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  1. Agree
    Insane reacted to KendrickLlama in Moderators   
    Arnt you the kid who said he was 20 in his member app but in game said you 12? And then continued on about how this is your brothers account. If this was ever believable, now its less.
    But anyway I have been giving some more attention to Deathrun. I had to ban a couple kids yesterday and kick a few today. But the problem is that its just broken and when its broken it stops from people going to it. Then JB2, the only time you see a group of xG members on there is to rebel over and over and over. Because everyone knows jb2 is full of like 7 of kids who are obnoxious and this also drives people away. Also people play what they find fun. I dont find running around and killing people on a trade server fun and I dont find getting stunned by auto bonks every 10 seconds fun. But this is just me, other people find this stuff fun and thats what keeps bringing them back day after day. Jailbreak is what kept bringing me back day after day and I also think its the same way for many other people.
  2. Agree
    Insane reacted to Barmithian in Moderators   
    Saxton: remove homing balls > so much more people will play
  3. F!$k Off
    Insane reacted to FacepalmMute in Tf2 Rage Thread   
    I hate random traders in TF2.
  4. Agree
    Insane reacted to AdamStoe98 in Tf2 Rage Thread   
    How dare you hate TF2. -_-
  5. Like
    Insane got a reaction from Barmithian in Trade Server Map Idea   
    i think you mo fos need to make a new JB map.
  6. Agree
    Insane reacted to Kittylicious in Tf2 Rage Thread   
    well in the TF2 community I dont like
    random crits
    rage spectators to remove dominations
    op weapons
    those who don't know prices but believe they do
    those who get Australium weapons on the 1st tour in MvM also stupidly lucky people.
    noobs on my friends list that spam trade requests for no reason and then spam me with messages when I don't accept the trade
    dishonest people
    2 faced people
    elitist try hards
    those who go !friendly on trade gaming history and run around spamming voice emotes in front of you
    that guy who picks sniper on attack/defence attacking team when theres already 3 snipers.
    f2p's using the free ticket in MvM and ruining it for people who paid.
    those who don't listen to advice and just ignore you (mainly f2p's in MvM)
    those who have a problem with me because of my age and gender.
  7. Creative
    Insane got a reaction from SirTurdle in Tf2 Rage Thread   
    i like little kids....
    they dont know who to trade........
    and have access to their moms credit card.
  8. Agree
    Insane got a reaction from kbraszzz in Some Cool Stuff To Add.   
    Theres a plugin on some trade servers that allow some with a killstreak weapon to get 100 kills with out doing any thing!
    To activate this the person must type:
    /kson (or !kson is okay as well)
    Below is the code that i think might work that enables killstreak to 100.
    PHP Code:
    public OnPluginStart()
    {RegConsoleCmd( "sm_kson", Cmd_Enable );
    public Action:Cmd_Enable( client, args )
    {SetEntProp( client, Prop_Send, "m_iKillStreak", 100 );
    return Plugin_Handled;
    I was thinking of putting this on:
    Trade server
    Pokemon trade server
    Slenderman server (Yay!)
    thxs :D
  9. Agree
    Insane got a reaction from kbraszzz in Some Cool Stuff To Add.   
    Y cant we have them both trade servers ?
    trade gaming history doesnt have it ;~;
    Pokemon trade it replies with
    [sM] You do not have access to this command.
    so nom pls :3
  10. Agree
    Insane got a reaction from Muzzle in Some Cool Stuff To Add.   
    Y cant we have them both trade servers ?
    trade gaming history doesnt have it ;~;
    Pokemon trade it replies with
    [sM] You do not have access to this command.
    so nom pls :3
  11. Agree
    Insane got a reaction from Muzzle in Some Cool Stuff To Add.   
    Theres a plugin on some trade servers that allow some with a killstreak weapon to get 100 kills with out doing any thing!
    To activate this the person must type:
    /kson (or !kson is okay as well)
    Below is the code that i think might work that enables killstreak to 100.
    PHP Code:
    public OnPluginStart()
    {RegConsoleCmd( "sm_kson", Cmd_Enable );
    public Action:Cmd_Enable( client, args )
    {SetEntProp( client, Prop_Send, "m_iKillStreak", 100 );
    return Plugin_Handled;
    I was thinking of putting this on:
    Trade server
    Pokemon trade server
    Slenderman server (Yay!)
    thxs :D
  12. Drunk
    Insane got a reaction from Barmithian in Some Cool Stuff To Add.   
    Theres a plugin on some trade servers that allow some with a killstreak weapon to get 100 kills with out doing any thing!
    To activate this the person must type:
    /kson (or !kson is okay as well)
    Below is the code that i think might work that enables killstreak to 100.
