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Posts posted by Priggles

  1. I probably won't play the game, but seeing that just makes me think "Oh hey, another fire/fighter type as a starting pokemon."

    And foxes live in forests c: BUT ITS A FIRE TYPE SO IT WILL BURN YOU THE FUCK DOWN!

  2. I am no longer going to be working and updating with this thread; I give up on Pokemon X and Y with the new Coro Coro scan leaking Mega Evolutions. I give up on this, I give up on life; Kill me before I waste my money on drugs.



    This thread is going to be for the upcoming Pokémon X and Pokémon Y Games, I will share recent information that I get with anyone interested, hoping there's some Pokéfans in this clan!:cat:

    ______________________________________New Pokemon!_____________________________________


    The following Pokémon are new releases leaked in Coro Coro (Japanese Magazine) and officially confirmed by Nintendo!


    • Chespin - Type: Grass - Height: 1'4" (0.4 m) - Species: Spiny Nut Pokémon Chespin.png
    • Fennekin - Type: Fire - Height: 1'4" (0.4 m) - Species: Fox Pokémon (Based on a Fennec Fox)Fennekin.png
    • Froakie - Type: Water - Height: 1'00" (0.3 m) - Species: Bubble Frog PokémonFroakie.png

    Well those were the three starters! I think I'm going to choose Fennekin mainly because of the speculation that it will be Fire/Psychic, but I also haven't ever chosen a fire type starter since I first played Pokémon in Gen. III. I'd love to hear what starters you guys will pick and why!


    Now for the more Recently announced Pokémon!

      • Pancham & Pangoro - Pancham is a pokemon of the Playful Species that will evolve into Pangoro of the Daunting Species. (Not yet known how officially). Speculation of Pancham evolving when there is a Dark type pokemon in your party has recently been trending, and I would love to see what Gamefreak does of the situation. Pancham is a Fighting type Pokémon, and and (you guessed it) Pangoro is a Fighting/Dark Pokémon.


    • Inkay & Malamar - Inkay is a Squid-like Revolving Pokémon recently announced along with Malamar, its evolution. Oddly enough, even though it resembles a squid and is found near water, Inkay and Malamar are both Dark/Psychic Pokémon! Since Malamar, its evolution, looks almost identical to Inkay upside-down, and also Malamar being the Overturning Pokémon, speculation of evolution by holding the 3DS upside-down has grown. (Inkay top, Malamar bottom; Note the upside down similartities of the two!)


    • Swirlix - Swirlix is a Fairy type Pokémon that resembles cotton candy, pointed out by its species, Cotton Candy Pokémon. According to the Pokemon X & Y Official Website, Swirlix is "Exclusive to Pokémon X, Swirlix loves sweets and eats nothing else, making its body as sweet and sticky as cotton candy."


    • Spritzee - So far, the Pokémon X restricted Pokémon that I like is Spritzee, its so cute c:! "Spritzee is a Pokémon that can be found in the wild only in Pokémon Y. It emits a unique fragrance from its body, and any who smell it fall under its spell." Spritzee is a Fairy Type Pokémon that I predict is a bird Pokémon, although its the Fragrance Pokémon.


    • Flabebe - Flabébé is a Fairy type Single Bloom Pokémon. Flabébé clings to a flower early on, and then cares for it for its entire life. Because of this, Flabébé may be found holding flowers of different colors. I want mine in purple!


    • Sylveon - OMG YES! SYLVEON IS DEFINITELY ON MY DREAM TEAM FOR GEN 6! I love its design, it goes great typing of Fairy. Sylveon is the Intertwinning Pokémon!


    • Noivern - Noivern is the first Dragon type Pokémon to be announced for Gen. VI. With the announcment of Fairy type, I don't think I'll use any dragon type on my team, but that's just my opinion. Anyways, Noivern is a Flying/Dragon Sound Wave Pokémon. There's not really much I'm gonna get into with this Pokémon, but here is a related picture.


    • Clauncher - The Water Gun Pokémon, I thought it would be Water/Steel or Water/Electric by its design, but I was disappointed when it was officially typed :/ Anyways, Its basically the new Krabby/Kingler with one oversized claw.


