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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by Priggles

  1. Where do I start the rant .-.


    Ill just make bullet points cause if not people will get bored and start tl;dr'ing me


    Why this plugin should be taken out

    • Firstly, the basics of TF2 and the most important mechanic is killing/dying. This friendly plugin takes that away. Some could argue that they need the plugin because they want to trade but keep getting killed. I say, what? The N64 server, unlike the JB server, allows other players to read the messages dead players wrote, AND ALSO, dead players respawn, allowing them to be able to trade whatever their condition in-game.
    • I am not a very good thinker.
    • I have no further points.

    Anyway, this long list of points is based solely my opinion, but I'd like to hear any other views on it. I probably sound stupid, but whatever :/

  2. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:




    Previously in xG:


    Active on Teamspeak:




    Further Information:

    Well er. I was in, then I left, cause mostly of my grades in math, but then I passed my EOC in Algebra with like, almost a perfect score, and like. Well err... Basically, I think that I can keep school and gaming together and have them not divorce... So uh. I don't know if I should restate my "features" (What?) or whatever, but, uh... I can help?

  3. I agree with most of your points, except for the one about gifts. What kind of gifts are you considering? People already get rewarded with points for killing other players, and there used to be a !hub where you can use those points for trails and DJ rights and stuff. So long as hub will be back one day, doesn't matter when, rtd should stay in, as people like it. (mainly for noclip to get to skybox)

  4. Hai der fellow xG people. i'm not in xG anymore, but I play on the N64 server quite often. Well, for a week now. Anyways, a lot of people like to nominate and play on Lon Lon Ranch. I would be okay, even though in my opinion the map sucks, if we played there. But I'm not, and a lot of other people aren't either. Maybe the Mods/Admins\Division Manager (Muffin I believe) don't notice because they don't play the server, or maybe they just never play that map,but whatever be the case, Lon Lon Ranch's spawnpoints are broken, and I don't know if it's intended, because the version of the map on GMOD is fixed, but I hate it when people vote Lon Lon Ranch for the next map and we end up having to play it for the full three hours or until RTV is allowed (Allowing RTV at an earlier time would fix this problem too). So to those in charge of maps, please fix this problem.

  5. Well, I honestly don't know what else to say, people get bored over time, I get that, and I do think if you are bored then you should go, but, i'm sorry if I was one of the reasons you are leaving, maybe i'm not, but i do feel like I pushed you forward on this for whatever reason. Even though you say you will play on the servers every now and then, i'm still gona miss you. And yes, I know this sounds really stupid..but, yea..I think you get it.

    Gonna miss you too c';

  6. ...but I'm leaving. I have my reasons. I know its only been like, what, two month? Anyways, I'm leaving because of several reason, but I'll give you some. Its not anyone's fault (No one in specific), more of a sense that some people on the servers, like admins/mods, can be manipulated/manipulative and influence decisions/get influenced decisions that cause people to go deeper and deeper into some hole of shit manure. That irritates me. Not just that reason, either, but a while after joining, I felt bound to playing only on xG servers. I needed to get out more and play on other servers. A similar effect is like when a person plays the same game for a year, they will eventually get bored and want to play on a new game. I've played all the DR maps, I got tired of Goldenrod, Clocktown maybe kept me in xG for a while longer, but it isn't populated anymore, and the only one that never bored me was the Arena, but it is NEVER populated, unlike the Clocktown where someone occasionally goes on. No, for Arena you have to INVITE your friends, and at any given moment, only about one or two of my friends are available to play. I guess I just need the excitement of new content. I will occasionally go on the servers, but not as often.


    *Damn ninjas cutting onions in this shit*


    Well friends and family, there's just one thing I wanted to do, likely in front of everyone. I want to 'right' the person I 'wronged' the most.


    @@Unique Remember me? You probably do, since the things I said were mean and I just said them because of what I heard, not what I studied. I should've got more into it before I said shit, maybe not gotten into it at all, but I just wanted to grant you my condolences and make it public that I WAS WRONG.


    Goodbye friends family (For now) C';


    EDIT: I also wanted to say that when I was joining xG/In xG, I lost my roots. I had friends that I met on other servers. I no longer played with my main friend as much because I felt bound to xG.


    Another goodbye as this is my last post.

  7. Yes. I don't know much of what is going on since I'm from the TF2 division, but by the looks of it, banning ALL of WD is like banning ALL F2Ps from the trade server because a few of them break some rules.

  8. -1

    EDIT: I should also add that F2Ps can trade. No point in kicking them.

    Few of them, and most don't follow the rules and act like they're keyboard only has the WASD buttons (they don't respond to people who tell them they're doing something wrong). Many of them spawncamp and bodyblock.

  9. Obviously this thread is about F2Ps on the trade server. Many players on the trade server question why we allow F2Ps on a TRADE server. I'm not gonna side with anyone on this one, just gonna put this up as a certified Priggles Inc. Debate area thingy. Yeah. Vote, 'nd shtuff.


    EDIT: I feel as if some people are getting offended, so I'll justt say it again. I'm not taking sides >.>