they make a protest in a much later time along the road maybe it can be put into consideration. They won't necessarily be unbanned, but w/ how lenient the clan is the odds are in their favor. However at least at this point they will have already served a time.
    I just don't get why these days people are considering perm bans optional. If you are permed you are permed, unless the ban itself was wrong then shouldn't any argument be done at that point?
    Also, not that I am in favor of taking the say away from the community but there's something wrong when somebody who just got permed (regardless of their current position or former position in the clan) can get his friends to +1 with crap saying that "he contributed a ton to the clan". Well that sucks doesn't it? Regardless of what he did in the past, he fucked up and got perm banned. We can't just unban people we like if they broke the same rules others did and were banned for it.
    What I suggest is, at least in some limited way, to limit the input on ban protests to mods, admins and divs of the respective division. Hopefully, (and i realize it will prolly just lead back to the same +1ing for friends situation) the staff will provide unbiased input in the protest and not simply unban bc they like the person but +1 if the ban was actually wrong.
    Also forgive my bs grammar typed it on my new phone still getting used to it lol
  8. Agree
    Sousei reacted to JakeEnglish in Sparrow - DayZ   
    -1 attitude of a 5 year old
  9. Winner
    Sousei got a reaction from JustSavage in Ratings   
    if it makes you feel better, I gave you a positive rating.
  10. Agree
    Sousei reacted to Forest in DayZ DL   
    Un-needed thread, not because of the server, but because it just instigated a flame war. Posting a thread for the sole purpose of determining who deserves the title is unnecessary. It only leads to Group A arguing why Leader A is better as opposed to Group B arguing why Leader B is better.
    All you get out of threads like this are hateful comments and disrespect toward one or the other. Best to discuss it in private with a Co-Leader present and come to a conclusion that both parties can be happy with, rather then publicly humiliate one or the other in a thread. I'm going to #RequestToClose because all this thread accomplished was trolling/flaming/disrespect.
    - Dat guy, Forest
  11. Agree
    Sousei reacted to Jaybreeze in DayZ DL   
    this division is still going to be useless, its gonna be populated for like 2 weeks then fall off. i dont know why all of you are making a big deal about this
  12. Winner
    Sousei reacted to Pepper in Ratings   
    I gave a "fuck you" to balance it out. Hue hue
  13. Winner
    Sousei reacted to PiNoYPsYcHo in Ratings   
    I know some people dont care about ratings or not but a certain someone can literally spam negative in ur profile which I don't want that... Can u remove them for me baby silence?
    Gyazo - 03cfe32daa4404df8977f52cfaaab730.png
  14. Informative
    Sousei reacted to salartarium in PS4 !!!!!!   
    They didn't drop it, just the new consoles didn't support it largely because of the cost of the compatibility made the console more expensive than people wanted to pay. People vote with their wallet and backwards compatibility wasn't important enough.
    That's BS. The PS3 virtualized the PS2 hardware and it worked just fine. It just required tweaking for each game which Sony didn't want to do. Either programming visualization for the PS3 is so bad (since programming in general for the PS3 was difficult to begin with) then that's the only reason I can see as to why it won't support it.
    The launch models of the ps3 contained the actual hardware of a ps2. This was to allow the use of ps2 games without virtualization or an emulator. They removed this only with a whole bunch of other features as it made the ps3 super expensive to the point where people didn't buy it ( who wants a $600 console). The virtualization you are talking about was removed with the release of the the ps3 slim because of piracy concerns and people using their ps3 as a computer. The ps3 fat had the option to install other os's such as a ps2 emulator and Linux, but they weren't happy about the prospect of someone buying a console they lose money on, not buying it games and just using it as a computer. Also, someone released a hack for the Linux release for the ps3 that removed sony's CPU restrictions and security checks. Sony had to remove the ps2 emulator along with Linux in order to fix this problem
  15. Winner
    Sousei got a reaction from Brian in I'm going to BLOW YOUR MIND!   
  16. Winner
    Sousei got a reaction from Jordozombie in I'm going to BLOW YOUR MIND!   
  17. Informative
    Sousei reacted to Jaybreeze in To where ever duckii is :(   
    dont worry guys, i gave her herpes
  18. Friendly
    Sousei reacted to nutellasoswag in To where ever duckii is :(   
    i miss you. :(
  19. Friendly
    Sousei reacted to Duckii in Buh- Bai   
    Welp, sorry for the sudden leave but i had planned to leave around june - julyish. but yea i'm not going to avoid it but got push to leave early. Been with the clan longest besides Silence, and now just wanna be release from the annoyance of many and the stress~
    I myself do admit i broke rules, not going to avoid it!
    @Brian Sorry but i just had to ban you today, you think because your position was Co-leader you could do as you please without punishment, after you left you're still annoying to me.
    @@MineCrack (banned from forums~ win) This guy sure talks trash about his own clan, but still in it? says i do nothing, i've done alot for xG but i admit i've been lacking lately and i'm sorry for that. Banned you for annoyance, breaking majority server rules, illegal use of Ddos.
    @autumn Your really focus on the clan and put a lot of effort into it, Had some fun in the clan. If your going to have some fun with abusing, why not allow some of the others have fun from time to time :cat:? anyways try not to add to much customize thing, i know you want it to be different from other server. but adding annoying/bad things will just bring it farther down~
    @@Sousei just a sex doll who sold himself to me
    @everyone else~ had some fun with you guys, And i know you guys don't think highly of me and already know many talk about me and hate me for enforcing the rules but hey! motd is nice isn't it :eek:
    Anyways I won't really be rejoining, i've already left several times and this time it's for good.. just want to have some nice relaxing time to enjoy the game and not be bitched at and have to constantly figure out people problem which should be already figured out by the other admins.. but they're lacking!
    @duckiijr Sorry, i just want to delete you. i can't really handle you anymore, no hard feelings but i just can't take the constant messaging even while im offline i still get the after another, just find someone else... i've already ask you to stop but i guess my feeling doesn't matter :eek: (probably can't read this so if someone is kindly c/p this to him
    Gl, and i hope you guys do consider about minecrack :cat: he himself admit to ddos and who knows, may be the one behind the attack on xG! audios!
    Now 1.. 2.. 3 Begin the flame attack!
  20. Agree
    Sousei reacted to MrAwesome104 in Inactivity   
    Okay Duckii Get your School work done while you're playing TTT A.T.M.
  21. Agree
    Sousei reacted to Jordozombie in Who's that College Student?!   
    Well, depends on your major and what year are you on. What is your major and are you sophomore next semester? And you should think about at least taking 15 or 16 credits per semester to graduate properly.
    If your major is like Engineering, well take Physics. (need to take both anyways)
    If your major is like Science, choose what you like. Btw Physics lab is bitch slab.
    So it depends.
  22. Friendly
    Sousei reacted to Duckii in xG Competition Night   
    Who are you? i've been wondering because you seem quite the type who talk trash continually and doesn't shush up~ don't think anyone wants someone who talk shet during the game and to their teammates~
  23. Like
    Sousei reacted to Stegosaurus in Congratz To Xeno Gamers   
    Hey everybody! My name is stegosaurus. If you remember me at all I used to play on xG servers a lot about a year or so ago. Recently I actually played a lot of Gmod. Though about a month or so ago I got permed by Charrax for making fun of him. Im making this thread for a few reasons. 1. I would like to be unbanned and 2. To congratz xG for demoting the piece of shit Charrax.
    So here we go!!
    You guys did it! Woot!
    America!!!! Fuckk Ya!!!
    This is one large step for man, and one huge leap for all of xG kind.

