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Reputation Activity

  1. Ding!
    Bach got a reaction from Kypari in Reintroduction   
    Didn't you just get in? lol
  2. Funny
    Bach got a reaction from Swift in Reintroduction   
    Didn't you just get in? lol
  3. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from Insane in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    So, can we all agree now... SPYCHECK PLEASE. THIS IS NOT PUBS. We can't lose picks to god damn dirty spies
  4. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from p0s3s3dh0b0 in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    So, can we all agree now... SPYCHECK PLEASE. THIS IS NOT PUBS. We can't lose picks to god damn dirty spies
  5. Informative
    Bach got a reaction from Dethman in Goodbye   
    @kbraszzz said I am not getting paid. SO I am goodbye
    #rip #rip #ShoutboxThreats #ThisIsNotAShitPost #ProbablyNotLeaving #rip
  6. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from Dethman in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    So, can we all agree now... SPYCHECK PLEASE. THIS IS NOT PUBS. We can't lose picks to god damn dirty spies
  7. Disagree
    Bach got a reaction from BertMacklin in Argetti1124 - team fortress 2   
    Sorry boss but you aren't getting unbanned anytime soon.
    And you mass freekilled on one server and expected to have privelleges on another?
  8. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from Stan_Laurel in #xgplaysleft4dead2   
    Yes plz. 4v4s plz
  9. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from p0s3s3dh0b0 in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    @CoolyCooly is engie? Oh fuck. Let's do iron then boys ;)
  10. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from p0s3s3dh0b0 in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    MEDIC SLUTS. @Insane is spy
  11. Agree
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in More people inactive?   
    Is it really hard to just watch one or two episodes a day? I mean, watching youtube isn't really a reason to go inactive.
  12. Optimistic
    Bach reacted to Matsi in Goodbye   
    Damn I got excited I thought this was real and that I could get on the servers again without them filled with Bach Aboose :(
  13. Disagree
    Bach got a reaction from Goblin in Presickent huatchi   
    That being said. Closing this now
  14. Smelly
    Bach got a reaction from Princess_Celest in Goodbye   
    @kbraszzz said I am not getting paid. SO I am goodbye
    #rip #rip #ShoutboxThreats #ThisIsNotAShitPost #ProbablyNotLeaving #rip
  15. Like
    Bach got a reaction from Christian in Argetti1124 - team fortress 2   
    Sorry boss but you aren't getting unbanned anytime soon.
    And you mass freekilled on one server and expected to have privelleges on another?
  16. Disagree
    Bach got a reaction from Moosty in Attack_helicopter   
    -1 Has always been annoying, continues to be annoying.
  17. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from Muzzle in Presickent huatchi   
    That being said. Closing this now
  18. Funny
    Bach got a reaction from Muzzle in Presickent huatchi   
    @matthewbt @Muzzle
    I will ban you both if you two start this shit again.
  19. Winner
    Bach got a reaction from Kypari in Sheepbunny   
    You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers!

    To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans!

    Want to get Moderator?
    There are a few ways to earn admin!

    1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field.
    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!
    3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!
    For a server list, click here.
    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/


  20. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from Dethman in Scoutthatcould   
    Hit the nail right on the head. I myself am trying to do this too. I'm gonna hopefully, (work depending) be more active on DR. Hopefully see ya on there ^^
  21. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from Dethman in Always running, but i will come back.... goodbye...   
    Bye for now turdle. Gonna miss you around boss. Keep it real and hey, life always come first. Get that all sorted out

    Godspeed you magnificent bastard
  22. Like
    Bach got a reaction from Rejects in Always running, but i will come back.... goodbye...   
    Bye for now turdle. Gonna miss you around boss. Keep it real and hey, life always come first. Get that all sorted out

    Godspeed you magnificent bastard
  23. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from Vaporeon in Admin/moderator abuse   
    Lol You've GOT to be kidding me right?
    1. No evidence on the thread means it's already invalid.
    2. Vaporeon kicked you as well as about FIVE others after repeatedly being asked to move after you all sitting there in front of the door for 15 minutes. Kindly might I add.
    3. I did the same yes. I will admit this. But this was to allow a large fight between the two teams. I have no evidence of this as well so my word has to do. (Not to mention it was for a minute, if that. And @Vaporeon did express concern for this by moving my fat ass out of the way)
    Not once. NOT. ONCE. Had we abused god whilst doing any of this (which you also have no proof of)
    I've not once had any issues with @Vaporeon and abuse of powers so I'm just going to close this now.
    So please. Next time. Before you talk about abuse of the Division Manager and a trusted mod. Get evidence please. :)
  24. Drunk
    Bach got a reaction from Barmithian in Admin/moderator abuse   
    Lol You've GOT to be kidding me right?
    1. No evidence on the thread means it's already invalid.
    2. Vaporeon kicked you as well as about FIVE others after repeatedly being asked to move after you all sitting there in front of the door for 15 minutes. Kindly might I add.
    3. I did the same yes. I will admit this. But this was to allow a large fight between the two teams. I have no evidence of this as well so my word has to do. (Not to mention it was for a minute, if that. And @Vaporeon did express concern for this by moving my fat ass out of the way)
    Not once. NOT. ONCE. Had we abused god whilst doing any of this (which you also have no proof of)
    I've not once had any issues with @Vaporeon and abuse of powers so I'm just going to close this now.
    So please. Next time. Before you talk about abuse of the Division Manager and a trusted mod. Get evidence please. :)
  25. Winner
    Bach got a reaction from Kypari in Admin/moderator abuse   
    Lol You've GOT to be kidding me right?
    1. No evidence on the thread means it's already invalid.
    2. Vaporeon kicked you as well as about FIVE others after repeatedly being asked to move after you all sitting there in front of the door for 15 minutes. Kindly might I add.
    3. I did the same yes. I will admit this. But this was to allow a large fight between the two teams. I have no evidence of this as well so my word has to do. (Not to mention it was for a minute, if that. And @Vaporeon did express concern for this by moving my fat ass out of the way)
    Not once. NOT. ONCE. Had we abused god whilst doing any of this (which you also have no proof of)
    I've not once had any issues with @Vaporeon and abuse of powers so I'm just going to close this now.
    So please. Next time. Before you talk about abuse of the Division Manager and a trusted mod. Get evidence please. :)