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Everything posted by Scootaloo

  1. Scootaloo


    It would seem that the evidence of his unwelcome sexual conversation pieces is pretty overwhelming. The comments made, the topics of conversation, the sexual context....bad enough if it's done in the closed environment of Teamspeak or something, but actively discussing things of this matter on the forums, and even worse, in our servers, is something that I feel should definitely NOT be coming from our staff. Hell, even in comfortable settings around people you are very friendly towards, you have to skate a very thin line. I myself am not innocent of being the cleanest poster in the world, as the shenanigans I post in Teamspeak sometimes can make a horse gag. But I know when and where it is acceptable to post crude things, and I DEFINITELY know to keep it away from the servers, as that is the place to be professional and hold myself to a certain standard. I had no knowledge of these happenings. I just spoke with Matsi last night and explained that when he is actually doing his job, he is great at it. But the main issue we are seeing here is the quality of his character. I have no issues with Furries. Just wanna put that out there right now. In fact, I am a HUGE supporter of the LGBTQ movement, and any and all sexual identities that may stray for the norm. I feel EVERYONE has the right to express themselves sexually and live any sort of sexual lifestyle they wish without being judged or looked down upon. HOWEVER, that support ends immediately if you're blatantly putting it out there for others to read and to make others feel uncomfortable. I'm not saying that was Matsi's intent, but this is definitely not the place to be talking about giving oral or having a cookbook whose main ingredient is cum. We are a gaming community, and while the games we play my be marketed towards an older crowd, we serve a very young playerbase. The average player on TF2 is between the ages of 14-16. That's about what we see in our servers. That's about what we see giving member applications. That's about what we are met with on a daily basis. These are VERY impressionable ages, and to think that someone is actively speaking about giving blowjobs and cooking with semen REALLY makes me uncomfortable. But that argument has been beaten to death. We are speaking instead on how Matsi handles himself when dealing with other members and staff. To that, I present the following: To give some context, Vector was days away from his unban, and he created a countdown thread that you can find here: Countdown Well, shortly into the thread, Matsi takes it upon himself to drop this bombshell. If there's anyone Vector doesn't get along with here, it's Matsi, (As apparently evident because this thread exists). As you can imagine, this did NOT end well. Many of the CS:GO division had voiced some pretty disrespectful things, but it was all instigated by this single comment. Instead of simply ignoring the thread, ignoring what Vector had to say, ignoring his very presence, Masti had to stir the pot. This happened less than a month ago. But this isn't all. It goes farther than just someone he insists on starting shit with on the forums. Hell, even when he was recently demoted, he insisted on starting a conversation with the higher-ups, demanding an explanation. The way he presented himself, the word choice, the attitude....it was all VERY disrespectful. There's certain ways to handle yourself, and there's terrible ways to handle yourself. The initial demotion was because of the attitude, and when the first thing you see is even more attitude flung about because of it, it doesn't look good. Then, there's how he handles disagreements. Don't you DARE have a different opinion, or you're incompetent: The rest of that thread, as well as context, can be read here: Surf Server Rules I was 100% for giving him a final chance, but I feel that's so far redundant that I don't honestly even want to deal with it anymore. I approached Matsi last night with the full intent of giving him an honest-to-goodness final chance to change, but with this new evidence of the abhorrent sexual content now seeping into our servers, I absolutely do not want him on my moderation team anymore. He does not represent our clan in a positive light, is abrasive, combative, argumentative, and confrontational. And that's not even considering the rest of the stuff. That's just how he handles himself. Ban? Not sure anything is really ban-worthy, but I definitely do not want him representing my staff. I hate to do it, as this is not the solution I want, but I can't justify the opposite. +1 for removal of staff privileges and membership. What he does afterwards is his decision.
  2. Dat age 15 doh. I guess we can make an exception because you've been here forever. =p +1 Welcome back.
  3. Spam really isn't an offense I'd ban someone over, unless of course it was very derogatory or offensive. At most, next time he is on, we can mute him if he persists. Thanks for the report, but it isn't exactly something worth opening a ban request for. ^-^ Thread closed.
