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Reputation Activity

  1. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Kthxbai   
    rip in peace you will not be missed
    edit: you aren't going to get along well in groups if you attack people who don't have the same opinion as you
  2. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Maybe somewhat inactive for a week.   
  3. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in What can we do to increase traffic?   
    :loldidntread: On the up side, dr has gained popularity
  4. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Ghosty   
    Good thing you have a y on the end of your name or else I'd have to -1 you. Anyways ghosty is active on ts and servers +1
    A: 8/10
    M: 6.9/10
  5. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Official trading group   
    Hoorah! Hoorah! Hoorah!
  6. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Moosty's mona pizza challenge   
  7. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Olivegarden   
    I like his breadsticks +1
    A: 8/10
    M: 8/10
  8. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Hi!   
    welcome :)
  9. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Frame rate pls   
    It hasn't really been any different for me fps wise
  10. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Just a suggestion   
    At first glance this isn't a bad suggestion. Most TTT servers have a spectator deathmatch after you die. It's basically in the same area but you are a ghost and you can only kill other people who are in the DM. You can probably make the kill feed only show up to those people as well. The only problem might just be how this plugin affects the jb plugins as well as the logs
  11. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in :waving:   
    who is this nerd
  12. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Jail break abuse   
    It pisses off when people discriminate against wardens who are young in age. This is definitely not ok. +1
  13. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Xenogamers, xenomorphs.. coincidence?   
    Meh. Not really worth the time IMO
  14. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Ohgeez   
    active, fun to play with +1
    A: 9/10
    M: 7/10
  15. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in [poll] reduce vsh scout limit to 1   
    yes we could do that, or.....
    we could....
    -remove homing perks like we did on ff
    -just go play ff instead and invite friends
  16. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Remove the sticky jumper from jailbreak   
    sure +1
  17. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in [poll] reduce vsh scout limit to 1   
    Let me give the rundown on my view.
    -There have been countless threads about removing homing perks on hale, but nom has told us that its hard to remove the homing perks without just removing all the perks as a whole.
    -FF2 has all the bosses Hale has and more, plus no homing perks
    -The only reason hale is very populated compared to FF2 is because hale is a much older server and people don't even know about FF2
    My Solution:
    Since it is hard to remove homing perks once they have been added, I suggest we advertise FF2 on our hale server and play that if you don't like homing perks
  18. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Unusual server rules   
    Apparently vector is the only admin
  19. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in The real name thread!   
    It's sooooooooper hard to figure out my name, it's not like in clear sight or anything on steam
  20. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Why xg is not the same as it was, and ways to bring back oldxg. (serious)   
    I agree with SOME things that OP said, mainly about teamspeak segregation and some people not caring, but I feel like our higher ups in tf2 really put efforts in to better the division. @John_Madden and @kbraszzz have started multiple "pop this server" nights and didn't just sit around when our plugins broke after an update. @Nomulous has created multiple servers and coded many different things based on what we voted for on the forums. We have also been trying to recruit people from our less popular servers. Anyways, xG is not as good as it has been right now, but that doesn't mean everything is bad
  21. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Good starter champions for each role (need suggestions)   
    ww, ashe, annie, ryze good starting champs
  22. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Good starter champions for each role (need suggestions)   
    add me @Barmithian on league and I will play with you fink
  23. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Adventure gamemode   
    I never told u to make this thread muzzle. Developing a mode such as this would be hard and I was mainly talking about valve to make something like this.
  24. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in New plugin?   
    Half the time people call staff to a server (in my experience) the staff goes to the server to find that either the rule breaker stopped because you joined or was not really doing anything wrong and the person who called you was just mad. Also too much effort to make, Yada Yada Yada. -1
  25. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Decisions?   
    "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
    I took the one less traveled by,
    And that has made all the difference."