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Everything posted by WhyJewMad

  1. WhyJewMad

    VAC problems

    Ok. You can delete this now :3
  2. That is *McNeo to you, sir.
  3. WhyJewMad

    VAC problems

    Yesterday I was randomly kicked from servers I play on because of a steam VAC error. It said something along the lines of "could not make a secure connection with the VAC." My question is, how do I fix it?
  4. Showed blatant disrespect by freekilling me last night when the plugins were down. -1 probably not going to change. A:5 M:-3
  5. Server hosts: Where is our money, silence? Silence: Well I don't have money, but here is 35 copies of portal 2..
  6. Sorry. Didn't think. Usually don't.
  7. slowly. pour salt and acetone into the wound.
  8. WhyJewMad

    Damn It McNeo

    Your freedom of speech ends when it infringes on the rights of others. In the Constitution. Considering everyone is from the US.
  9. Hiii guise. This is just a test. Dont worry about me. I'm sending this from my phone. I don't know if it will work. :3 so howwww is xG doing.? Kgo.
  10. WhyJewMad

    Diablo 3

    My cousin might have one he could let go. I'll ask him.
  11. Inb4McNeoSuggestsABetterWay Mcneo gave me an hour of free remote service, he distinguished the problem, it was out of his hands. Dude is a whiz with computers. He did it for free for me. #goml
  12. -1 everything lollerskater said. You are cool when you want to be, but after reviewing recent bans from other servers, I'm kind of neutral on the situation. I will plus one when I see a change.
  13. M: 9/10 A: 9/10 fun to play with. Cool dude. +1
  14. Lol inb4 "I just got hldj, I DONT KNOW HOW TO TURN IT OFF" Lol
  15. OMG. You pretty much got me in this clan! Much respect man! Hit me up on teamspeak, maybe we can play some games!
  16. Thats what im saying! People just need to suck it up sometimes. Geez.
  17. Hey did you know xG has a Twitter account? You can follow it at @xenogamers This tool is useful if things go bad here on the forums. We can use it to relay messages from Leaders and Co Leaders. So help us out, tell your friends and give us a follow! If you really think about it, the more fanbase= More active members. So follow!! #followxgtwitter
  18. Turdwig, i love you. Ive always wanted this game. Please give me a copy. Thanks :)
  19. I currently have satellite internet. On a good day i get 25 mbs. sometimes i can get as low as 3 mb. What company? I have Excede Sat internet.