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Everything posted by Vegalyp

  1. Directly out of Silence's pocket too. He also pays for brand new cars and computers for everyone. Little known fact: Silence is a multi-billionaire and can do that sort of thing. I want my Lamborghini in chartreuse.
  2. Vegalyp

    Chrome Sucks

    Oh well, like the article said, there is a great deal left to personal preference. I bought a laptop with 12GB of RAM (I had no other option in RAM size, and yes that is a FREAKING ridiculous amount to have and will never use more than half of it.) so the memory usage isn't a big deal to me. However, 2GB? Yeah, Firefox or IE 10 definitely. Also, meow.
  3. Vegalyp

    Chrome Sucks

    Browser Speed Tests: Chrome 24, Firefox 18, Internet Explorer 10, and Opera 12.12 Benchmarks with the most updated version of Chrome and IE 10.
  4. Vegalyp

    Chrome Sucks

    That blog also didn't have info on Chrome 24...which is what is the current version if I remember correctly. Regardless of its speed though, it's still faster than IE and I like it more than Firefox. Firefox is wonderful, but I never did like it, mainly for aesthetic reasons and a few quirks that it has. Life or death, would I use Firefox over Chrome? Sure, it's good, but if I had a choice then I would stick with Chrome.
  5. Vegalyp

    Chrome Sucks

    Yes, bright flashes when looking at a dark background is a wonderful reason why chrome sucks. I also refuse to use it because of its reliability, faster speed, as well as user friendliness. Who needs that crap? :P
  6. Vegalyp

    Yep yep

    Never did meet you in chat or in any game, but best of luck. If you still have mod powers, don't be good. ABOOOOOOOOOSE!
  7. Then everyone automatically -1's the post. Everyone knows that shit ain't allowed.
  8. Vegalyp

    Cars similar to

    I always go by horse and buggy. Most reliable.
  9. Sadly, the statistics given are not made up, which technically means that his argument is valid, so unless someone else has proof, saying he is wrong or stupid makes you look stupid. Also #CommaSplice
  10. Vegalyp


    I don't see it, but then again I can't remember faces. P.S. @@DrPepperPhreak Pikachu is plotting your demise. Just look at those eyes.
  11. Vegalyp

    Pinoys Pedo face

    I don't know, @@DrPepperPhreak has an amazing creeper face there as well.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5Otla5157c
  13. If you really want to get the best performance out of your computer, remove all of the heat sinks and dip the computer into liquid nitrogen. Then, shoot it with a shotgun to remove any excess buildup of dust. It runs beautifully afterwards. #NotRealAdvice
  14. To the original post, perhaps an official forum rules isn't a bad idea. Yes, the rules are common sense and common courtesy, but neither of those two are as common as we would like to think they are. As to the other ideas of more sub-forums, that would be vastly unnecessary. Also, an 'Official Forum Rules' could prevent people from saying something to the effect of, "I didn't know. Why should I get banned for something I didn't know was wrong? Sieg heil, mein Führer! YOLOSWAG420 Ddos!"
  15. No they wont. I play TTT (Gmod, which uses VAC) with my brother fairly often. You wont be banned.
  16. Yes, or rooting as it is also called. Both are now officially illegal.
  17. Screw Congress, I will unlock my phones like I always have. They. Can. Suck. It.
  18. Vegalyp

    Crysis 3 Beta

    So, the Crysis 3 Open Multiplayer Beta is out. You should seriously try it. It is amazing. Short sentences rule. Seriously, play it.
  19. Vegalyp


    Sounds like time for a C-C-C-Combo Breaker!
  20. Don't forget a C-C-C-C-C-Combo Breaker!
  21. Vegalyp

    How to fix xG.

    I am rather upset that a certain Vegalyp was not mentioned in your plan. I make a wonderful Secret Police Chief, which we will totally not have. *Wink* *Wink*
  22. I have played with him and have never had a problem. Plus, I can think of no instance of why Mansex shouldn't be a mod. +1
  23. Vegalyp


    I saw no such proof. All I saw was clear, concise, and properly documented evidence. Oh, wait a minute...
  24. It is my belief that as long as there is more than one person in a division, and as long as that division has been approved through appropriate channels (Basically, is Silence chill with it?), then there shouldn't be an issue. If you don't like the game...don't play it or bash other people who do play it. I don't go over to the CS:S division and tell them how I don't like Jailbreak or how I think it's stupid (Which is essentially happening here, except to a different game). I simply determine that I don't like it, and find something that I do like to do.