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Everything posted by Majestic_Narwha

  1. Division: Counter-Strike In-Game Name: HeadShot Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:86004244 Rules Broken: Freekill, (potentially a mass), gunplant Ban Type: Team Ban Evidence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ItZgdqpxjQ he started shooting into the cells when the round started bc he had died the round beforehand. if you listen you can hear him say "i kill you, i kill you" then the next round you can more clearly see, he started the round with no orders and killed 2 people in their cells (and you can hear him running to the top cells trying to kill somebody else)
  2. Division: Counter-Strike In-Game Name: Complex Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:87152220 Rules Broken: Freekill during lr Ban Type: Team Ban Evidence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtFS3CzvfeQ basic story, he started raging and said "stop sucking dick, you all suck dick" and proceeded to kill 3 or 4 Ts so I hit the record button. I said "atleast I dont have a dick in my mouth" and while I was choosing my lr on the menu, he killed me bc he was too salty
  3. I went to court today.. they dropped the tampering charge but the other 3 are still there. they're deciding not to charge me as an adult (which they said they were going to, since I turn 18 in less than a month) and its sounding like 2-3 years of probation, or they have a type of jail, a type of prison for minors, and the jeuvinile detention center. since they decided to charge me as a minor, it can only be until im either 21 or 22. Had I been an adult, these 3 could have still been 12 years and they were threatening to do so...... guess im not doing that again, atleast not getting caught doing that again lol... it could be worse, still sucks tho, im waiting for the official sentencing. they're basically giving me a month to prove I can pee clean still and to continue going to therapy, and they'll do the sentence based off of my behavior and not voiding my academic probation ect. not out of the frying pan yet, but it could be worse I suppose.
  4. +1 A:7 M7 you dont seem to be bad, and you're on a decent majority of the time that I'm on. I think just skimming the motd and handbook to see if there have been any recent updates to the motd and boom you'd be all set. In my opinion, I think you would do a good enough job.
  5. -1 A:6.5 M:3.5 I mean you dont listen to anybody, about anything. you seemingly just do whatever you want sometimes and ignore when people try to explain things to you. you are a CT hog and dont understand what a CT is supposed to be well enough. personally, I dont think you are intentionally a bad person. I think however that you need a little more experience on the servers and to connect with some of the other players better before becoming a member. my opinion isnt a strong -1, my mind would easily be changed with a little more effort and understanding ok? I think at some point you'd make a decent addition to the server, but not as of now. I will wait it out, and possibly change my stance later and make it a +1. I'll just wait and see
  6. your steam ID is in a format like this, its a set of numbers basically itll look something along the lines of STEAM::185469127:48 or something along those lines. if you go into the console and type "status" it will list all of the players currently on the server, their steam ID and then their connection time, copy and paste that (dont accidentally include the time youve been connected)
  7. thx forest. you've always been understanding. and I think you're freaking awesome sometimes :) I felt honestly really uncomfortable talking about this at all... my life isnt anybody elses problem but mine. but I do honestly feel bad, bc I'm not usually that way. you've known me for probably 5 years now, enough to know that I dont just blow up and I'm just not all like that, I'm not usually aggressive toward anybody..
  8. I've been stressed, and anxious because I'm dealing with some stuff that I never imagined would happen to me. to take it from the beginning: I've had multiple kinds of anxiety since I was very very little, GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) seperation anxiety, social anxiety, PTSD. I have mild to moderate aspurgers ect, not my point tho I got caught trading perscriptions for weed, when I was already on academic probation. to be clear, I've never had any sorts of legal issues before.. I thought everything was going to be alright, but it didnt turn out that way. for the past month or so, I've had either to see a guardian at lidum, my lawyer, court for the academic probation, court for the drug charges, I have a seperate lawyer for both and the guardian is working on both cases. That being said, probably 6 days a week, I've had something court related for this past month. I'm really stressed, I'm extremely terrified I'm gonna go to jail. they've been waving 15 years of prison time over my head because I got charged with 4 different felonies related to this.. posession in the 4th degree, trafficking in the 4th degree, aggrivated trafficking in the 4th degree, tampering with evidence in the 3rd degree. I havent honestly had much time I can waste just dicking around.. I've been freaking out, and my patience is really thin, been taking everything the wrong way. I'm sorry I've been impatient and short tempered. My fuse is really short, and its more being anxious than it is angry. I'm not angry, not at all, just anxious and stressed and I've been really impatient. I'm not someone under normal circumstances to just start shit bc I can or something. Just overwhelmed and scared, stressed out.. I dont want to go to jail for 15 years, if I couldnt handle getting my my ass beat at school when I was a kid, theres no way I'm gonna survive going to prison.. sorry I've been a douche, I never meant it that way.
