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Everything posted by Scootaloo

  1. Most excellent. Thank you, Kbraszzz. I'll work directly with you to help make it what it needs to be! :D Here is the map file: Free File Hosting - Online Storage; Upload Mp3, Videos, Music. Backup Files As far as requests on how the server itself should operate, I feel these points are important to make sure are there: 1. RTV is unnecessary because it will be only one map. 2. I'd probably say RTD should also be disabled, that way things like Heavy Boxing and Sniper Duels don't get interrupted by God Mode or whatever. (Could also have RTD if we remove certain effects too.) 3. Team Balance needs to be off by default. Make it so you can join either team at any time, regardless of how many players are on. 4. Donator Perks are okay, with the exception of the perks that allow players to spawn bosses. That's something that can also interfere with server events. 5. Instant respawn would be very much appreciated. 6. Like we did before, enable a Killstreak of 10 kills for every player automatically, so they may see KS effects without having to kill for it. This would be a great start. If there's anything else I can think of, I'll let you know! Call the server xG - Trade, Events, and More!
  2. This is Lucy from TGH. She is uber donator. She only needs 4 more +1s guys, let's do it!
  3. We don't need to necessarily do away with Prop Hunt, but I'd be pretty happy if we could do away with Gun Mettle, since nobody uses it at all. =)
  4. Thanks for the application, but 30 days have passed. Sorry. Looking forward to another app in the future! ~Thread closed.
  5. Yeah, we had similar rules for this in the Unusual server. It was necessary to use a middle man for anything that was worth 5+ keys. It'd be the same way here. Find an Admin+ for middlemans.
  6. I think for the sake of having the ability to Heavy Box, we need to keep the ability to join any team, but we definitely need to be able to join either team regardless of balance. Remove teambalance, so patrons can easily teamswitch to spycrab.
  7. I'm just saying...turn Prophunt into xG Trade, using our old Unusual Map, with no RTV, RTD active, alongside the basic donator stuff, (Minus boss spawning), and let me populate it. <3
  8. Like I said earlier, my main concern is having a server where we can host events and NOT worry about others interfering and the event killing the gameplay.
  9. TF2 needs a standalone trade server. Tired of events turning into disasters in TGH.
  10. Thanks a ton for the application, Brandon! Unfortunately, we here at xG have a strict age requirement of 16 years minimum before you can become a member. Sadly, you don't quite meet the requirement, so we will have to raincheck on this one. We look forward to your future attendance in our servers! Thanks for applying! Thread closed.
  11. It also isn't like we don't have server slots that aren't being used, either. When was the last time anyone even used Prop Hunt? I mean, no offense or anything, it just doesn't seem like that particular server ever has anyone online. Surely we could try and use it as a trade server? I honestly feel like with the right people, xG Trade could be a huge success. All we have to do is direct trade traffic to it and it should flourish. Not Unusual Trade or High Profile focus, but just a trade server. I honestly think it's worth a shot.
  12. Trades happen on Pokemon. Trades are not Pokemon's main focus. My thought on it is that we should have a completely dedicated server who's primary focus is trading and events. Not focused on combat. Not focused on game modes. Focused on allowing players to do their business and for people to be able to Spycrab, Heavy Box, Sniper duel, and conduct business in the ways of giveaways, raffles, and events. Trust me. We are in dire need of a server to fit that bill. Trying to hold an event on Pokemon or TGH turns into a god-awful nightmare, especially when half the server focuses on playing the game, which in part ruins the event. Then, you're put in a tough situation where half of the server is mad at you because you aren't doing anything to protect the event, and the other half of the server is mad at you because you are taking away from the combat. It sucks. We need a place to do this stuff safely.
  13. I've given an effort to get a trade server populated before, but that was an UNUSUAL server. This time I feel it would be different, as we wouldn't be limiting ourselves to high profile stuff. We won't be billing it as unusuals only, looking for traders for unusuals only, and won't be pushing traffic for unusuals only.
  14. I'll totally commit to staying active in the trade server to regulate things like events. I'll even be willing to do annual things just to get attendance up. Small little giveaways and such, you know?
