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Posts posted by Priggles

  1. My feeble job would be an Aeronautics Scientist or Environmental Activist o3o

    My dream job is a hobo scientist or head scientist at Aperture c:

  2. I'm usually a medic with:


    • A Crusader's Crossbow
    • The stock Medi-Gun
    • An Ubersaw for VRY SRS gameplay, or the Conscientious Objector with my picture of Wailord and the words "WAILORD, BITCH"
    • The Der Wintermantel: Grandma's Sweater Hidden
    • The Surgeon's Stalhelm

    Medic's my favorite class, mate. Without him, you wouldn't be able to charge easily...

  3. I've seen you, but never really payed you any attention >.> I know you're there though, oftentimes on the Deathrun sever. When I see you, though, you're usually quiet. Overall, +1

  4. +1Well, I've seen you around a lot, but not anymore. Maybe it was just me or you started playing on a different xG server. Anyways, you were a good player and never broke a rule (That I know of!)

  5. Okay so, I've been wanting to do this for a while, but finally got the nerve to do it. I'm new to xG, this is like, my second week. I don't really know how to do this, but I'll try o3o


    I like animals. They aren't like humans :apathy: who ruin the wor- Excuse me, back to the point xD I like horror movies because people get hurt. but when animals get hurt in movies, I go all MOMM- DA- SOME- ANYBO- PETA, PETA, GETCHO ARSE OVA HEA. You can call me Prigz. I like literature and games.


    *Le Bipolar*


    Guillermo is awesome c:

  6. +1 Frequently on death run, nice, funny, modest and doesn't break rules.


    - - - Updated - - -


    And that's six, which is more than needed :P just wait till you get approved to put that AWESOME tag on c:

  7. I love people :3 I would like to join the club, because a certain person (Colorparty :3) was very nice and I felt accepted on the server in TF2. I thought that in joining, I could do what Color did, and welcome other people :) I can also translate from Spanish to English ;3 If any person who can't speak English comes on, I can tell them what to do c: