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Posts posted by Gwoash

  1. after digging through ct ban list, the person who banned you is bell for the reason, "wow freekillz much".

    you most likely mass freekilled


    no point tagging bell now, cant expect her to remember something from 6 months ago

    write me a story of how sorry you are and I'll +1 for unban

  2. make a new thread dedicated to inform people of new rule changes or at the very least, add a latest changes column to the motds like counter strike

    e.g. from counter strike rules


    Latest Changes


    CT's may stay in armory until they have to hunt T's on Hide and Seek Day



    CT's may not take map specific guns unless the gun was obtained by a T first



    Mag4Mag rules are the same as Shot 4 Shot

  3. -1 I played with him the one time i installed tf2, but he asked me for a +1, so -1


    there's absolutely nothing wrong with asking for vouches, it even says in the submission guidelines: "Get to know them than send them to your app and ask if they could vouch for you."


    you can't -1 because they asked you to vouch for em, not unless their being annoying and persistent


    stahp being drunk

  4. LRs for the current round is expected to be carried out immediately without delays or detours.

    [delaying the round will only bore the remaining reds anyway]


    for example, if the red's LR is to do crush game today with all blues.

    the blues cannot sit there till the very last second to jump into crush game and say they played it.


    You can be slain for delaying LR, it would count as denial.

    It would also apply to the example you gave too.

    @kbraszzz to confirm