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Everything posted by Mythic

  1. Hey guys, today I decided to go back and relive the memories of the glorious days back in 2012/2013. I know many of you will not know who I am, which is probably a good thing, but I would like to see who is still active from back in the CSS:JB days. I know there will not be a lot of you, but let me know who is still here!
  2. Mythic


    Throw back from 2012/2013
  3. Mythic


    Hi everyone Chrono is gay
  4. Mythic


    Hello. Chrono is gay
  5. Mythic

    Give meh mod

    @Slinkerton Nuu bbs I need teh mad
  6. Mythic


    Hello Chrono is gay
  7. +1 He is a very cool, smart, chilled, fun, awesome, happy, intelligent, funny, good sense of humor, a big donator to the servers, knows the rules, and has every reason to be in the clan, I mean there are even some people in the clan that have !smite @ all (not just me), that probaly should not be, or should not be a rank.
  8. Excuse me, where is my rank?
  9. I mean, if you need staff im always here.......... <3 you muffin
  10. Chillin will my engi friends on Pokemon trade! 31858E25AAAC74F49E9EEB2A97E7FBBC5125C1DA
  11. Hmm is that not the same proof jacob had against darkwolf?
  12. Why did you have it in the first place? To start shit, so how bout you dont do that and none of this would happen Yes, because when someone sees a staff member who is not moderating the server as they should be after receiving multiple warnings to shape up and to always follow the correct protocol for punishing someone and then reporting them as anyone with half a brain would is clearly trying to start shit. With every coming post I lose about 1,000 brain cells. He clearly is start shit, why else would he tell everyone to bind that........ Dia-badest
  13. The only reason WHY im -1'ing this is because you disrespecting in your bind. I say stuff like that all the time to everyone, and I removed the bind right after this happened. Why did you have it in the first place? To start shit, so how bout you dont do that and none of this would happen
  14. Guys settle down, it was just a kick. All you have to do is reconnect. Jacob shouldn't of disrespected like that. It was just a kick and everyone gets butthurt over it, atleast it wasnt a smite @ all
  15. -1, very annoying and when ever he gets killed he spams the admins. He complains about everything, and when you are just trying to have fun with the game he ruins it by pulling put his, ' Well I know everything about the motd ', plus he doesnt know when to stop his annoyance.
  16. @@Forest I understand completely, what i did was immature of me and this clan has given me so many chances i took for granted. The only reason i made this post is because of how sinly only got a 2 month ban, i had no idea that it would end up being this big of a argument over it. I admit, What i did was stupid, and if i dont get unbanned, so be it. But as i say this a lot, i am just asking for a second chance.