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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by Britt

  1. she wants the only vagina in xG.

    If that's the case then I'm sorry. Whether I'm there or not, I guarantee there will be more females around xG whether it's today, a week from now, or a month from now. It's going to happen. I used to scrim with all girls and TayTay<3 and I play on a regular basis with like 5 other women. I love it and I really think we should band together against these men. ;)

  2. For some strange reason about a week ago I started getting connection issues in game like ever 3-5 minutes or less and horrible lag. I know people are going to jump and say it's my internet connection, but I have cable internet - corded (not wireless). I never lose connection to TS/ventrilo or have an issue surfing the web. Is there a cache I can clear or any other reason that could be causing this?

  3. I was kicked repeatedly for joining a channel with people to play LoL, which apparently she had admin in. She wasn't even in the channel with me and continued to kick me. The other person she kept kicking was some guy named Penguin. Prior to being kicked multiple times, she came into a gaming public channel and started cussing at this other girl, TayTay<3 and myself over someone being in the channel with us. There was also multiple people in the channel with us when she was screaming at us calling us bitches for no valid reason. Aside from all of this (and I am fully aware it has nothing to do with xG) she proceeded to ban us from some Gmod server for 16,000 days with no reason given. (She of course lost super admin from 2 different clan servers) The point is she has some anger issues to work out..

  4. I need some help.. Somehow today my microphone decided to stop working. Usually when I restart or have my computer off the settings through control panel/sound/recording will change to "line in" rather than the microphone. This time there is no "microphone" option. It's completely gone and my microphone isn't working. The speakers of my headset do work.


    Help a sister out! :(

  5. Having CS:S playtime means nothing. You can play CS:S all you want. What matters is that you haven't been active enough on -our- servers for me to +1 you. Also, I really don't know where you get your math. Lee has 40+ hours, and I have almost 30 in the last two weeks. But, it doesn't matter. My -1 stands.

    I wasn't referring to Lee, but as I said above I didn't reply to start an argument. :)

  6. I just want to say thank you to the people that had some kind words. I'm also glad that the only "negative" is that people feel I'm not active enough. However, I'd like to add as others have vouched I have been very active the last 2 weeks (at least) with a minimum of 2.5 hour play time on a daily basis. I don't think it's really fair say that I'm inactive or not active enough when I have more CS:S play time than both of you combined in the last two weeks. I don't mean that in a bitchy way, I'm just saying that of course you aren't going to see me on the server when you don't play yourself. I didn't say this to make an argument out of it. I will continue to improve my play time on the server(s) to your expectations. :)

  7. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Source

    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:




    Previously in xG:


    Active on Teamspeak:




    Further Information:

    I previously played as L0VE<3 in the servers. I am on the servers and Teamspeak almost on a daily basis (mostly minigames, sometimes deathrun on TF2).