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Everything posted by Moosty

  1. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Fox Fur Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:18035831 Rules Broken: Map Exploit, ignoring staff. (specifically: using weapons in melee arena on frantic factory) Evidence: user entered melee arena with a brass beast and killed every member of the opposing team. staff online (@ColdEndeavour and myself) told him that it was an exploit, against the rules, and to stop. we did this about 6 or 7 times. user ignored us and continued to kill with the brass beast in the melee arena for about five minutes. we decided to record it, accidentaly said we were recording out loud, and he promptly suicided and came back as a demo knight. the video didn't yield any evidence, but i went back and took a screenshot of the console logs showing him killing with a brass beast. i know we dont have the best evidence, but we have a lot of witnesses. he should be banned. he took advantage of staff not having powers and should be rightfully punished for it. @Kart @metalslug53 were also witnesses Screenshot of console logs are here: Steam Community :: Screenshot :: RIP in peace fox fur he needs to be banned. i know we cant do it now, but once we can we should.
  2. so do we have any updates on when this will be fixed? @Nomulous @Rhododendron @kbraszzz
  3. Vous etes des animaux
  5. @Nomulous @kbraszzz the rtd plugin is on hale for some reason. its pretty damn gamebreaking. an engie just rolled instant kill and one shotted a brand new hale with a pistol for 23000+ damage. please remove rtd from hale ASAP.
  6. -1 . Seems kind of *(extremely) unnecessary. We should add things that the people want. And the poll is already pretty far towards no. That and like everyone else said it's a drain on PC's for no real gain. It's a hat. Cool beans. People would get over it pretty quick. And then it would just clutter up the server space unnecessarily. Tl; dr -1, no plz.
  7. Moosty

    More Bad Rats!

    5. gotta get more chances
  8. @Nomulous uh, i figured out the crashing problem, but now i'm about 1000 times more confused. i've tested this theory and it reproduces the same result every single time. i have no fucking idea why. and i'm really confused. @Shadower talking on mic causes the crash. ive tested this multiple times today. i can be on the server and have no issues. he can join and not talk and there is no trouble. but the second he talks hl2.exe crashes and leaves no dialogue box even saying it crashed. the program just ends. i have absolutely no idea why this is, and I realize how stupid it sounds. but it replicates the same result every time. @BonfireCentipede was there. he can confirm. plz help i'm so confused
    1. Swift


      i hear that girls bathrooms are nastier then the boys
  10. +1 definitely deserves to be part of the clan. plays often and fun to play with. a-9 m-8
  11. just to confirm, scootaloo broke rules, he did. but he was kind of thrown into a position guaranteed to fail by me, and he wouldnt have done so on purpose. i can vouch for his character and that this would have been different had he stayed. +1 for unban, time served basically.
  12. @Hachi delivered the ban. I was present the entire time. he did have some slip ups with rules but it was 1am jailbreak and everyone was just screwing and having a good time. Hachi did come on and make some snide comments about the hats/miscs of players on the server, though it seemed to me like they were mostly in jest. nonetheless they were repeated a bit too much. when he had finally tired of playing, he said he was gonna leave after the round. the round lingered on for a while though, and he decided to leave early. before he left he lit a T on fire during his lr, and left before the fire damage killed him, effectively denying the lr. he hadn't read the rules, but was still on blu because nobody else had a mic. i tried to help him with the rules best i could but i hadn't got a chance to explain denying yet. had he remained on the server, i have no doubt it would have been talked over and he would of been very apologetic. the person who was denied (a random i hadnt met before) was not upset at all. and had scoots not left this ban most likely would not have happened. this is all partially my fault too, for allowing someone new to jailbreak to be a ct, but you gotta understand nobody else had a mic. i believe that an hour ban would have been sufficient, but a day ban may have been a bit excessive for one freekill.
  13. damn, this poll sure is one-sided.
  14. UPDATE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaM2JTkDREI
  15. Skins should be removed completely. They are too easily abused right now and have caused nothing but people complaining and getting upset. They make it less fun and fair for the other players on all servers, not just jailbreak. When I first started playing on the servers we had custom skins (r.i.p in peace sanic/error sign going fast), and they were removed for a reason. They should have stayed dead because they caused nothing but server issues and strife between players. Changing the skins enough to make them fair would be far more work than it's worth. Just put the damn custom skins back in their grave and be done with it. We took them out the first time for a reason, and reading this thread, that reason obviously hasn't changed. +1 for removal of bunny skin and all other skins from all xG servers. The right choice was made the first time and that shit storm wasn't half as bad.
  16. No. Cyberpunk caused nothing but problems and angry kids. And that music spam is atrocious. The damage decrease is really bad too. So yeah, -1
  17. "Stop camping our spawn, jessu christ" - a kid
  18. +1 has a mic and isnt irritating on it. a-8 m-8
  19. I know your not calling it gross. Do you even know what (sic.) Means? Lel
  20. Why? It's only one map. And bronies make up a significant amount of the player base. Pander to them a bit (the map is a normal jailbreak map with only a few mlp elements, wouldn't even be terrible) and they keep coming back and making the servers money. It's a great idea for the clan. Denying it because "eww ponies" (sic.) Would be stupid. If it were a pink and purple map with cutouts everywhere I would agree, but it really isnt. Take a look at the map and think of valid reasons.