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Posts posted by Priggles

  1. Its probably a bit early to say this about the new server, but I honestly don't think it will succeed. The most people on I have ever seen that wasn't us members or pre-planned was a total of 4. I take it as the 2nd worst abomination of the TF2 div, bested by @@African .

  2. Server: Jailbreak

    Bug or Suggestion?: Suggestion of a rule

    What is your bug/suggestion?: An over abundance of people along with me would like Jarate to be considered baiting again. And it's not just that it's annoying, but the cosmetic effect of Jarate includes a yellow tint to the screen, which while playing crush game deters the player and persay, pink with a yellow tint can look like red. @@Rhododendron @@HanYolo @@MuffinMonster

  3. We are talking about Apple Juice, right?

    I thought this thread was about Capri Sun. Never drink Capri Sun and drive, fellow children.

    Why? What happens ;o? Does it blow up like a air bag in your face when you are drinking it?

    You drive happier> Crash happier> Don't request hospital help because so happy

  4. @@Ryuu The argument pertains to the thread. Even just slightly, but I'm not going to start a new thread or private argument. Other people should be able to say what they want, something they can't do in a private chat they aren't in.

  5. @@solidsnake1171 So untrue I'm laughing. Play the jailbreak server for one day and you'll see how many of the member applicants that I have +1'ed are people who are active and nice. And @@ChrisJericho nigr i iz alredy in line fo dat