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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. Seriously it's all I see every fucking time i am in there... and it's FUCKING ADMINS SPAMMING TOO! And yes... I was running towards soccer when warden said "all CTs fall back" and saw a guy bhop out at about 7:02, I shot him at 6:59 an then I was in soccer at 6:58...
  2. INB4 all you fucking losers give neg rep... Dumbass in CS:S slays me because I killed a guy for leaving his cell early on warday, so of course I'm like WTF?! and argue the point, THEN he changes the reason I was slayed from "freekilling" to "not being in warday area by 7" so I comment about that and get kicked... Seriously is CS:S just a bunch of fucking idiots that spam chat "GG NO RE" and "IM SQUIDWARD" or is there anyone that has an IQ higher than -1?
  3. You should read up on the thread before you talk out your ass, kid.
  4. No, it's actually not clarified within the motd, so unless supported by staff currently on the server, it is not a rule. However if staff currently online says that something not in the motd is legal, then it is legal (once again, only within reason). For someone who rewrote (I'm using the word "rewrote" in the most liberal sense possible, all you did was rephrase the motd and change rules so you personally could remember them better) the motd, I would expect you to understand something this incredibly simple. And if that is how it works, I am fine with that and understand that not ALL rules can be listed... but for something so entirely not obvious for a rule, and something that differs on other servers and CS:GO, it would have been better done to inform me of the rule instead of just slaying me.
  5. If something is not in the motd, but considered to be a valid rule by staff currently on, it is a rule (within reason of course) and your so called moderater saying is mature? I attempted to keep my post mature and even removed names and such. Also... one could argue that the motd you mentioned says ADMIN not MOD... but either way I think they need to inform people of the rule that isnt listed. He was called out by warden BY NAME to be a rebel and I was told to find him and kill him, I was looking for him long before the warden died. I don't remember if he was one I had actually seen myself to be rebeling but I assumed that the warden did since he called by name that he was rebeling...
  6. Either list the rule as a rule or don't enforce it when someone doesn't know it exists and when CS:GO rules on it differ. A mod's job is to teach people the rules, not being a slayhappy douchebag, specially when the server is empty.
  7. and LOL here's that "disrespecting (only against mods) is against the rules" thing again, you gag me when I call YOU retarded but you didnt do shit when the guy I killed called ME retarded... bad mods gonna badmod...
  8. first off.... calling that stupid made up rule retarded and saying that noone likes CS:S wasn't disrespect towards any of the staf.. it was disrespect against the "rule" and the server.... learn the difference. second off... Warden called him out as a rebel and I had been searching for him the entire fucking round, and when warden died there was ONE guy left that was going to get LR after I found the rebel. third off... you prove even MORE how bad of a mod you are by saying that me not knowing that there is a made up rule that is LISTED NOWHERE AT ALL means that when I break it it is MY FAULT..... GG I even went into CS:GO right after you kicked me and asked mods thre and they said you were stupid and that rebels remain rebels, one of the mods said that bleed even says that rebels remain rebels when it becomes freeday.
  9. Ya, im totally here disrespecting other staff you idiot... and yes chrono was trying to explain it to me, that's when you kicked me because you're so mad and bias, GTFO noob i bet you don't even lift! Those players being there in NO WAY make it so that a made up rule that isn't listed anywhere is magically known by everyone that comes to play so STFU you are such a bad mod!
  10. I am not trying to start a flame war, I am just pissed off that I try to play CS:S and have some fun only to be slayed, with no warning or anything, not asked "why did you kill this guy" not even given a reason until I asked for one, over a rule that is made up and not only is it made up, it' is not a very good rule. I don't like being punished because of a rule that is "accepted by the admins" and I have no idea it exists until I do it.
  11. That is ridiculously retarded, it's no wonder all the CS:GO players say CS:S is bad and why the server is always dead. I was playing on it to help populate it but I am not going to anymore since the rules are so much different from CS:GO because people make shit like this up out of their ass. not to mention the reg sucks dick, when I awp someone for 30 dmg GG. Not to mention the bad mods that will look for reasons to go slayhappy on your ass when they don't like you or you disagree with them.... reminds me of Line... :(
  12. A Badmod slayed me today because I killed rebel after it became a freeday. Telling me that "once it becomes a freeday all rebels are no longer rebels" which is bullshit and mentioned nowhere in any of the rules! On every JB server I have ever played on(including xG's CS:GO) rebels remain rebels unless pardened. GG /vent
  13. Prolly isnt, but that's the only thing I was able to find with that issue... and my suggestion remains.... reinstall everything from scratch with fully up to date versions and reconfigure it from scratch to make sure it's all correct. :)
  14. This is what I keep finding: Problem with CS:GO Server since today's update Someone should take the time one day to just completely reinstall the server and all the plugins. As well as configure everything properly. SOMEONE THAT KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE DOING PREFERABLY
  15. Hey can you give me my paid admin powers? ;)
  16. When did he get D? He smited me and claimed it was an "accident".... not really sure how you can accidentally type "!smite matsi" into chat..... Demo(tick 15000): smite.dem
  17. I get shot all the time for going to the other train doors....lololol Just try not to be too smart, it gets you killed... and while yes some mods would slay you, mostly only the mods that ct without thinking first.... swizz did that shit all the time....
  18. Matsi

    Me and DL

    Did you build that from scratch or use worldedit or something that let you just autobuild it?
  19. Matsi

    xG ARMA III server!

    Can I has your puppies?
  20. Or his steam profile because he posted his steam ID in an app... Steam Community :: ✪Wailord
  21. Matsi

    xG ARMA III server!

    Do you know how much /month it would be for an ARMA 3 server?
  22. Matsi

    xG ARMA III server!

    I contribute, just havn't given any money.... but I contribute in other ways.... Also the last time i was giving money to a community every month the dickhead of a leader decided one month to shut down all the serveres including the forums and take the nearly $3000 that was in the account from donations and disappear, so I don't do it very often anymore. I would be willing to help pay for an ARMA III server if xG were to get one tho, I could help with maybe $10-20 a month, but I'm not going to pay for the entire thing, else i would just get the server myself lolol Also I said I would HELP run it... not that I wanted to own it or be the only one in charge or something... I would be satisfied with just being able to kick TKers and shit... but would also do anything I could to help set it up and keep it running nicely, as well as recruiting people to play on it and advertising!
  23. We need one.... me and Agh can help run it :) KTHX
  24. in the ~4 months i have been here I have never seen any of them... and the ONLY one I even see on TS is Serbian
  25. I think it should be changed that ALL need 5 CoLeader approvals before they can join! /sarcasm In case you didn't get it... there's only 4 CLs and NONE of them play!