  4. +1 Always really chill whenever I see him in game. Would make a great addition to our community. A: 10 M: 10
  5. This is an excellent idea. I'm gonna sticky this thread for ease of reference. Any game deals, post em here! :D
  6. NUUUUU. NANNER CROCS. Srsly tho, take the time you need to get shit back together. We will be here when you're ready to come back, IF you want us back. You know where to find us! :D
  7. Ban Request For Inappropriate Spray Forest put it well. If the screens don't show a request for the user to change the spray, action won't be taken. Banning without warning is never okay, especially when our process is warn>kick>ban. If anything, please get an admin to deal with it. I wouldn't be comfortable banning someone for an offense they weren't warned about ahead of time. But thanks for reporting it, nontheless! :D
  8. You could also copy this, letter for letter:
  9. Snackbar's Schlong +1 Description: "WHAT THE FUCK ARE THOSE?!"
  10. CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here or here. WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY!
  11. @Bananalitz, Copy/paste doesn't really suffice as a valid point of proof. I mean, it's really easy to fake. "Moosty: I am the worst DM and Scootaloo is the best." See? Just because I typed it out doesn't mean that quote ever really happened, huh @Moosty? Do you have a screenshot?
  12. I won't even be mad if I don't open an unusual. This is my last crate run. Whether or not I get an unusual, I won't be opening any more crates in the future. ^-^
  13. Yes you can. Every crate during the duration of any Halloween event can only open Halloween effects for unusuals.
  14. This coming Friday at approximately 6:00pm MT, (8:00pm ET), I will be hosting a gigantic Unboxing Event in the name of advertising the xG servers for TF2! The evening will begin with a Populate Trade, Events, and More! event, where we do our best to populate to capacity our newest server. Once we have hit capacity, we will begin the unboxing event, in which I will be opening 150 crates in hopes of getting a new Halloween unusual! All of the extra items opened during this event will become donation fodder for future events. Starting the following Friday, we will begin rolling weekly events in the Trade, Events and More! server. These events will promote Spycrabbing, Heavy Boxing, Sniper Duels, and much, much more. To see a comprehensive list of the different discussed activities we will be hosting each week, please click the below link: Xg Event Server Monthly Schedule The event will conclude when all crates have been opened. If you wish to participate, please let me know beforehand. After the uncrating is finished, we may host a few mini-games and give out prizes to the winners, as well as hosting a few free raffles to give away some of the unboxed items! I hope to see you all there! Let's get the word out that we will begin populating our newest server every Friday!
  15. This coming Friday at approximately 6:00pm MT, (8:00pm ET), I will be hosting a gigantic Unboxing Event in the name of advertising the xG servers for TF2! The evening will begin with a Populate Trade, Events, and More! event, where we do our best to populate to capacity our newest server. Once we have hit capacity, we will begin the unboxing event, in which I will be opening 150 crates in hopes of getting a new Halloween unusual! All of the extra items opened during this event will become donation fodder for future events. Starting the following Friday, we will begin rolling weekly events in the Trade, Events and More! server. These events will promote Spycrabbing, Heavy Boxing, Sniper Duels, and much, much more. To see a comprehensive list of the different discussed activities we will be hosting each week, please click the below link: Xg Event Server Monthly Schedule The event will conclude when all crates have been opened. If you wish to participate, please let me know beforehand. After the uncrating is finished, we may host a few mini-games and give out prizes to the winners, as well as hosting a few free raffles to give away some of the unboxed items! I hope to see you all there! Let's get the word out that we will begin populating our newest server every Friday!
  16. Can confirm. We are the elite and will push for a new, better xG! And we don't hate Mexicans! :D
  17. P. Fetti Blighted Beak! =D
  18. Ehh, close enough. I wanna go to bed. XD CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here or here. WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! Congrats, Lucy. =3
  19. Thank you Forest. This post will be very helpful for everyone. ^-^
  20. I kind of said to my wife "Hey, you remember Lucy?" And she was all like "Hell, yeah!" and I was like "Well damn, get in here and vouch for her! She wants membership!" You're welcome. :D In 24 hours, assuming nobody -1s you, we can close the thread and FINALLY welcome you as a member! <3
  21. Day ban? Don't think so. I'm upping this to a week. Check SourceBans. he has been banned FOUR TIMES over the past five days for this very same reason. If he doesn't get it after a week, then it's being extended to a perm. Second chances are fine. Fifth chances and things obviously aren't working. Xeno Gamers Thread closed.
  22. +1 Great surfer and super active when it comes to clarifying information about surf. He's busted his butt to make our server a good, welcoming place to surf on. Give him membership! :D
  23. Congrats to the promos! RIP to the demos!
  24. I want a pistol that shoots demoman pills. :D