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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. Get banned for aimbot Record yourself playing without any aimbot and post it in a ban protest ??? Profit I think the fact that you use multiple accounts is fishy too. :)
  2. All I see is an hour ban for not having a mic by @CoolyCooly 2 months ago and has since expired... Xeno Gamers
  3. I have recently began to just slay people that fly off and hide for Camping Not playing their role Delaying the round/Buddy-buddy
  4. Anyone going to go see it? Watch The Colbert Report: Smaug Online | Hulu
  5. Matsi

    Happy holidays!

    Just the trolls thinking it's funny that someone tried to kill people will chemical weapons at a furry convention.
  6. Matsi

    Happy holidays!

    Because nothing shows how much of an idiot you are better than committing an act of terrorism and violating the Chemical Weapons Convention
  7. Matsi

    Happy holidays!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlA_YoTj27M Remember, Santa knows where all the naughty girls live! (y)
  8. -1 had to listen to this guy bitch for an hour about how he was being harassed/threatened by Kypari because he missed an "m" in the link... How he "No longer wanted to be in a community with people like Kypari" and was "going to take back his application" Told him that if people were threatening/harassing him or whatever... to report it on the forums instead of bitching in the server every round because that would accomplish nothing. TL;DR This guy is crazy.... and Furry Rule #3: "Don't stick your dick in crazy"
  9. cooly is a mod now.... oh fuck... I can feel the migraines coming on already..... uhgggggg
  10. Ok... I am confused.... firstly... does anyone have any proof of the other guy "attempting to scam" or can at least explain how he did so? Secondly.... why did this guy get permanently banned for being friends with the first guy? When did "being friends with someone that breaks rules" get you the same punishment they did. #PermBleed4BeingFriendsWithLQ2014
  11. If you like deadmau5 check it out, it's FREE: deadmau5: 4x4=12 - Music on Google Play If you do not know who Deadmau5 is, he's one of the best Dance/Electronic DJs in the world!
  12. I thought this got taken care of in game, because I remember @kbraszzz telling him to stop building and shortly after that is when we found out that the rule about engies building was gone from the MOTD(it has since been readded)
  13. Matsi


    Once you go black, nothing else fits!
  14. I believe this will answer your question: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7pvvAuj7jw
  15. I'm not even going to lie.... but with both the WoD expansion pre-patch launching Tuesday and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel coming out the same day... I am going to be busy playing both WoW and BL and wont be as active on TF2 for a few weeks, tho I will still try to be on whenever I can.
  16. I just target using userIDs when I can't type the letters ^^; I usually don't enforce this rule unless I really have to for some reason.
  17. ummmm lol wut? people actually call them that? Stuff like this is why I just stick to only trading in high end items in CS:GO where they are worth more and hold their value better...and it's less confusing... xD
  18. It's a config option... you can also set it to Birthday or Christmas Mode tf_forced_holiday 0/1/2/3 - enables holiday mode (0 = default; 1 = birthday; 2 = halloween; 3 = Christmas) also +1
  19. Wow really... I have never even seena duped item or had that happen tome ever before... that's silly.
  20. Wait so... I'm can't play on the server if my backpack isn't public? but then I get all those fuckers randomly trading me for my CS:GO stuff :(
  21. Matsi

    Tf2: no more pinion!

    I only ever got the screen of "brought to you by pinion but there isn't an ad this time" or w/e....
  22. The USP !taser, No. The Zeus, Yes.
  23. Matsi

    Klure - mmo

    @ThePenguin @diabeetus @Gawd