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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by mtown81

  1. :(, bye, I will miss you. Will you still come in teamspeak and stuff?
  2. can i rate all your stuff african?
    1. IAmLegend


      In honor of my native country of Niger
    2. IAmLegend
    3. mtown81
  3. Natives are amazing at tbh.
  4. Canadians are better at lacrosse.
  5. Bleed sent me a video of having a party with confetti for your return. That's how happy he is.
  6. sweet, have fun with lacrosse, score some goals :)
  7. In CSS is there the 5 bomb limiter per map? If there is I don't see what the big deal is. Bombs add a whole new element to JB. It makes the rounds more surprising and fun. Also those moments when the T kills the whole CT team on hide n seek or warday is just GG
  8. So what happened, who won?
  9. mtown81


    to many times I spawned in the cabin...to many times
  10. In New York, concrete jungles where dreams are made of.
    1. John_Madden


      No fuck Jay Z, that Yankee bandwagoner and stealing the name of the song from Billy Joel.
    2. mtown81


      what aboot Alicia Keys?
    3. John_Madden
  11. Purple you're dumb and a fail troll, leave
  12. Purple whats the use we have no CSGO division, just unban him cuz we have no division +1
  13. Doesn't TF2 div only need 10 or former members?
  14. i got here before drpepper
  15. +1 Active in trading servers and jb and mature
  16. It needs to be populated first by the members of the division and then the randoms will come and stay on the server as their main server
  17. +1 A 9/10 M 9/10 I always see him on the server, he is willing to help and never griefs or breaks rules
  18. or rainbow maybe make it very very bright yellow so it stands out, and shines as bright as a diamond. or the colour of hot cheetos and takis