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Everything posted by Digitalhax

  1. +1 xG needs to actively be adding new content for players to keep them coming, and giving them a reason to play often, this isn't really something that makes new players go, "SHIT IM GONNA PLAY UNTIL I CAN BUY THAT BLINGBLING" but it would be a start.
  2. +1 hate that map, nothing even fun on it, people need to test the maps and ONLY add the good ones
  3. You cant tell from the angle, but there is a LOT of room for the CTs, don't worry. This map is being made with an "Original Jailbreak" point of view, like back in the good ole' days that made it fun. It will be a CT Controlled environment (as it should) with a COUPLE ways for Ts rebel, but most of the time they will have to actually work for it to rebel in a good way, not just buy a large bomb and run towards CTs and ruin the day like every other map. In my opinion people give too much advantage to the Ts and you can rebel easier than finding sex in the red light district. This map will HOPEFULLY make Jailbreak fun like it used to be.
  4. Will add the xG logo of course, and the lighting is brighter than that, but when I took the screenshot the picture was dark, I don't know why. When I used Steam for the pic, it looked brighter, but I didn't have that sexual angle that made it look better, so I just used this one. @ImmortalUnleashed and I took a lot of time trying to figure out the textures. Will update when more is added!
  5. 12/31/2012 SMALL UPDATE: brighter, medic/bigcage/balcony added. textures not final, just want to update for you guys Full Screen: [MEDIA=imgur]X1Kyz[/MEDIA] Wont be working on this tonight 12/30/2012: Cells created, VIP cell created, lighting added. Is brighter than this, the CSS pic came out alittle darker for some reason. For Full Size: [MEDIA=imgur]XWSA4[/MEDIA] would like all sorts of opinions on whether we should continue with this theme, or what, or how we can further accent the area. Dont post what areas to add, this is just for theme opinions. Also ignore the upstairs vip cell being really dark, that's for a test.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfdEdE96En0
  7. the background for me is white, and im assuming same for diabeetus... how do you change the theme? this theme im on freezzes like shittastic crazy like know what i just said?
  8. I've just heard that a buyzone messed up the JB mod that is implemented, but in any case, I will add a pimped out armory with all the weapons if that's the case. and yeah too early to decide, you should add me so you can test it out and give me some information on changes. Same with everyone else in this thread, please and thank you! steamname is "bellach"
  9. Add me on Steam, I will get you testing some of the maps and explain what you will do
  10. Should change the thread to say - ANYTHING you want will be added, regardless of how small it may be, or how big and seemingly difficult it seems, I will implement it. I finished bhop and longjump area, and I want to move on to more things, checking other thread to see who called what and just making whatever has not been picked yet.
  11. i actually only got running sneakers
  12. If you guys know someone who is a brilliant interior designer, you could help us sort out the color issue, or put out some information on what you would like see it as. Also everything is simple at the moment just so we get the basic "skeleton" done. And this was just 8 hours or so without sleep while on caffeine and cocaine.
  13. Age: 18 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:9793686 Valve Hammer Editor experience: since 2008 on and off, but with 2 years of CS:S Scripting work with entities. What can you offer: Advanced Entities Area of the map you would like to create: Bhop(for the hell of it...)
  14. Hmm interesting Idea Gkoo, maybe you can make an idea where p[layers can submit ideas for what minigames they would like to se, and like hidingmaster said, once it's done textures and everything can be implemented perfectly or doors and such. Really a great idea.