  9. @Lithium please close. Its not worth arguing about. its plainly obvious that it happened, but Its just not worth it
  10. to be perfectly honest, I wasnt even a T. I was on his team when he started. I was one of the judges for the joke contest when the previous warden died. he raged bc like 8 people told him he cant do a joke day with 2 CTs.
  11. +1 A:6.5 M:9.5 Spyball is one of the few people that have common sense, hes not a douche, hes respectful and calls warden often. Hes a good warden and tries his best to abide by the rules
  12. if multiple people will corroborate the same story, why not believe it? yes, we all made it up bc it was fun, bc that makes perfect sense right? maybe if the staff would actually play, they could prevent these sorts of things, like their job entitles. but instead of playing on the server to do their job, they get all pissy bc they werent there to do what is THEIR job. its not MY job to make ban requests because no one is willing to monitor the server. the fact that multiple people agree should be enough because its rediculous to insinuate that we're all lying
  13. ok lets put it this way. i was ASKED to make a submission bc everyone else was too lazy. dont bitch at me. wasnt even my idea, i was just gonna say fuck it bc nobody was there and it wasnt recorded. but what are you implying? that I sat down and typed all of that up instead of copying from the console? why the hell would I waste that much time?
  14. the basic story is we were doing a joke day and warden died, leaving only 2 CTs and when he was told he couldnt do it with 2 CTs he said "Ok, you want me to shoot into the stack?" and shot up isolation until there was only one T. when he got lr, he shot him too, and proceeded to whine and bitch, ect
  15. Division: Counter-Strike In-Game Name: SCE_Bitmare Offender's Steam ID: I was typing status in console when he disconnected, I couldnt get it. Rules Broken: mass freekill Ban Type: Server Ban Evidence: I know I dont have a video, but this is the sort of shit that happens when the staff wont play on jb. its pretty bad the reason im asking for a server ban instead of ct ban is because he left the round afterward to avoid punishment when people said they'd call a staff. if it makes any difference, there are atleast 15 people that can testify this is true @BullseyeX @TheSpyBall [DMG] SCE_BitMare hurt [succ] Namx [KILL] [succ] Namx was killed by SCE_BitMare [bUTTON SPAM] SCE_BitMare pressed a button. [bUTTON SPAM] SCE_BitMare pressed a button. [DMG] SCE_BitMare hurt your stalker [DMG] SCE_BitMare hurt Freekill;;;;;;; [DMG] SCE_BitMare hurt K.R [KILL] your stalker was killed by SCE_BitMare [KILL] Freekill;;;;;;; was killed by SCE_BitMare [KILL] K.R was killed by SCE_BitMare [DMG] SCE_BitMare hurt Naal Abok [KILL] Naal Abok was killed by SCE_BitMare
  16. +1 A:9.5 M:7 Bullseye might not be the most informed person on the server, but he's definitely not a troll. He's actually active, we play together when the server is basically empty and its annoying that we need to ask for staff help because they arent active enough to help us. He actually plays and he may need time to get to know the rules better and minor technicalities, but I dont think he would take action unless he asked someone higher up first, unless it was grossly obvious (like mass freekill ect) because when there are only 5 or 6 people, trolls will come on and just go crazy. I agree because he's actually there enough to enforce the rules
  17. I think he deserves more than most current members tbh
  18. I mean, he might be a little fast to jump to conclusions, but nobody his age is going to do any better. I know I was an impatient little cockhead when I was 15
  19. lulz thx bby <3 usually I dont use my mic when either I have background noise (just out of respect) and bc people mic spam way too much, I can get my point across without bellowing like an asshole xP
  20. ok how about a plugin to kick anyone who's ping is over 400 for over 10 seconds. the server keeps lagging and nearly crashing and people lagging so bad bc they teleport around the map. somebody had 998 ping one time lulz
  21. you connect to the server fairly often, but your statistics say that you have never been on the server even 2 hours in a day.. thats not very active
  22. im waiting on my vote, I've literally never seen you before