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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. that could work, maybe there is a way to give someone some sort of trusted tag if they are really good rep?
  2. I feel like there should be a line, where known scammers are not allowed onto the servers, It'll be nearly impossible to prevent someone being scammed on the trade servers otherwise. I'd assume that 95% of the scams aren't noticeable to the public(the server) and I wonder how many people would actually report it to the forums and have sufficient proof to get something done. And they would still be out the scammed items they lost regardless...
  3. Wow.... this is like why I don't trade.... this and that thing in the ban requests for that guy that scammed some people out of $40K with paypal chargebacks..... ridiculous.... I sort of feel like what Kart did, lieing about unboxing it and having you sell it for him because he is marked as a scammer could be considered scamming in itself.... He committed fraud by deception, entered a contract fraudulently, and part of his doing that was by effectively subcontracting Vector to sell the item that he was already supposed to sell and split with the owner. If the orig owner and Kart had an agreement to sell the unusual and split the sale 50/50, what he did (subcontracting Vector to sell for 50/50 split) caused the orig owner to only receive 25% of the sale, not 50% thus Fraud/Scam and should be dealt with accordingly.
  4. I disagree, I think he should be banned to prevent anyone that plays on xG from getting scammed, there's no reason to allow him into our servers or community. +1 I do not think that the location of the scam should matter since technically they don't really ever happen on the servers anyways, but via steam/steamfriends.
  5. I don't think that word means what you think it means. You know what cmd people can use at the start of the map to get everyone unfrozen "kill" in console.... :)
  6. Well that depends on why he got banned, did he mass freekill? Did he ddos the server or was part of a group that was permed for ddosing the server? Did he hack?
  7. Bans from one server/division spread to every other xG div/server, sorry.
  8. Wow.... he can get into a lot of trouble for that.... if you're under 18, call CPS because that's bullshit.... if you're over 18, get the cops back involved since he destroyed your property not to mention if he JUST got arrested for domestic violence I think most places will put you on like a no contact order so if the first thing he did when he got out was go destroy your stuff call the cops and get him thrown back in the jail. Then sue him for all the damages.
  9. Why not just FIX the thing making people get stuck... I believe it's whatever was added to keep hyper heavies and 520 scouts from leaving during the countdown....
  10. Without any proof nothing is going to happen... =/
  11. Hale Server/Freak Fortress 2 MLG Sniper sounds are waaaay too loud...
  12. Blows up everyone's ears and people leave.... it's rediculously loud.....
  13. Why would you try and kill a single guy in a crowd with rockets? =/
  14. Just going to throw this out there, I was under the impression that it was intended that "only STAFF can deem a camp unbreakable" and that it is poorly written as admin. Since I have been directly told be leadership that I would be able to give myself special valve weapons to break a sentry camp like that and that that would be pretty much the only time I could use said weapons on people outside of a vote.
  15. Xeno Gamers - Player Events History
  16. That video doesn't even show you starting up, you start recording while already started up.... and lol at making a video to prove you don't have hacks.. but I blame the people that always say you need proof you weren't breaking rules for a ban protest.... that said.... I glanced over that video and your ability to track people that are flying through the air and headshot them looks a tad fishy to me.... What really has me bothered is that looking through the last TEN pages of events log on you shows you NEVER, LITERALLY NEVER, getting a kill with your Bazaar Bargain that isn't a headshot.... a lot of them are also while people are airborn and they are within seconds of each other.... I don't care how good you might be, even the best snipers will still get some body shot kills. -1
  17. Banning this guy is seriously such a joke.... I know you all say "oh you can get a medic to uber and break it easy" well you know what it's not so fucking easy when you have either stupid or just assholish people on your team opening the door and getting you all killed while you try to get an uber ready, not to mention you'll prolly just go flying witht he stickies and still not be able to do anything about it... It's like saying "oh no spawn camp isn't unbreakable... there's always the chance you might rtd toxic or godmode and then you'll be fine.... this guy did something that kept a lot of people from just leaving the server, you should be awarding him with mod or something instead of banning him.... specially with how many incompetent people there are around here not to mention how much some other people ACTUALLY abuse donator powers and rarely get so much as a warning.
  18. I love how the first thing he says in his defense is "There's no proof" not "I wasn't aimboting" That, and the general douche-bagginess of his comments along with the fact he is banned on other communities for aimboting make me want to -1 this, not that it'll matter. At least SMAC is updated now and will hopefully catch him if he does it again :)
  19. Personally I would rather someone who's donated to the clan do something like that than for the server to empty out due to some lame ass spawn camping. He should have tried to contact a staff member first, who knows... maybe he did and no one was online or willing to come.
  20. well in the logs of his chat Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History he says that the spawn camp is going further than the rule intends and that if he hadn't done that a mod/admin would have. I'll just throw this out there, looking at that video, I would have cleared it out too. I know the rule says that only admins can deem a spawncamp "unbreakable" but I mean shit.... they aren't always around and I think what he did was in the right, he cleared out the dozen or so blus + 2 sentries and other building and then it looks like he went back to normal. I don't think he should be punished or at the most, told to try and contact a staff member first next time.
  21. -1 I'd like to disagree with that, that was a pretty gnarly spawn camp... and it looks like he only did it to clear them out. Just my 2¢
  22. +9001 guy was headshotting people not even in his scope lol.... plz perm @kbraszzz @Rejects @Ohstopyou
  23. It's because people saying things like this that we even have this problem.... it's still spamming it just isn't flooding the server.... just like... when someone and their 5 friends are each hitting their bind 1 time all together doesn't make it not spam.
  24. The only thing I know for sure is that your chat log is filled with lenny faces... I'm so sick of people and their lenny face spamming.... I think you should just quit with it and save yourself the hassle of getting banned in the future =/