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Everything posted by Majestic_Narwha

  1. I wish bonk hadnt stepped down, its kinda sad. but life is life i guess.. congrats @orangejuice and @Owl you guys deserved it, and have been working hard for a long time. and grats @Lithium you've been a really friendly and understanding DM for a long time and I'm glad you finally got that promotion :)
  2. xG Spencer : i have a cousin with brain damage so i understand dude
  3. fuck, i missed it. +1 for the weekend idea xD
  4. yea, I can trade you a handful of things for the event. idk what all I have anymore tho
  5. I was gonna go last week but I completely forgot. its a Tf2 event right? (if so, I could supply some items because I have stuff from forever ago I dont even use anymore tbh)
  6. if you dont want someone to do something, dont deliberately do what you are telling them not to do. thats extremely circular logic.
  7. if you dont like the guy, ignore me. quit being so hippocritical and pissy
  8. I think DarkRp would be worth it. Theres just so much variability with Rp servers it would be hard to find a balance of the occupations/plugins ect that is functional and fun.. I've been on plenty that were crap,(mostly because the jobs werent up to par) But I think if they have the resources, it could definitely be done.
  9. What my point was (which somehow everyone missed) was If he made it as a higher up the first time, he could have gotten it back. Im guessing they just wanted to give him a trial period to see if his activity would improve, and he just up and left, then cleared his friends list of anything to do with xG. That was the point I was making, he didnt need to go leave. If they didnt want him to be able to regain his position, he would have been made a member instead. He was given a fighting chance to prove he had his reasons to be inactive, and that he would start being active enough again. Dont go jumping to conclusions, and not stopping to understand what I mean, that makes you just the hothead that I am. smh
  10. +1 I stopped playing RS because I ran out of people to play with (I've had an account for 11 years now oh my gawd) If this is a thing, yea I want in <3
  11. +1 I personally havent seen anything wrong with the kid. yea, hes a little rough around the edges, but the effort is legitimate. He's friendly on the servers, he actively participates, he plays often. I see him on basically everyday (and everytime I've connected in like a month) Never seen him cause any trouble serverside or on the forums. I wouldn't be so quick to judge until you know the guy.. A:9 M:6.5 He deserves a shot, I've seen major trolls get let in, and he's actually decent in my opinion. Thats just me, and there might be facts that I've yet to see, or things hes done that have completely alluded me, but I personally have had 0 problems with the lil buttmunch, he tries, and the spirit is there.
  12. that was a lot of complicated lingo you got there m8
  13. He may have been good at his job, but if Admin wasnt good enough for his ego, he didnt need to be a higher up in the first place. You cant always start at the top and quit when it gets hard, thats not how life is. RIP
  14. yea, I think you should stay. you've been doing this for freaking forever and know your stuff. I mean you might not be on 24/7, but its a sufficient amount. maybe you should connect just a little more but tbh you're doing just fine in my opinion, and have been doing a bang up job for years :)
  15. @xGShadowSpy congrats, been waiting for your longly deserved promotion @Snackbar rip
  16. +1 plays by the rules, corrects stupid people, doesnt take anybody's crap. hes funny and more active than lindsay lohan at a strip club A:10 M:8.5 Dope warden skills: 9
  17. I want bernie if its a democratic candidate, and kasich if its a republican candidate bc he hasnt been slinging mud at all. hes just got no backing
  18. cant believe this song is almost 13 years old
  19. +1 he's a great guy, pretty chill, gets along with players and takes warden and that sort of stuffs. I think he'd be a good addition, but thats just me M:7.5 A:8.5
  20. and yes, I should have had this closed after the last promo/demo. I got too much going on to devote myself right now.. and yea, I'm an @sshole, but I have been a moderator/admin/co owner before. I didnt get demoted, the servers shut down or I stepped down because I didnt have the time. If I work on some things, I know I'm capable, but definitely not right now. I gotta grow up and be able to stay patient and level headed and got lots of other things to work on before I'd be ready so please @Lithium @Bleed close the thread. perhaps I'll try a while down the road, but I definitely need to work on a lot of areas before I would be ready to take this on. sorry guys
  21. lots of players are equally as mouthy and disrespectful, its just that you cant prove it because its usually over the mic. thats #1
  22. I'm remaining neutral, but my decision is swaying closer to a -1. You tend to mic spam among other things, but thats just from my perspective. I'll wait and watch before I give my opinion and I might end up changing my mind later. I dont think it would be fair to just judge you without taking the time to sit back and observe, give you the benifit of the doubt, ect. I'll definitely be back before the app closes to make up my mind
  23. +1 seems okay. not mouthy and knows what hes doing A:7.5 M:7
  24. His chat logs are an interesting read too. he comes on and rages and whines, and purposely starts stuff. no prompting necissary, hes complaining I talked about him having a dick in his mouth when he told like 6 people to suck his dick first and raged, freekilled a large majority of the other team because he was mad. My patience ran thin when he was crap talking about half the server and talking about people sucking dick, and I happened to stoop to the same level. Mutually, it was wrong on both ends and I apologise for my end, but there are 2 sides to this coin. Yea I was wrong to act like that, but it was pretty obviously provoked.