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Posts posted by Gwoash

  1. @Gwoash

    • FR/LR cannot be played with under 3 people, Simon says can.

    I thought first reaction and last reaction could be played with any amount of people as it doesn't actually state it in the rules, if this isn't true then -

    well everyone on jb gives orders like, "jump for LR" when there are 2 or 3 reds. :confused:



    few questions

    people cant give LR that are opinionated games?

    ex, "my lr is we do salty's spitoon tomorrow" - is this true?


    cant give LRs that involve blues on the next day?

    meaning, that pokemon, warday, hide n seek etc are all invalid LRs

  2. 1) Delaying

    for example, if the warden orders reds to go into ex Death Run and do not specify which door to go into -

    does this mean, they can go into CT?

    taking into consideration that the CT door is further away from the T door in majority of the maps we play, such as casuarina, hopjb and minecart.

    now, I have asked a few mods including nomulous about this issue, they just said that they are going to Death Run.

    now my question is, wouldn't this be delaying?

    the concept of delaying is waiting a bit, then going - taking a longer time to reach the destination, shouldn't this apply?

    sure you're in Death Run, but you've taken a longer time to reach the place hence, delaying.


    people also try to use this to their advantage and going to another yellow/red line on the map when the warden says ex Afk freeze on the yellow line.


    2) Renaming an action

    for example, if the warden says, "when I say go, go to the yellow line - afk freeze"

    now wouldn't that be considered renaming an action, though a lot of people still do it on JB, some even goes as far as to say "you must comply at 6:50" knowing full well that they haven't yet said "go". people use it intentionally to trick reds into rebelling and I feel like this is a huge tarp. hint hint. G Mask


    3) Blues off mic

    now, can you actually do this? I would personally feel like you should be able to - but in the rules it states that blue rules apply to warden also, so by saying "blues off mic", that would include the warden. speedoffreedom said the order can be given but it would include the warden too, it would seem a little silly to not be able to do this if blue team constantly talks over warden, especially when there's a good 6 guards online with a mic.


    miscellaneous questions,

    a) if LR was given that states ex "pokemon day", it does imply the whole day correct? Ex

    >freeday was given as LR

    >warden decides to do games till 5-6 (very few people)

    >then calls freeday


    >keeps doing games with less than 5 people

    >denys LR, becomes freeday anyway.

    the logic in this blows my head.

    b) no wasd in games, such as fall game? as it apparently "creates a new game", if so pokemon and hide n seek shouldn't be allowed either as it needs to be approved

    c) no team killing allowed as said in the rules under the blue section, but in general rules - it states no teamkilling at any time - so does this reds can't rid of their competitors for LR?



    a few reminders to everyone and if I am wrong, do correct me - but,

    • first reaction and simon says can be played with any amount of people.
    • last CT only occurs with more than 4, meaning 5 blues needed, not 3, not 2, but 5.
    • camping for LR only occurs when there are 3 reds otherwise, you're hiding from rebellion - although not stated in the rules, was said by a DL
    • spinning up your mini gun is not baiting
    • on panda freedays, you can't just kill because you see them on a roof that is only reachable if you climb ladders, you have to actually see them climb up the ladders to be able to kill them
    • warday can be only expanded after 2 minutes, and warden must clarify in advance (everyone seems to forget about this one)


    fix the mic glitch that occurs during the start of the round. <69 @Nomulous



    tl;dr: I talk about some crazy unicorn that I ride on.

  3. another issue I would like to point out are orders like,


    "when I say go, go to the yellow line and wasd.." etc

    although, I have already addressed this nomulous, I would like to hear everyone else's opinion, is it wrong or right?


    technically, it is tarping as you are renaming an action that reds do which is not allowed.

    "You CANNOT rename the certain actions that the reds do."

    not only that, but I have noticed recent growth in people doing that intentionally attempting to "trick people into rebelling".


    you could suggest that it is basic listening skills but then so is, "all rebels afk freeze on the yellow line" which is obviously is tarping like muffin stated

  4. speedoffreedom is actually one of the mods who know the rules well, he does his jobs correctly giving reasons after each slay, kick, ban etc. if anything, he does his job better than most mods - i haven't yet seen him 'abusing' his powers.

