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  1. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Are playpoints really necessary?   
    I'd say if we remove the playpoints we would lose a lot of people, but it probably is necessary to disable the powerups in some way for the boss (blue team)
  2. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Admin/moderator abuse   
    What he described definitely isn't ok and needs some kind of explanation. Even though we don't have evidence, we should still at least hear what @Bach and @Vaporeon have to say about this.
  3. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Always running, but i will come back.... goodbye...   
    goodbye man. good luck with whatever you are doing. hopefully we will see you again soon
  4. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Music for playing specific classes?   
    does it really have to be music that fits the class? Anyways I have a playlift on spotify you can use if you want. it has 200+ songs
    edit: nvm don't listen to my music its horrible. forget about it.
  5. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Goodbye all   
    I kind of agree with you. See ya man.
  6. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Goldenrod/ecruteak pkmn maps   
    as much as i like the attack on titan opening, its prob better we keep pokemon songs. if we are going to change the songs for pokemon I would prefer if we could keep 8-bit songs
  7. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Goodbye   
  8. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in >inactivity   
  9. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Keyboard   
    I would be hard to play video games without a keyboard. We need him +1
    A: 8/10
    M: 7/10
  10. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in I have no idea what im doing...   
    Here is something you can do. You can donate towards my campaign of getting 1000 credits so I can purchase a teamspeak icon. I currently have 627 credits. Think of the children. Thank you.
  11. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Good team? thought? gen 4 hgss   
    Wow. Didn't even include me. Anyways usually I don't plan out my entire team before starting the game. Most of the time in the beginning of the game I'm focused on getting a good water type and flying type. In your team, I would get vaporeon from eevee and not get Mamoswine or Lapras and just get another Pokemon with a different type. If you really want Lapras just get Espeon from your eevee.
  12. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Glad to be here   
    Jesus Christ how many eevee evolutions are we going to get? Jk welcome dude.
  13. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Good team? thought? gen 4 hgss   
    IMO Jolteon is just as good as Vaporeon. I really agree with Crobat tho. If you have enough time to raise happiness, definitely get him for flying type.
  14. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Matsi - team fortress 2   
    Ok, I've finished watching the demo. The warden NEVER said that the reds had to wait for his OK to start dodgeball. As such, the first round, all the blues started triggering the traps and the warden never freaked out and neither did the reds. The second round, it was the exact same circumstances, but matsi triggered the traps when the reds weren't really expecting it. He also triggered them efficiently, which killed all the reds. Due to these 2 events happening simultaneously, many people freaked out because it caught them off guard, and they claimed it was freekill because "the warden didn't say go yet." However, unless the warden clarifies he must say go first, which he DIDN'T, its fine to start triggering the traps whenever. +1 for unban. Matsi didn't freekill.
    Just as a side note, this is something I always stress as warden. Sometimes I will tell the reds to go to obby and they wont start because I didn't say to start yet. My response to this is always that unless the warden clarifies when to start, you are allowed to begin once you reach there.
  15. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in I'm depressed   
    I'm assuming this thread was made because you need support. Anyways man, don't worry. Stuff like this is regular as part of life and it will get better eventually.
  16. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Xhina_sanx   
    Pretty active and pretty mature. +1
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    A 9
    M 7
  17. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Whats up guys?   
    I guess you could say you weren't really causing a commotion when you were gone.
    I'll show myself out.
  18. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Mlcastle   
    Not necessary. Map is balanced enough. I'm pretty sure you can fix the download problem by deleting the maps' files and renown loading it.
  19. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Request to change a rating   
  20. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Eyyyyyyyyyy hi   
    What's been going on chexmix? ;)
  21. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Tirisgarde   
  22. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Petition to this xg's official theme song   
    10/10 song
  23. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Removing Credits And Store   
    now i cant be pimpin. thanks obama
  24. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Remove Homing Arrows   
    i mean if we still have a good population im all for it
  25. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Irishpotatofarmer   
    +1 see him on pokemon trade a lot