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Everything posted by MrSaturday

  1. Just to be clear, I have been following the case and notice that he's been lying and none of his stories make any sense. I wasn't one of the people who jumped to conclusions I read the evidence and blah blah and it's clear he's lying about his side of the story as he lied about everything else. It's not rocket science to figure that out it's not emotions letting me see that he's guilty just that his accounts don't make any sense and that he has been proven to lie. The prosecution fucked up which should have been a easy case to show that he is guilty but asked the wrong questions. But this is the last time I will post something about this on the forums.
  2. There has been no evidence that Trayvon even touched George and if you read FL law he had every right to defend himself but he didn't have any blood on his hands so how can you beat someone up without your hands? George is still a murderer, first Casey Anthony now this prick. It's a shame nobody killed them yet. so this isnt evidence enough for you? Nor is the bullet projectory? It was going angled upward as if at someone on top of him All I see are inconsistent injuries that make up what he said. Btw this is a gaming clan not a fucking dicuss Florida's crap justice system. Go argue with someone who would care. I do obviously but this isn't the place for it.
  3. There has been no evidence that Trayvon even touched George and if you read FL law he had every right to defend himself but he didn't have any blood on his hands so how can you beat someone up without your hands? George is still a murderer, first Casey Anthony now this prick. It's a shame nobody killed them yet.
  4. I know how you feel. I never get listened :(. Maybe because everybody in Xg is a christian :wtf:.
  5. This thread was 100% necessary. The one thing it missed was Spanish Peter calling everybody a bunch of fucking pussies.
  6. What's a Half life? On a serious note, Gabe Newell actually answered those questions but it's like 12:45am and I got to wake up at 6am later today so I'll come back to you on that question. Hail Satan.
  7. Before I get a reply saying that the cops did was self defense. They have stun guns and batons and they're 3 of them. I am pretty sure 3 guys alone can restraint a dog easy. Besides the owner was just filming the scene and unless I am missing something that isn't a crime since people record and take pictures all the time in situations like that. Why arrest a person for recording a scene when you got people looking around as well possibly taking pictures with their cell phones? This kind of crap happened in VA as well where a woman was drinking water and the cops pulled her over and pulled a gun on her because they thought she had alcohol. Most police are too paranoid and too reckless with their jobs and these 3 idiots just reinforce my judgement on them
  8. It's fucking ridiculous and the cop should be shot or at least fired for displaying such reckless behavior. That idiot is a good example why you shouldn't hired people on the force with IQs lower than 50. A dog was protecting its owner from idiot cops.
  9. MrSaturday


    Your father is currently discussing private matters with my lord. Hail Satan
  10. We missed you bud! Praise Satan!:devil:
  11. MrSaturday

    Great Job

    Long story short, A guy called 8bit got pissed at Silence for taking his TF2 map without his consent. So he makes a blog post about it saying how everybody on XG is a liar and a thief. Silence then addresses the issue saying that 8bit posted the map online for people to use and it's under Valve's ToS so he wasn't doing anything bad. The part that pisses off 8bit is because they talked about it before and he still said no but silence went behind his back and took it anyway but it was still under Steam ToS so, once again, he wasn't doing anything wrong since the map was public for people to use. Hail Satan.
  12. MrSaturday


    I see abuse all the time with admins too, as you stated, they do not care about the clan. If we had people who knew how to code, how to get the word of xG out there, and who did it for free because they care about the clan, we would be thriving. Agreed, I personally believe that if we had more coders, model makers, and the likes xg will grow because right now who knows how to work on the hub but silence? I never seen/heard anybody step up and say "Hey I can make models" or "I can help with hub and add some improvements" Someone feel free to correct me but the only person I notice to work on hub is silence and I don't think many people in this clan know how to code.
  13. MrSaturday

    Great Job

    So this is the Xg drama that people complain about? I don't see how people get so work up over things that shouldn't affect their daily lives.
  14. MrSaturday

    Great Job

    I don't see the logic in that Sham. As stated before the guy posted his maps online for the public to use and he then complains that he's being used because they are using his maps without his permission is utterly childish. It's like a kid drawing Mickey Mouse or Bugs Bunny for his art class and not giving the original creators credit or asking for their permission for making the characters because the kid didn't create them he just drew them. In fact, Forest said it a lot better; "You can't expect to create or make something amazing and expect that Everyone who has access to it is going to be decent (especially when dealing with it Online, where it's so much easier to get away with). That's just ignorant and naive. There will be people to take it regardless, people who edit it to their liking and etc because they Enjoy the creator's product/map/whatever." -Forest. I honestly think the guy whats-his-name should've acted more maturely about this situation and labeling everybody in XG as a liar or a thief. I can't take a guy seriously if he labels everybody in a group a bad guy because one person from that group did something that was bad to him.
  15. MrSaturday

    Great Job

    Well xG deserved it, that's what we get for being retards. Glad I left You say "we" like you're still a part of XG, then contradict yourself when you mention you left. Wut? o_O
  16. I'll miss you the most :(.
  17. +1 Tute is a great warden and gets shit done. The whole incident with the ball was partially my and trins fault, we need more CTs who aren't derps and tute is one of them.
  18. We'll miss you bud, I always liked your attitude on the servers and it'd be a shame to see you go.
  19. MrSaturday

    Informing xG

    Oh the drama! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vqlTUe_Unc
  20. +1 A:9/10 M:8/10 Great guy, fun to play with on JB, it'd be great to have him back in xg.
  21. Oh Roxy, don't you get it? Forest isn't British, HE'S SUPER BRITISH!
  22. Megarobin is now a mod... Oh god
    1. DrLee


      Wowe, he got to DM status quite fast. And you rarely update this, blondie.
    2. MrSaturday


      I updated this on Sep blondie
  23. Sociopaths? That's a new one. As I mean, I didn't know.