    PHP Code:
    public OnPluginStart()
    {RegConsoleCmd( "sm_kson", Cmd_Enable );
    public Action:Cmd_Enable( client, args )
    {SetEntProp( client, Prop_Send, "m_iKillStreak", 100 );
    return Plugin_Handled;
    I was thinking of putting this on:
    Trade server
    Pokemon trade server
    Slenderman server (Yay!)
    thxs :D
  13. Agree
    Insane reacted to Fink in Friendly Fire Back Again?   
    i think this
    F/F when mod/admin is on
    ammo drops, yes.
    sentries are too unfair so noe ;c
  14. Bad Spelling
    Insane got a reaction from Gwoash in Vynirius   
    Well @Gwaosh i like that you know how to spell my name ;~;
    FYI: I know i spelled Gwoash wrong its cause he spelled my name wrong >.>
  15. Bad Spelling
    Insane got a reaction from Marceline in Vynirius   
    Well @Gwaosh i like that you know how to spell my name ;~;
    FYI: I know i spelled Gwoash wrong its cause he spelled my name wrong >.>
  16. Agree
    Insane reacted to Goblin in We Need Tf2 Maps   
    New maps are LONG overdue. I'm sick of playing "minecart" every other damn map transition.
  17. Agree
    Insane reacted to Barmithian in How 2 B Gud @ Trading   
    Some of you may know that I got thief with the promo items. I plan to sell them, but right now they are untradable. This happens so dang often it's terrible. For those of you that don't know, one of the thief promos is a huntsman reskin, The Fortified Compound
    *Barmithian enter le trade server*
    Barmithian: Well, back to practicing with the huntsman!
    *Barmithian kill le random enemy player*
    *Kill freeze shot happens*
    Random player: OMG MEGA COOL BOW. DO WANT!!!
    *Barmithian receive le random trade request*
    Random player: I give you this for bow.
    *Random player puts in an Ellis cap and two weapons*
    How do people see the bow but do not realize that it is untradable. Why do they think piece of crap items will be worth a limited bow?
    My conclusion: The amount of stupidity is too dang high. (I would attach the meme but not sure how on mobile)
  18. Informative
    Insane got a reaction from kbraszzz in Let's Diversify Our Activity!   
    What i did is put information about how to apply to Xenogamers on my steam Bio, so friends can easily apply for a application
  19. Sad
    Insane reacted to Marceline in Inactivity Maybe..   
    Not stepping down. My inactivity is because of school/bad grades.
    Idk how often I might be on but yeah..
    @DrLee @HachikoTachibana @Insane @whoelsecares
    Sorry m8s
  20. Agree
    Insane reacted to Redheards in New Weapons   
    I would love more sry sappers and maybe watches I have no ideas for watches tho
  21. Agree
    Insane got a reaction from Muzzle in Saxton Hale   
    Well looks like no more homing balls @Nomulous @Nomulous @anyoneelsewhodoesthis
  22. Sad
    Insane got a reaction from Haruka in We Will Not Have This.   
    just *cough* just..... tell...... *cough* .......... *cough* ........................ *dies*
  23. Sad
    Insane got a reaction from StarmiX in We Will Not Have This.   
    *coughs* *coughs* *is dieing due to a sickness that causes me to cough help me* *cough* *cough*
  24. Sad
    Insane got a reaction from StarmiX in We Will Not Have This.   
    u guys are better than me :c
  25. Agree
    Insane reacted to SyrJirk in Things I Think   
    1. MOTD should be buffed up. Add descriptions for more days, add some rules like the mature voice only stuffs so people can stop complaining about "Squeakers" and we can move on with our lives.
    2. People read motd, learn it, understand it. If you don't understand something ASK. If you aren't clear on something ASK. It seems like every day I see people arguing over things that are on MOTD that they still do not seem to know. It really is not that hard to figure out but if it is for whatever reason be it wording, lack of clarity, or you're high when reading it just ASK someone. If you have to argue over it, then something isn't right. If you haven't read it, it is quite clear so just do it. A lot. Please. Or at least more. What else are you going to do when sitting in the dead chat constantly?
    3. Disrespect needs to stop. Seriously. I'm all for calling each other autistic and hating on ponies but there's a fine line from joking and disrespect. (Okay maybe not a FINE line.) Regardless, people need to watch themselves. Today alone I was called idiot, stupid, etc. I saw spam in chat constantly calling warden faggot and people just do not seem to know how to deal with one another like people. I have infinite more respect for the child being warden, then any xG member spamming "omg pass squeaker" in chat. I have been more annoyed by disrespect in recent days than anything.. If you're really mad, having a bad day, or just plain grumpy stay off chat and mic. I've come in a few times completely seething while playing but I don't just take it out on people on the server. Hold your goddamn tongues you explicit fothermuckers.
    4. Mods/Admins and Up - Abuse is never appreciated. Ever. You were given powers for a reason. You do not have the power to dictate when you do or do not want to enforce the rules. Enforce them fairly, equally, and reasonably.
    5. Members, votekick/ban/mute/etc. isn't a "I'm mad that I got killed" command. REMEMBER that and REMIND non-members who are new and who frequent the server. It rarely ever happens, but I'm tired of seeing some votekicks rack up from people killing REDs (Typically not freekilling) as Blu when that's the point of Jailbreak. I myself had like half the necessary votekicks because I was doing what wardens do, kill off the reds. Blus want Reds dead. Deal with it.
    6. This is really nothing more than my opinion and mostly generated from the past two weeks I've been frequenting the server. No one is human, I myself am possibly guilty of some of the issues I've addressed and you bet I am not nearly always right about the rules but really I think motd needs a large update that adds some much needed rules (LIke some map rules I did not know nor see on motd) and I am quite possibly overreacting but I am quite possibly not as well this is just what I THINK. Not how it actually might BE.
    7. I AM the ONLY Dictator. Any other impostors are, in fact, impostors.