  15. Living the baby life.
  16. Also, if this is approved and you guys need a copy of the map file, I still have it.
  17. Okay, so for the longest time, I have always associated xG with having a bunch of iconic servers. TGH, Pokemon, and JB all immediately come to mind. But one thing I have never associated our clan with was trading. I mean sure, every once in a while, I'll find a decent deal by someone in our servers, and I'll happily trade with someone for whatever they happen to be selling, but in all honesty, our Trade Gaming Server shouldn't even have "Trade" in the name. Pokemon is more about goofing off and casually fighting other players, but one thing that happens very little is any actual trading. On a different note, over the past few days, a regular of our TGH server, (Ziron for those of you wondering), has been reaching out to me to help him coordinate giveaways of some high dollar items, including multiple Australiums, in the form of events planned by him where members had to kill him using only Melee while he was Pyro, or in the form of Heavy Boxing. Now, take a moment to think about this, what kind of organizing and headache do you think we dealt with on TGH, trying to keep the participants safe from griefers who just wanted to kill players? I can attest that it was a godawful nightmare. So all of this got me thinking. TGH is all about capturing various video game experiences in the form of TF2 maps. Pokemon is all about goofing around in a Pokemon surrounding. Surf is Surf. JB is JB. FF2 is a legit popular game mode. All of our servers have purpose. The one purpose our servers aren't fulfilling is an actual trade server. My proposal is this: Bring back an ACTUAL trade server. Let us use the map ColdEndeavor and I designed as an every-day trade map. We don't even have to put an emphasis on unusual trading. If there's anything I have learned over the past few days, it's that we need a sanctioned place where we can host events, giveaways, spycrabs, heavy boxing matches, and sniper duels without the fear of other people interfering. The unusual map is the perfect map to do that with. Allow us to use the map as an ACTUAL trading server. Allow us to broadcast to our patrons that if anyone wishes to do any actual trading, the specified trade server would be the place to go. Give us an outlet to host events and giveaways without the fear of others ruining it, or without impeding on actual gameplay to do so. It gives us a server we have never really ever had, and it puts the magnificence that is ColdEndeavor's map to use. @kbraszzz @Rejects @Moosty @Ohstopyou , what are your thoughts?
  18. Bach is admoons again. Thread closed for old.
  19. Been playing a lot of Smash 3DS over the past few weeks. It's a very fun, casual Smash if I do say so myself. :D
  20. Things are about to get spunky. @Bach, you can have my DM position when I die, just to make these Dinklebergs even more salty. =3
  21. User will not be unbanned. Wait out your week, and if you continue to be a nuisance after the week is up, we will move the ban to permanent status. Bit of advice. Don't come waltzing in here like you own the place, expecting everyone to bend the knee just because you raise a bit of an attitude with my staff, ESPECIALLY if you were knowingly in the wrong. You pressed the issue as far as it would go, and now you get to pay for your actions. Our system being broken in no way entitles you to abuse it. Even if there are faults, there are consequences for your actions, as you have learned first-hand. But we still have rules in place you are expected to adhere to, even if you find a loophole in the system. Not exploiting those bugs just so happens to be another rule we follow here, which means you are guilty of not only the evasion, but the bug abuse as well. Luckily for you, there is no hard evidence AGAINST you and what you did, so the ban cannot be further escalated. To put it simply, I feel you're getting off light. And consider this your final warning: don't micspam at all when you return or you won't see another xG server again. EDIT: Photo proof of mute evasion. This isn't possible unless there's a way around it. Muted 3 times in 5 minutes? GG.
  22. Found these maps: SCP: trade_scp (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) - GAMEBANANA SM64 Whomp's Fortress: vsh_whompfortress (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Versus Saxton Hale) - GAMEBANANA Blood Gulch (Halo)(CTF): Halo BloodGultch (CTF) (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Capture the Flag) - GAMEBANANA Facing Worlds (UT): ctf_facing_worlds_2011 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Capture the Flag) - GAMEBANANA (Also already on FF2) LOZ Eagle Dungeon: LOZ Dungeon Eagle (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Arena) - GAMEBANANA Also, the most recent addition, Rogueport I believe is what it's called? That map is REALLY bad. Missing textures and a couple places where you can actually fall through the map. Should probably be taken out. We really should focus on keeping TGH all about old school game maps. That's what it should be.
  23. I'm not campaigning for a perm or anything, but a punishment should be administered for the evasion. Few days to a week, methinks. Also, that is quite a silly thing to have in the map, and if word gets out that it's a thing, everyone will be doing it, which kind of ruins the map. I'd say let's implement a rule that says this is unallowed henceforth. Kind of neat, but probably shouldn't be done.