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Status Replies posted by Muzzle

  1. Not too sure why I still hang around here
  2. How many stupid profile pictures could one man have? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  3. How many stupid profile pictures can one person have
  4. ur pic is so sweg, im gonna master bate now
  5. ur pic is so sweg, im gonna master bate now
  6. I don't think there ever was a time where I hated myself more than now
  7. I don't think there ever was a time where I hated myself more than now
  8. Scrubmithian pls
  9. @[51396:@Muzzle] Pretty sure this isnt the right guy cause the real 1 couldnt take warden properly :/
  10. John Madden, u r no fun, juss play da damn game.
  11. Saxton Hale Queen...?
  12. no h8 pls toler8
  13. Moved into my new house!
  14. my birthday c:
  15. my birthday c:
  16. Do me Business pls
  17. most nonchalant profile pic ever
  18. Broke 100 posts!
  19. Add HaplessIdiot to steam and message me when ready to tryout we need a new demo.