    • Skrelp - Not a surprise in it being Water/Poison, but honestly this thing looks like a Horsea on meth. Doesn't mean it doesn't look cool, because it does! I wouldn't want to mess with it!


    • Honedge - Honedge is the Sword Pokémon that has been a controversial thing since it was leaked. People say its uncreative, but those genwunners need to reconsider Voltorb, Bronzong, and a whole bunch of other crappy design Pokémon. Its a Steel/Ghost Pokémon that is said to, like Yamask, be a soul of a human that possessed a sword. Not getting into it much, but I need it on my team for reasons.


    • Littleleo - A Fire/Normal Lion cub Pokémon, I don't really like its design, it seems just bland, but It would be worth getting if its evolution (I doubt its a standalone Pokémon) looks badass.


    • Fletchling & Talonflame - Predicted to be the Kalos Region generic bird, Fletchling is a Normal/Fire Robin Pokémon, while Talonflame, its evolution is a Fire/Flying type Scorching Pokémon, suggesting that Fletching is too young to fly.


    • Helioptile - Helioptile looks like it will evolve into a fucking badass, alligator Pokémon. Its an Electric/Normal Generator Pokémon and I want it. For reasons...


    • Gogoat - Gogoat is a Grass Type Mount Pokémon. I don't think it will be any great use in battles, and I predict it will just be an HM hog. Not much to say about it, besides that you will be able to Ride Gogoat in specific areas.





  3. Winning. Last vouch +1. Everytime I visit the PKMN server, he's on at one point or another, so I'm guessing he's pretty active. Competetive guy which makes him fun, he also doesn't break rules. PFPFPF @@MuffinMonster close pl0x.

  4. +1 He's really active on Jailbreak, doesn't break any rules at all, and is a nice guy. but many members probably don't know him because of that. Yes, I'm turning this vouch into a complaint that our members don't play on ALL of our servers, I hardly see any other member online on jailbreak ever.

  5. Server: Its with a plugin.

    Bug or Suggestion?: Bug (Actually I don't know if its a bug or just intended)

    What is your bug/suggestion? With the pointless, annoying, shouldn't-even-be-implemented !friendly plugin, medics can heal other players, which is basically just a big smack in the face to the opposing team.



  6. Server: Deathrun (Dr)

    Bug or Suggestion?: Insect

    What is your bug/suggestion?: Almost every Hale/Administrator/Whatever you're gonna call it dies (Says suicide) every time the round starts. Its not just by chance that everyone suicides because I was Hale/Administrator a couple of times and died everytime. Fix pl0x.



  7. Solution

    • First go to Settings> System Settings> Default settings. If the first solution does not work try the trick below.
    • Remove any disk from the drive and put the device in standby mode (Red LED). Press and hold the On/Off until you ger first beep, a second one and then a double beep.
    • If there's no double beep, repeat the process.
      • You should get a menu. Choose the 3rd option and follow the procedure.
      • P.S. got this from the internet so I hope it works.

    Ill try this, thanks C:

  8. Even if they did bring back the Saxton Hale/FF2 server, (which Brian and Rise have tried to revive) some of the old members (such as Rise and Joker) wont be accepted back in because most people that are active in the TF2 div wouldnt vouch for them to be back in the clan. Plus Rise got banned on TS. But if someone is able to do this, I would love it. Kappa


    But even if we can't get them back, we can attract a lot of other people. Rise and Joker will be missed if they don't ever come back, but we can always look to the future and hope for great people to join xG. After all, I hear most of the great members came to xG because of Saxton Hale

  9. Lemme start this off with a Disclaimer:


    I haven't had the holy oh my god this s**t is amazing experience on the xG Saxton Hale sever, because I hadn't been introduced to TF2 at that time.

    Anyways, a lot of my friends who happened to be xG members left because they want the "old xG" back. Again, not being around at that time in TF2 doesn't help me much, but it seems to me that what they want is the Saxton Hale server back. I realize that the clan is struggling with money right now, but I think that if we replace the Jailbreak 2 server with VHS (Saxton Hale), it would be for the best. I don't see why we need two servers for the same game mode. So I hope you consider what I say, usually, people don't consider what I say and never reply to my posts, but that won't ruin my confidence .~.