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What can we do to increase traffic?

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It's no secret that our TF2 servers have been very underpopulated as of late. Traffic has gone from our servers being full for nearly 20 hours out of the day to about halfway there part of the time, to nearly empty for the rest of the time.


I remember a day where I had to actually FIGHT to get into the TGH server. I remember having to wait for quite the duration before I could even set foot in the server. Now, that's completely different.


So what caused this downfall in popularity? Many would argue that Hub played an integral part of the decline of our server attendance. Some would argue that it was other factors, such as an increase of players actually playing the game vs going Friendly and just trading. Some would argue that it's in part the fault of the TF2 economy. Some would argue, in the case of TGH, that it was the inclusion of non-Nintendo maps. Whatever the reason, it is apparent that we are not the Trade servers we once were.


So my question to you is this: How do we fix it? I hate going into my favorite TF2 server, only to find it only halfway populated. I hate seeing our servers being utilized only by the same handful of regulars, (No offense to anyone here.) I hate not being the central trade hub that made us popular to begin with. I hate that we have taken a downhill path that has come to this point.


So, I'm asking you guys if you have any ideas on how we can fix this. How do we increase traffic to our servers? How do we reignite the interest? How do we draw attention to ourselves and bring our servers back to their former glory?


I'd love to hear what you guys think.

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I did not see a signle mention of jailbreak or saxton hale so I will ignore this thread.




Edit: What I meant was focus on populating all the servers more, not just one.


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I did not see a signle mention of jailbreak or saxton hale so I will ignore this thread.




Probably should have clarified that I intend to increase ALL of xG's TF2 server traffic, not just TGH and Pokemon. I just used those two as examples.

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Pokemon is populated often..?

Anyway, Trade Gaming just needs to be populated by people and then others will join, imo.

Pokemon does seem to be the exception. It has maintained it's popularity.


However, others have not done so well. =(

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Maybe, JUST MAYBE, we could start trading again and bring back the name Nintendo Sixty Fortress. And get rid of non nintendo maps bring back some old ones. Nintendo was the draw.


And stop being whiny chumps about everything.

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Well, it should be obvious why population is dropping, school. That's the main reason why out servers are becoming much less populated.

For the past two years, school was never a reason for dropped server popularity. We were 32/32 ALL YEAR ROUND.

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Maybe, JUST MAYBE, we could start trading again and bring back the name Nintendo Sixty Fortress. And get rid of non nintendo maps bring back some old ones. Nintendo was the draw.


And stop being whiny chumps about everything.

I'm beginning to believe this to be accurate. Searching Nintendo brings up practically nothing anymore. I think lots of people found us this way.


Perhaps we should change our name back to Nintendo Sixty Force. Perhaps we should readvertise as a Nintendo server. Perhaps we should revert to Nintendo-only maps and restore some of the former glory ones. I think that would help.

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Reason: school


And since the key factor is that its the beginning of school so people are working hard at school instead of playing games. Later on in the school year when people are use to school more people will start coming back on.

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