    But thats not all.
    Charrax has created a new clan called GG! It stands for Gaming Gaming because its such a piece of shit you have to say it twice!
    Take a look: Steam Community :: Group :: GАMING
    Its currently under construction so don't fret, he will sink some of his money into it to try to prove xG wrong! lulz.
    Now there are a few things you guys still need to do so that Charrax and his horrible rep is no way a part of xG.
    This steam group needs to be deleted: Steam Community :: Group :: Xeno Gamers GMod Group
    Whats really funny about that is that it says Charrax is the all knowing gmod guy and you can ask him anything when infact he can't do shit with coding because he doesn't know how to!!!
    Heres a link to all the threads he made, most of which are about asking how to code shit for gmod!
    What a worthless piece of shit he is am I right? The answer is: Yes!
    But again. Im so happy for you guys. I hope you all create a great gmod division. I know you can considering it wouldn't be too hard lulz.
    And just like Charrax's Clan "GG" No Re My Bebe @@Charrax
  24. Agree
    Sousei reacted to Duckii in Regarding GMOD Division   
    That looks like a plain basic HUD, my friend whos learning how to run a gmod server created one and it didn't take him that long.


    Did you not do the same to me? Enough complaints that includes some from someone in high position could make it believable but yet you believed 1 person and said i broke the rules without any evidence at all.

    Threatening the Leader isn't going to help.
  25. Optimistic
    Sousei reacted to Charrax in Regarding GMOD Division   
    I cant wait until they pull another syN^ and mess this up.
    I ran the division very well. Expect this next shitfest to crash in upon itself just like syn^, or be nowhere as good.