  15. Really looking forward to doing this, ready whenever you guys are! To be honest - since that KOTO guy left - his map really wasn't that impressive! Hopefully we can get together and make a KICK ASS map KNOW WHAT I'M SAYIN? No, but seriously, I'm ready to start mapping whenever. My Steam id is BELLACH for anyone who wants to add me and get a head start
  16. Just noticed this, but you guys realize Jailbreak is a RolePlaying game, and it's supposed to be like real life jail. That's how it has always been. In real life, do you think that a CO has to go find his Warden in the giant facility and ask, "Hey can I go look for Bob, he broke out of his cell 30 minutes ago..." No of course not... And how about not being able to go into armory? Uh I never can imagine that being some sort of rule, because although they may not re-enter because they aren't firing off rounds as often as us, they could if they wanted to. If ANYTHING Jailbreak is SUPPOSED to be towards CT if you want a GOOD gameplay. Rebelling is SUPPOSED to be hard. Yet Ts get the most wins every game. If anything it's favored towards Ts, which is wrong. Trust me, I would know - My mommy is a Correctional Officer.
  17. Same here, except I also have no ideas haha, I used to script in CSS for the IOn clan(If you know who they are, you probably think I'm an amazing programmer suddenly.) so I have excellent skills with creating "custom" entities and such. Girls just wanna have fun, know what I am saying. HMU with some ideas if anyone wants to make a map together, or just wants an imagination to become reality.
  18. John Cena Action Figure. John Cena watch for my wrist. John Cena poster for my door. John Cena car that I can drive(if i was really small). John Cena Lunch Box (made of steel). Box of Betty Crocker Fudge Brownies. John Cena Wrestling Belt. John Cena Pajamas. Best CD of all Time: Illmatic (Even though I already have it). Was a very good Christmas
  19. +1 played with him awhile ago, was a cool guy seemed to know the rules and didn't disrespect. also didn't make things awkward in front of my peers after i asked him out and kindly got declined. As Abigail above me said, I have not seen him in awhile though, hoping to see that 4 letter name some more.
  20. +1 He is very active on the jailbreak server, I personally have never seen him break rules, nor disrespect. The most I have seen is very very small outburst when something goes wrong such as a freekill on him or something, but who doesn't get upset when they get freekilled. I've never seen him disrespect either and I am usually in the server when he is for a very long period of time. He appears to be very mature to me, and a very good rebel, I have never seen him on CT so I have no input there. Goodluck! Only thing, you should register for Teamspeak, that is a requirement for member submissions.
  21. Trust me, I loved going CT and spamming on mic about not having to watch the ad just as much as any other guy, but I felt like the community deserved something as a whole, and not just my butt buddies. @@silence, it is completely understandable, and it's helping the community too, I'm sure they would encourage the findings on glitches and reporting them as it would help them perfect their code. Abby, you can s my d you b and f your j k? l u v?
  22. you're welcome, you still sort of have to listen to it, but you can play the game right away and not wait the whole time. i didnt wanna release, but i've never gave anything to the community other than my body so i decided to release some more than nude pics and such
  23. So I've had enough fun being the first person in game every single game because I dont need to sit there an watch the ad, so I've decided to release how to do it, besides telling select individuals, cause I'm nice. This still watches the entire ad, and supports xG it just basically "Alt-Tabs" it into the background and you have to listen to the ad for the remainder of the time, then after you get the pot of gold, it pops up so you can instantly close it. I've been the only person to know how to do this from everybody I have seen, besides who I have told. Because I am a boss. 1.) Join server 2.) Press tab once 3.) Unpress tab 4.) Hold down tab 5.) Press M 6.) Choose team and let go of M 7.) Press tab to remove the scoreboard after you spawn 8.) ????? 9.) Profit! You're welcome I love you
  24. +1 also since these are server suggestions, fix bhop server by any chance, alot of players have been leaving the servers because of it. When I first joined it, I noticed something was weird when I was bhopping, I asked lots of times if there was reduced gravity, everybody insisted that there was not. Multiple other players joined, said, "Wtf low gravity?" then left. The xG Bhop server would be a lot more populated if it wasn't handicapped with low gravity, that is just NOT what a bhop server should be like. It's NOT bhopping. Also would love to see a DR server!
  25. i understand, and i agree with you about the couch thing, that was my fault, and i messed up, and realized it then fixed myself. but for the afk freeze thing, i wasnt giving an order so im just saying its impossible to be a tarp