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Everything posted by Priggles

  1. Priggles

    Silence's Ass

    Just sharing a picture of his ass. Hold ur orgasms ladys bcuz he dunt wnt u.
  2. +1 He's really active on Jailbreak, doesn't break any rules at all, and is a nice guy. but many members probably don't know him because of that. Yes, I'm turning this vouch into a complaint that our members don't play on ALL of our servers, I hardly see any other member online on jailbreak ever.
  3. Imma birn u doun 2 da ground
    1. DaddioDoug


      :( pls pls no
    2. Priggles


      2 late Already ded
  4. Server: Its with a plugin. Bug or Suggestion?: Bug (Actually I don't know if its a bug or just intended) What is your bug/suggestion? With the pointless, annoying, shouldn't-even-be-implemented !friendly plugin, medics can heal other players, which is basically just a big smack in the face to the opposing team. @@Rhododendron
  5. Honestly, NO ONE GOES ON TEAMSPEAK @@magikkarpFAIL @@origins
  6. Server: Deathrun (Dr) Bug or Suggestion?: Insect What is your bug/suggestion?: Almost every Hale/Administrator/Whatever you're gonna call it dies (Says suicide) every time the round starts. Its not just by chance that everyone suicides because I was Hale/Administrator a couple of times and died everytime. Fix pl0x. @@Rhododendron
  7. +1 This guy is really intellectual and he's a guy you can respect. He stands out cause he'd say sorry to a problem he didn't start. A:8/10 M:9/10
  8. My PS3 isn't reading MOST discs. It reads movies perfectly fine, however it doesn't read games. Pls halp. Pls. Pls no lie. Pls. Kthxbai.
  9. Apparently, every division that isn't Counter Strike is irrelevant .~.
  10. Not sure if your age will allow you to join, but aside from that, +1 A:7.5/10 M:9/10
  11. Glad to hear of progress (y) @@MuffinMonster
  12. But even if we can't get them back, we can attract a lot of other people. Rise and Joker will be missed if they don't ever come back, but we can always look to the future and hope for great people to join xG. After all, I hear most of the great members came to xG because of Saxton Hale
  13. Lemme start this off with a Disclaimer: I haven't had the holy oh my god this s**t is amazing experience on the xG Saxton Hale sever, because I hadn't been introduced to TF2 at that time. Anyways, a lot of my friends who happened to be xG members left because they want the "old xG" back. Again, not being around at that time in TF2 doesn't help me much, but it seems to me that what they want is the Saxton Hale server back. I realize that the clan is struggling with money right now, but I think that if we replace the Jailbreak 2 server with VHS (Saxton Hale), it would be for the best. I don't see why we need two servers for the same game mode. So I hope you consider what I say, usually, people don't consider what I say and never reply to my posts, but that won't ruin my confidence .~.
  14. @@origins You forgot Twilight bech. Anyways, bye bbz. I will miss you ;-;.
  15. Bye bye Color. Friends 5 evar. Don't stray too far tho, we all still luff you and we won't forget cha, I know I wont ;-;
  16. Well I know I just got admitted back into xG .-. but I'm gonna go visit NY from tomorrow (Friday) to next Tuesday.
  17. Where do I start the rant .-. Ill just make bullet points cause if not people will get bored and start tl;dr'ing me Why this plugin should be taken out Firstly, the basics of TF2 and the most important mechanic is killing/dying. This friendly plugin takes that away. Some could argue that they need the plugin because they want to trade but keep getting killed. I say, what? The N64 server, unlike the JB server, allows other players to read the messages dead players wrote, AND ALSO, dead players respawn, allowing them to be able to trade whatever their condition in-game. I am not a very good thinker. I have no further points. Anyway, this long list of points is based solely my opinion, but I'd like to hear any other views on it. I probably sound stupid, but whatever :/
  18. Well, I'm usually on one of them, and I usually am able to get people to comply... But if not, I always fall back on getting an admin to woop deez rool breakaz
  19. Yolo. I'm back, I expect everyone to bow down to me. Ya. Pretty much.. Kthx
  20. Bump cos Oh Stop you told me to ( ° ͜ʖ °)
  21. I try to be on every server (I would edit this in, but I forgot how ;-;)
  22. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: MrPriggles Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54999918 Banned: No Previously in xG: Yes Active on Teamspeak: No Age: 16 Further Information: Well er. I was in, then I left, cause mostly of my grades in math, but then I passed my EOC in Algebra with like, almost a perfect score, and like. Well err... Basically, I think that I can keep school and gaming together and have them not divorce... So uh. I don't know if I should restate my "features" (What?) or whatever, but, uh... I can help?
  23. I agree with most of your points, except for the one about gifts. What kind of gifts are you considering? People already get rewarded with points for killing other players, and there used to be a !hub where you can use those points for trails and DJ rights and stuff. So long as hub will be back one day, doesn't matter when, rtd should stay in, as people like it. (mainly for noclip to get to skybox)