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Everything posted by MrSaturday

  1. MrSaturday


    Ganja you been doing this shit even before you got your admin rank. You once banned me as well for joking around with you and calling you gayjin. You have shown to be an immature douche who somehow got admin rank when you don't deserve it. In fact, you seem to lie about warning people "many times" for example when I called you gayjin you only said you didn't want to be called that and then banned me for saying it so lee had to unban me for something as simple as joking. You don't see cristo bitching whenever shadowspy or hexx make racist mexican jokes so why cant you take a joke? If you're going to ban people left and right then maybe you shouldn't be an admin if you're going to abuse.
  2. Personally I think consoles wars and consoles vs pc is a very stupid debate and its rather pointless. I own a PS4 but sooner or later ill know ill buy an xbone because there's going to be a game that's going to make me say "HOLY SHIT ON LEE'S CHEST WHILE FUCKING ERIC UP THE ASS I WANT IT!" But currently the only good looking games I see for the PS4 are Infamous Second Son and MGS GZ (Yes I know MGS GZ is for xbone and last gen) and xbone has Titanfall and DR3 but the PS4 controller is just perfect.
  3. Never seen him cause trouble. +1 M:8/10 A:9/10
  4. Active, knows rules, I never seen him cause trouble or be annoying so despite his age he'll fit right in. A:8/10 M:10/10
  5. Great guy, knows the rules and the only person I've seen who hasn't had any beef with anybody. +1 M: 10/10 A: 9/10
  6. Cool, calm, funny at times, knows the rules and never annoys anybody. +1
  7. I, MrSaturdayKnight have read and understand the Admin Handbook.
  8. Isn't the whole rules of guntoss is that the Ts get to choose their own rules? Having this thread seems pretty pointless considering Ts with LR get to pick their own rules for almost whatever they want.
  9. Dear god, what is this like your 30th name now?
  10. Whoops I meant to edit that last one.
  11. +1 A: 8/10 M: 9/10 There I +1 you happy now?
  12. If you have a PS4 Add me. Dogsoldier123 or Mr Saturday (space included)
  13. Agreed, CSS needs more than just hub. Hub was great an all, but we don't need it to make CSS JB fun again. We need to have something to make ours stand out that make people want to say "I can't wait to come back here tomorrow!" yadda yadda yadda.
  14. And you told me not to tell anybody...
  15. Ironically I have a 6 page paper for psychology due next month. Laziness is something we share gkoo, but seriously how many points is it?