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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. Neither is speaking in a language other than English.... but I don't kick the entire population of FF2 every day at 2am because of it....
  2. -1 ...... really??? he... built a dispenser..... on a server.... with FOUR people.... on a freeday..... Overreacting much?
  3. -1 The little brother excuse.... not to mention that his forum profile lists his age as 16 not 14.... he's obviously lying about his age and bad at simple math.
  4. Someone changed the capping rule to now allow hale to cap when any of six different classes out of the total of nine are alive..... wtf is that about? So now you basically get to cap as hale if anyone but a medic, sniper, or engy is alive.... Please change it back to just scout hyper heavy and flyros..... this is ridiculous.
  5. I was unaware that 22.5 hrs in 2 weeks was "inactive" =/
  6. But then who will play on the server?! :unsure: :S
  7. holy shit 7 more Minecraft staff? I didn't even know that many people played on it :P Does everyone that joins the minecraft server instantly get mod or something? :o
  8. I'll give it to you for the Awp Redline :P
  9. Contact a mod instead of votebanning? what? when did this become a thing?
  10. The thing is... they were all starting anyways... they all finished because we didnt hit the buttons soon enough so I figured they would all start again as soon as they ran in the second time so I started pressing the buttons... they just all lost that time... There's no rules that say you have to give a "go" to start the games. The closest thing is that blus cant hit buttons without warden's permission, which I had.
  11. Demo for people that didn't even see what happened: Dropbox - demo1.dem It still was not a mass freekill just because "it was too hard"
  12. Why would he have to say go a second time, it was the same game, we were still playing it... not to mention, Nothing says he need to say go at all... Noone says "go" before killing someone with a DR trap...
  13. apparently hitting enter doesnt tab in the selected tag anymore and instead submited.... @Nomulous @kbraszzz @Bach
  14. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Matsi Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:18865285 Information: Forge permed me from blu because I killed the reds in dodgeball... He said I massed them.... total bullshit.... LR was dodgeball. Warden made everyone go to dodgeball, everyone started before he said go, he then said go, but everyone was already finished... He told them all to go in again. They did and then they all lost the game.... Please unban. I didn't mass, They lost the game. @nom
  15. I still have this if anyone wants to trade me for it :)
  16. Matsi


    Damn I got excited I thought this was real and that I could get on the servers again without them filled with Bach Aboose :(
  17. I told you all TWICE to stop flying off the map(exploiting) Then I slayed the 3 people I saw doing it and told you all to stop After that you were the ONLY one to continue doing it and even said in chat "I'm going to do it anyways so suck it" You did it again, I kicked you... you kept saying you were going to do it anyways along with some petty namecalling You did it TWO more times, and then I banned you for 6 hours.... -1; Grow up...
  18. any chance anyone has a pool party taunt they would trade for it? @Barmithian @DrLee
  19. I got this $10 card, but I don't play the game, would anyone like to buy it or trade me CS:GO or TF2 Items for it?
  20. oh and please also extend this ban to perm @kbraszzz ;) Xeno Gamers
  21. Googled your steamid (of this account at least) and on the first page found several other communities where you are permanently banned for "aimbotting" and "Namehacking" One of them listed you IP address which I then googled to find what I assume are more of your accounts since they also use the same exact name [ßP] Oven ᴹᴺ....also banned for aimbotting, including a SMAC ban for aimbotting. Here's some screenshot of what I found in 5 minutes, I bet I could find a bunch more if I took the time to. so uh... -1 for unban, and I think we should also add a ban for the steamid STEAM_0:0:49561510 @kbraszzz