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Posts posted by TheKingBaby

  1. Silence had ads at one point... he got in trouble...


    He was doing something wrong then.. Promoters usually ask to put their ads on your website. What happened?

  2. Put pinion back. I don't mind the wait and it helps the community. Have people donate to get rid of the ads.


    But no one donates, that's the problem. An ad here and there seen by a couple hundred people can bring in plenty of money for Silence to at least try and hire some decent coders and improve our community.

  3. People make mistakes, whats wrong with you all? I'm a tough guy, but I show my feelings when its appropriate and even if you all don't I know you got them, don't bullshit me, men don't lie to men. All I'm saying is give Duckii another chance, he sounds really heartfelt and serious about this whole thing, move on from the past and look toward the future.

  4. Without CS:S, xG would crumble. xG will continue to die as long as you promote staff that are not as interested in the clan. They're just interested in their rank. That and along with Silence not trusting anyone enough to allow them to actually run a division and have full access. Nothing will get done with Silence attempting to do everything. You need leaders and you have none. No one even cares about the clan anymore.


    CS:S will be, and continue to be, the main contributing division if you actually have someone to run its entirety.


    Edit: And will continue to crumble when you promote people solely on activity instead of their contributions and what they can bring to the clan. Division Leaders should actually be able to lead their divisions and run them. Teach them if its needed.


    I see abuse all the time with admins too, as you stated, they do not care about the clan. If we had people who knew how to code, how to get the word of xG out there, and who did it for free because they care about the clan, we would be thriving.

  5. Post about making ------> xG <-------- better, not CS:S better, yet you all respond with CS:S :/ . xG does not revolve around CS:S, sooner or later CS:S is going to die down, no matter what. CS:GO is going to pick up a majority of Counter Strike players moving to the next, newer game.


    Anyways, xG itself i don't see getting better unless we pick up some better people from the summer, or some of those people who favoritize/don't do their jobs/ don't deserve admin/ jerk off when we need something important done. When xG was good, it was because of the people in it, not the servers itself, we had fun people around the servers all the time back then, we had (in my opinion) better staff, and less xG drama which happens WAY TOO OFTEN and causes problems/people to leave xG.


    To make CS:S better, you need fun people on the servers, and stuff to catch someones attention and bring people back after playing (something like hub).


    TL;DR - This is a post about xG being better not just CS:S, we need fun people and better staff to improve xG, and to improve CS:S fun people and stuff to catch their attention (like hub).


    I mean as it stands xG does revolve around Css. Unless we start changing it.

  6. I agree with @@diabeetus and think we should improve the css division, try to warden more effectively, get HUB back...

    well when i get home from vaca (this thrusday) i will go hard in the paint to learn c++ to try and make a hub


    That'd be awesome dude, I have so many books on it from my bro in college if i had any fucking initiative Id pick one up and learn..

  7. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Source

    In-Game Name:

    Chuck Norris

    Steam ID:




    Previously in xG:


    Active on Teamspeak:




    Further Information:

    Hi my name is Chuck Norris and I'm new to this whole steam thing, I don't really know anyone in this "clan" but I hope you would all like to get to know me. XOXOXO


    -Chuck Fucking Norris

  8. You actually forgot the Chuck Norris category...but it's okay

    I would totally edit one in, but I can't edit it any more, which may be a problem for future promos/demos. @autumn as to why we can no longer edit our past posts? I also noticed it only happens after a certain amount of time, unless it's just me.


    So when you can edit it, you will? :)