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Everything posted by Moosty

  1. +1 is a cutie pie. active and very mature. A-8 M-9
  2. If it were to in fact rain men, I would definitely let myself get absolutely soaking wet. These plugins are honestly pretty lame though.
  3. Also, people should +1 @ColdEndeavour on his member app. He made a map exclusive to our servers and is not annoying or a kid.
  4. Just tag @ColdEndeavour he made the damn map.
  5. Because i'm a pirate, I need a countdown to get excited.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVCf9GCtcGc do you not remember the horror?
  7. so hub has created a lot of problems with projectiles, and the server has to be restarted frequently (every 30 mins- 1 hour) to solve the problem. right now the default map is Hyrule, which is a cool map, but its still in alpha so there are several bugs, and sprays don't work on any texture on the map. we have to wait ten minutes to switch maps, and with people having such a boner right now for hyrule the map is rarely switched before thirty. this makes still being on the map when the server restarts a fairly common occurence, therefore forcing us to wait another ten minutes to switch from a buggy alpha map. it's a nice map but we cant do everything there that we can on other maps, the map should stay but it shouldn't be the default. or we could try and retool the rtv wait time to make switching away a lot easier. when we restart the server as frequently as we do with these issues, the default map gets played far more than anything else, and when the default map is still in alpha it can get irritating. the restarts are sadly necessary right now but we can definitely try things out so that they arent as bad on the people playing. ive already seen quite a few people coming back less and less or not at all because they just dont want to play hyrule. we dont mind playing the same map all day, but if we do the map should be complete. because right now the restarts are a HUGE damper on fun. inb4 no fun allowed
  8. your gonna need a lot more evidence, him finding you once while cloaked isn't enough proof to ban. +/- 0 for now.
  9. The true gaming history princess. chosen by the people.
    1. Kittylicious


      I was the first one to mention about princess on gaming history. I'm a young girl and I love disney, can't you just let me have fun?
    2. Moosty


      No fun allowed
    3. Swift


      well im a young girl and i love disney, so can i be the princess to???
    4. Show next comments  192 more
  10. +1 active on jb and mature. A-8 M-8
  11. Do it @Hachi no balls.
  12. Cactus canyon was very easily camped. I'm all for a hard task for blu. But me at my best as heavy with two skilled medics wasn't even enough to break it. That spawn definitely needs reworked. Rest of the map looked good though. I liked the hills, they gave you a sense of urgency to stay with the cart. Asteroid was a lot of fun, and the base was dynamic with lots of alternate routes and flank points. But I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing. The map itself was great, but that game mode should be reworked a little.
  13. I know pi to 69 decimals from memory (hue) and that list is fucked up yo. All kinds of innacurate.
  14. Oh hey someone from hale! Active and skilled hale A-8 M-9
  15. +1 he unboxes unusuals on the regular and is cute. Fun to play with. A-9 M-9
  16. +1 I actually like this guy A-8 M-8
  17. It's too late. I'm too far ahead. You guys should admit defeat so we can close this and declare me the princess.
  18. You don't know my life. And I have more than double your votes. The people want me as their princess.
  19. Tfw I have over half the total vots. GG I'm the true princess?
  20. this poll though. i guess I am the true princess.
  21. the votes dont lie, if you want to be princess have people like you, and be the prettiest. bragging about how rich you are doesnt help c: