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Posts posted by Muzzle

  1. I would like something disturbing and something that would make you laugh not like gore or the holocust ( i don't think the holocust is funny.) but if you could just be creative and just have fun with it I guess thanks

  2. I get on the servers when ever I can understand lots of people can be irritating and rule breakers. I think that there should be a little more mods paying attention to jailbreak 1 or 2 because most trouble comes from there. Also Mafia no offense would it be possible if you could set your brother up with his own account it would be a lot better because I know what it's like to share an account with a sibling. I'm just saying in case he does something and bad in your name.

  3. I meant like if I was in this situation I would make the map and then come back to this thread when i was done making it. Sry if i got your hopes up but I dont know anything about making maps

    Oh true well That's alright ill figure something put

  4. who would build this map

    Me I will figure something out I just have to get the map from n64 do some editing and bam it's done. N64 maps don't take long due to it already being made. But I just think the server that isn't Pokemon trade should have more interesting maps

  5. i would go csgo unboxing cause the knives you get even if they arnt stat track they got for 200+ USD

    Unusuals on the market go for maybe 50-150 USD


    + in csgo u dont need a knife, if you happen to get a stat track rare wep from the crate in a decent condition thats also like 50+ USD

    Insane this is tf2. Last time I checked you were one of us.

  6. no
    Nom pls I have never wanted something more in my life then this. Playing banjo kazooie in tf2. I think I would just die a little. But it is an awesome overworld I could find one you don't have to. Hell I'll make one

  7. Alright I know what your thinking "Meezel if you don't stop talking about Banjo-Kazooie I will pop you in the face." But the thing about Banjo Kazooie it has one of the best over worlds in all of games. Grunty's Lair is sweet and it would be so much fun to TF2 in that. If you haven't seen the over world here it will be under the thread. Watch a youtube video of it in actual game or get a rom I will look around for a map like this. Please Suggest this sorry for talking so much about this game


