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Posts posted by TheKingBaby

  1. A boa constructor eating 3D letters "$nakeboyeric" in big gold lettering with diamond and jewels bling. Also strippers with @@Gkoo 's hot bod dancing in the background.


    I'll start right away



    Heres another one with a tophat, because hey, tophats are cool on snakes. [MEDIA=imgur]3jXQAct[/MEDIA]

  2. A boa constructor eating 3D letters "$nakeboyeric" in big gold lettering with diamond and jewels bling. Also strippers with @@Gkoo 's hot bod dancing in the background.


    I'll start right away



    [MEDIA=imgur]SSt69vj[/MEDIA] What do you like, what do you hate, what do you want added or changed?

  3. Alright you don't HAVE to do this but:


    My name in pink and cyan (xSpankyyx)

    Light gray backround

    Paintball guns on both sides, barrels slanted to the middle. NO DETAIL on the guns, so its just all black, chrome it if you would like. (Preferably Planet Eclipse Ego 11 on the left and a Empire Sniper pump, look them up)

    pink and cyan paint splats around the entire thing.


    SORRY this might be to hard, you don't need to do it if you think you wont be able to.


    Im still working on yours, sorry for the long delay!

  4. Rainbows, Everything in Rainbow Color

    3D words saying xG M RainbowDashie

    Background Rainbow color

    Words Rainbow Colord

    And for extra, Make sure is awesome and rainbow :D


    Tell me what ya like and what you want changed. [MEDIA=imgur]w0uKABB[/MEDIA]

  5. My name (xG Purple) in NEON purple.(Neon is needed if possible)

    Background in blue and black.


    Before I continue with the spray this is what I have. Tell me if you want anything changed, different, or added, don't be afraid to tell me its shitty, I'll redo it if you don't like it. [MEDIA=imgur]C6oEBMQ[/MEDIA]

  6. Using swapteam one time isn't that big of a deal. I don't see why you have to make an entire abuse thread over one little time. Along with that, you have NO proof of him spamming. Only a screenshot of him on T, then swapping himself using sm_swapteam. Again, this happened one time.

    -1 because one time isn't that big of a deal. If you had proof of him spamming after using this command to get on CT, it would actually be a bigger deal, but one time no.


    I understand you are taking sides because you don't like me, and that's fine, there's nothing I can do about it. But he did abuse his admin powers and like I've said before this thread was only posted because he KEPT abusing, I can keep them coming.

  7. First of all I wasn't saying he disrespected in the thread he disrespects the majority of the time in game. And when things go his way of slays he picks that "mod+ as the person doing his job." And the second something doesn't go his way he immediately disrespects the admin and rages on for another 30 mins disrespecting then getting mad and posting abuse threads and or just rage threads. And no I wasn't disrespecting his job what so ever. In fact I admire nurse's for all the things they have done for me while I have been in the ER plently of times for football and sports related injuries" and during my resting period. But the short temper Chuck Noris displays doesn't reflect that of any nurse I have ever seen. Either way his attitude has to change. I mean chuck was a good guy and was a fun guy to be around when I had him as a friend and when he was active before but since he has came back he has been a change Chuck which I was really sad to see. @@TheKingBaby


    First, I'm not a kid, and if you're calling me that you better get off your ass, get a job, and do something with your life. Second, you freeslayed me, just admit it, you were tabbed out and you came at the last second, not seeing that I said I was rebel hunting. 2 people above me said you tab out A LOT. I love most of the staff, but some actually don't do their job (go figure, right?). You usually do, but when you do it wrong you're too proud to admit you made a mistake.

    By chuck Norris.


    You're still making fun of me, just being subtle about it, but that's alright I suppose. I also tell you very often to do your job or I will report you, this is the first time I actually went through with it. Never posted a rage thread before in my entirety of this clan.

  8. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Source

    Staff Name:


    Staff's Steam ID:



    Evidence is linked. Also @ShdowSpy screenshotted some too I believe.


    [MEDIA=imgur]sw9H7jp[/MEDIA] -Shows Hella on T team


    [MEDIA=imgur]hl5tosi[/MEDIA] - Shows Hella using !admin to switch himself to CT

    Further Information:

    Hellafun used !admin to switch himself from T to CT because he didn't enjoy the waiting period apparently. He then spammed for warden the round he was switched.

  9. Take it to Report Abuse kid. You were being so disrespectful to me and @@Hellafun13 saying you don't know how we even got positions like we have.

    I'm tired of you.

    Yes. I'm the one that kicked you.

    I'm sick of your attitude toward everybody including staff who is actually doing their job.


    First, I'm not a kid, and if you're calling me that you better get off your ass, get a job, and do something with your life. Second, you freeslayed me, just admit it, you were tabbed out and you came at the last second, not seeing that I said I was rebel hunting. 2 people above me said you tab out A LOT. I love most of the staff, but some actually don't do their job (go figure, right?). You usually do, but when you do it wrong you're too proud to admit you made a mistake.

    You sure act like a kid sometimes, getting mad at admins doing their job.

    I wasn't tabbed out this time. I was watching. You had not announced you were rebel hunting. You told the other CT to watch the Ts, then left to rebel hunt. Even IF I do tab out, I have it set so I can still hear in game sounds when minimized. CS:S is always in Windowed mode so I can get back easily either way.


    Stop with the kid shit, goddamn get over your old age fucker. Forget about the slay i don't care about it.

  10. Take it to Report Abuse kid. You were being so disrespectful to me and @@Hellafun13 saying you don't know how we even got positions like we have.

    I'm tired of you.

    Yes. I'm the one that kicked you.

    I'm sick of your attitude toward everybody including staff who is actually doing their job.


    First, I'm not a kid, and if you're calling me that you better get off your ass, get a job, and do something with your life. Second, you freeslayed me, just admit it, you were tabbed out and you came at the last second, not seeing that I said I was rebel hunting. 2 people above me said you tab out A LOT. I love most of the staff, but some actually don't do their job (go figure, right?). You usually do, but when you do it wrong you're too proud to admit you made a mistake.

  11. Most of the admins on the servers do their job, and they do it good, but I have something to say. If you are the only admin on, please do not tab out when you die. If there are 2+ admins go for it and tab out, but people mass freekill and break the rules and you guys don't see it. That's my rant, thankyou gg

  12. I'm down. +1

    Adblock - haven't seen an ad since 2011.


    Granted I always use Adblock, it can be disabled for certain sites you choose, I'd be more than willing to disable it for Forums.

  13. Put pinion back. I don't mind the wait and it helps the community. Have people donate to get rid of the ads.


    But no one donates, that's the problem. An ad here and there seen by a couple hundred people can bring in plenty of money for Silence to at least try and hire some decent coders and improve our community.


    Pinion is the same thing you're suggesting but for in game. It shows you adds and you can't close them out until x amount of seconds have passed. Donating to remove that function would add some additional revenue.

    Ohhh that pinion pot of gold thing? Why did that ever get removed?

  14. Silence had ads at one point... he got in trouble...


    He was doing something wrong then.. Promoters usually ask to put their ads on your website. What happened?


    Google Ads let you put it on, but you are not allowed to tell people to specifically click them or force it to go through them. he did put several signs saying pls click, and they saw.


    So if he just doesn't act like a complete retard then we can run ads again?