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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. Matsi

    Klure - mmo

    Division: MMO In-Game Name: Klure Offender's Steam ID: Klure | Xeno Gamers Rules Broken: Trolling/Spamming Ratings Evidence: Unprovoked rating spam, He just went through my recent posts and rated them all downs within 2 minutes, obviously not even reading them and obviously just to troll. Please forum ban him and make him stop. @Hidingmaster @DrLee @Chrono @Bleed
  2. @Nomulous @kbraszzz @Chrono @Bleed @Bleed @Bleed @Bleed
  3. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: *see below* Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:53548020 Rules Broken: Multihack/Mass Freekilling Evidence: Please extend to perm, guy had that stupid multihack thing that keeps changing his name to another player on the server, I banned him for like 9001 minutes using his userid.... He also massed. Xeno Gamers Demo, in case it's needed: Dropbox - multihacker.dem
  4. @Nomulous fix that stupid freekill penalty thing please :(
  5. Matsi


    +1 Didn't the last member protest on her get closed because she wasn't actually even a member anyways? INB4 all the other trolls come and start down rating everyone that +1ed this thread...
  6. idk if the death threat is permable... he said something about how people were n@!#$rs and should be hanged Crazy Pyro and Robocop both mass freekilled in front of me among other things so definite +1 to perm them I don't think being a demo on blu is banable.... lol
  7. I think I have to agree with Chrono on this one... In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. I could easily see how that kind of comment would be considered something that was attempting to provoke an emotional response from Egossi. I don't think people should be constantly warned... things like that are the reason there's trolls around still that will constantly troll and troll and troll up until the point where they get warned then kicked... then they will stop for a while and then troll some more expecting the warning/kicks to be required before they will get banned. I also do not think that something like "it's not trolling, they are just naturally an asshole" is an adequate reason to get away with it.
  8. [MEDIA=facebook]10152682123010513[/MEDIA]
  9. Robinhood and Little John yiffing in the forest, going back and forth cause both of them're gay. Doing anål, blowjobs havin such a good time
    1. Light


      rip my childhood
    2. Goblin


      God damn Disney Furries.
    3. Matsi


    4. Show next comments  72 more
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfO8LR_VosI "I challenge: Bruce Campbell, every man named John Johnson, and Fabio."
  11. How about you just don't allow people to delay the rounds with it like they do... easy...
  12. Get kicked from the server/channel Rejoin the same channel so you can get kicked 3 more times.. ??? Profit?
  13. 0 He's very active, even active while he's banned....................
  14. fix it by giving everyone RCON access? ;)
  15. I have no idea wtf you are talking about some melee arena... but my only question is... why didn't you just use your powers while he was there.... aren't you a mod moosty?
  16. -1 No Proof other than hearsay
  17. "I agree the hiding comments is dumb. Someone could have threatened to kill you, hid it before you saw, and you would never know."
  18. you get permed for "admin disrespect".... lolwut?
  19. THIS THIS THIS SO MUCH THIS!!!! If you want to populate the CSS server... make it FUN to play on it! The bullshit strictness of the rules enforced there make it idiotically not fun to play.... and that is for the people who have yet to be banned already.... If you want to see what HAVING FUN is... play on the TF2 servers for a while, IT'S FREE!!! and you'll see how you wont get slayed for stepping too close to a red/T or some other stupid thing that happens in CSS that made a lot of people quit playing that div...
  20. 1. No, because there are plenty of legit reasons to cap like you mention 2. you mean like an !motd? 3. You could also votekick/ban someone for capping.... same effect
  21. Just glanced at his chat logs Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History Disrespecting people all day calling them fags and cunts all sorts of childish shit -1
  22. #Disable Freekill nerf penalties 2014
  23. I don't think it should be perm.... maybe a couple weeks to a month... he can be pretty immature at times, but he's also very active in the server.... do a lower ban and let him try and learn his lesson. If he comes back and continues reban him, if not... he still gets to play on the servers.
  24. You mean like this? Dropbox - nyuu.dem