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Everything posted by Mythic

  1. Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: Mythic Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:33672384 Information: The reason I was banned, and I know people are mad at me, but I smited @all on the CSS:JB server and was permanently banned for this. The reason i want to be unbanned is because when Sinnly did this + banned lollerskater, he was only banned for 2 mounths, so I do not understand why this is a perma ban on me.
  2. i dont know what a +1 is put i give you a +1 even though i dont know what a +1 is
  3. <.> Oh tay ill stop, if you really want me too ill CT ban myself for 1 day
  4. Hey, i know that i just left, and i am by no means asking to get back in xG (because i know i wouldnt get enough +1s) But i am posting this just to say I now realize that i over reacted way too much about this all. I should have never gone to their TS and did anything. It was not my intention to troll but i guess that is how they took it. All i know is i feel retarded, i should not of left for a stupid reason that i brought on to myself. I just thought you should know this. And i know this sounds bad by just leaving the clan but should i try to rejoin right now or just wait alittle bit? I am sincerly sorry for all you're troubles my stupidity has put some people through. - Mythic
  5. Hey guys some things have come up you probably have heard of when i went on another teamspeak and apparently "trolled". So i am leaving just because of all the goddamn drama. i will still play on the servers but its just gotten too much. Cya later "baddies".
  6. +1 JakeFromStateFarm you will never know ^.^
  7. Mythic

    Me and DL

    At first we all thought you should not of gotten DL, but as i have seen how you have helped the server already, serbian made a good choice in picking you to be DL. If anybody has problems with you I want to know what it is because so far you have done nothing but help us.
  8. +1 very active and knows the rules of the xG Minecraft division
  9. +1 Bro :) plays on tekkit and TS
  10. Hey guys here is a download link for Parabellum jb_parabellum_xg.bsp
  11. Hey Apply here in the comments all you have to say is 'Mythic is da bestest' :)
  12. Hey guys just wondering, if possible , There are many colors that can be used for tracers.... but i think it would be fucking sick to have black tracers or just add even more tracer colors/types. Only if possible though
  13. Hey guys i was thinking about getting a new computer. Price doesn't matter, tell me your thoughts in comments.
  14. Mythic

    Mac vs. PC

    Hey guys post in the comments what you think is better in the comments. lets see if microsoft or apple will win.
  15. If recommending yourself - Your in-game name: JT Mythic Your real name: (Leave blank if you truly wish to not reveal this.) John (not going to say last name) Age:13 turning 14 in april How long have you been playing CSS:December 10th 2010 Your favorite game:CSS Do you have any special skills that we can use towards the community: My steam id is: STEAM_0:1:33672384
  16. I was a CT and the warden called a warday, but he didn't open cells, (Mind you this was months ago) So it was a freeday... No CT knew this and when they came into warday, All the CTs killed them. I was the only one perma banned. There is no proof of this but I am pretty sure I only killed the Ts with guns (primarys) yet i was still banned.The reason I want to be unbanned is because in my opinion I didnt do anything wrong and i think that I dhould at least get a second chance (even though i didnt do anything really wrong). Thanks for you time -Mythic