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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by Priggles

  1. Could it be that I'm up at 4 AM that I am hallucinating, or am I bestowed with the opportunity to vouch for Twilight/Paradox/Heart/Sonata/Minty/Aer? +1 Any day of the week and weekend, even mondays. Maybe we'll have the great name to the TF2 division back.

  2. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:

    Adam the Pancreas

    Offender's Steam ID:


    Rules Broken:

    Favoritism, Freekill, Camping, Disrespect (Not sure if disrespect counts toward non mods, admins, etc.)


    Today alone, Pancreas has freekilled me about six times saying he "misclicked" and even saying that "there were people who broke into his house and taped down his M1 button"; Also, he was a heavy everytime, whice means he'd have to "misclicked" for at least four seconds. I have a demo of this, but I don't know how to access them, so If someone would teach me how, I'd greatly appreciate that. He even admitted to freekilling when @@MuffinMonster was called onto the server.



    He also camped multiple times, which I managed to screenshot once; Pic related -

    [if you can't tell, that's the Death Fall box in ba_jail_hop map, where he camped multiple times after multiple freedays in consecutive order (Which is also a rule violation on TF2 Jailbreak)]


    He also always never kills his friend Kate, for example, Kate left her cell after Pancreas said out of cell rebel no pardons on the map Casuarina, and a sniper headshotted Kate for leaving her cell, then Pancreas said that sniper freekilled and told all prisoners to get him for freekilling, dismissing all the others who died for leaving their cells.


    Working on getting more evidence of him breaking rules, but I think if someone helps me find the demos folder, I will have sufficient information.



  3. Either Medic or Spy (Or maybe scout, or whatever is left). Those are my mains, if you need to know why I should be medic more than @@Korodon its because

    • Koro has no swag
    • He doesn't have melee skills, and I'm good with the crusaders, which is op at long range.

    Requesting a competition to see if Koro or I should get medic slot pl0x <:

  4. Looking to battle some people, possibly make them cry with my Octillery. Ill post my friend code below, post yours back if you wanna battle c:


    Lemme rephrase, I'm challenging all you fuckers to get pwned by my fucking team of cruel, merciless assassins. Post your fucking shitty inferior friend codes below if you wanna fucking get rekt, niggers.



    FC: 2151 9332 9524


    Bitch niggas try to beat me.

  5. Server: Both Jailbreak Servers pfpfpfpf.

    Bug or Suggestion?: Suggestion pfpfpfpf.

    What is your bug/suggestion? The jumprope game in the map Sand, I think its like ba_jail_sand or something has music so loud that it basically muffles everyone on a mic, which is irritating when you think you get free killed and it turns out you just didn't hear the orders cos' of the loud music. What I'm saying is that someone with server access should take out the music function pfpfpfpf. @@Rhododendron @@HanYolo

    Turn down the music lol?

    I would have to turn down the volume though, no? Thus turning down the volume of the people speaking over microphone aswel.

  6. Server: Both Jailbreak Servers pfpfpfpf.

    Bug or Suggestion?: Suggestion pfpfpfpf.

    What is your bug/suggestion? The jumprope game in the map Sand, I think its like ba_jail_sand or something has music so loud that it basically muffles everyone on a mic, which is irritating when you think you get free killed and it turns out you just didn't hear the orders cos' of the loud music. What I'm saying is that someone with server access should take out the music function pfpfpfpf. @@Rhododendron @@HanYolo

  7. Well I had hit the image maximum, but I'll continue like this :) ~!

    Scatterbug, Spewpa, and Vivillon - These three new Pokémon are from the same evolutionary family, Scatterbug being the 1st stage and Vivillon being the final evolutionary stage. With the release of these Scatterdust and Scale Pokémon, I think there will be an alrternate evolution of Scatterbug. The only reasoning I have is that this evolutionary family is VERY similar to that of the Wurmple evolution branch that split into two with Wurmple's evolution being either Silcoon or Cascoon.





    Xerneas & Yveltal - We can't talk about Gen. VI without talking about the version mascots! For Pokémon X & Y, I'm going with Pokémon X. I never really liked the badass looking legendaries, and I don't know why, but Xerneas is fabulous and with the official typing of Xerneas as Fairy, and Yveltal as Dark/Flying, I'm going with Xerneas. I need something to dominate dragons with. Almost forgot, Xerneas is the Life Pokémon and Yveltal is the destruction Pokémon. (Boxart & Official Artwork, isn't Xerneas just fabulous? ;3)Xerneas.pngacdn.bulbagarden.net_upload_4_41_Y_EN_boxart.thumb.png.148a7304a319a7bf72d8ab4ae35daa1f.png




  8. i dont even see what this will do. I can still join the servers and i can still post on the forums.

    It will only resolve 1 of your problems. Me not it xG.

    That will really help your situation, won't it? You can still get Forum/Source Banned.